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Geraldine, You need to get a hold of Watchman Nees classic book entitled, "The Normal Christian Life". What your describing in your prayer request comes straight out of that book. You WILL be encouraged.

If you've read it, read it again. :-)

 2012/9/14 9:40

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England


Thanks for that 'Approved'. I read that at the beginning of the post. I just don't know what Geraldine's suffering is which will last for years ?

David Keel

 2012/9/14 11:27Profile

Joined: 2012/7/22
Posts: 32

 Re: Please pray for me

Hi Learn,

I wanted to add this caveat about hearing God's voice. Whenever we hear from our Father, we ALWAYS need to use discretion, as John said, "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but try the spirits to see if they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world," 1 John 4:1.

Jesus Himself had to be acutely aware of the spirits that were speaking to Him. The wrong spirits spoke to Him even through His disciples, for example, in the cases of both Peter and John himself (the writer of the above). Jesus speaking to "Peter" said, "Get behind Me, Satan." Speaking to John and his brother, he told them they didn't know what spirit they had.

Also, when Satan came along quoting Srciptures and otherwise tempting Jesus to miraculously manifest aspects of His rightful destiny (but in incorrect ways), Jesus had to discern who was speaking to him, and the correctness of the message being brought by the speaker.

Hebrews 4:15 says, " We have a high priest, who can sympathize with our weaknesses, One who was tempted in everything like us, but without sin" (double negative omitted for clarity). Jesus was not tempted in everything in some way not like we are, but exactly like we are. He had to discern everything He read and heard (whether in the natural or spiritual realms) to discern to true person behind the voice. This should also give us a hint of how common it is for other spirits to speak through us.

So, to discern His voice, this is the simplest way:

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2 Timothy 1:7.

When we hear from the demonic that "voice" is accompanied by fear, doubt, anger ... all of the negative emotions that form the character of the demonic and darkness. But, when we hear from our heavenly Father, His voice is accompanied by confidence (faith), courage (the power and authority of our Father), love ... all of the positive emotions that eminate from the character and being of our Father.

The exception to the above rule is when we are in rebellion from our Father and in harmony with darkness. At that time, it is not that His voice is accompanied by the aspects of darkness, but in our rebellion, we will reject Him and what He is trying to tell us, and at that moment, we can sense our refusal of Him. We know quite well what that feels like as we recall the days of our youth and teenage years when we did not want to hear what our parents told us. This is the simplest way to discern His voice.

The above is discernment from the emotional side of our soul. Discernment from the intellectual side of our soul is to use Scripture. of course, using Scripture is the most reliable test (as Jesus did). The problem is that modern doctrine is such a convoluted distortion of Scripture, that we mistake our beliefs for the teachings of Scripture. Given that, when we try to evaluate His message to us, we try to fit it into our doctrine rather than His Word, and that leads to a degree of confusion in our minds.

So, whenever you hear a voice, in whatever form it comes, be sure to discern the source. If your heart is in humble submission to Him, when you feel that unmistakable love and confidence, you can be better assured that it is from your Father.

Robert Sands

 2012/9/14 15:10Profile

Joined: 2008/7/24
Posts: 613


Hi Davidkeel,

Thanks for your concern.

I'm suffering from spiritual warfare--at least now, I know what it is. Its still ongoing. Have been for many weeks now. There was a period where it was extremely bad.

Its still bad. It hits especially the emotions/heart. It has hit my thoughts before, but that's rarer.

Edit: My 1st post said it would last years. Now, I'm not so sure. Have no idea when it will end and am tired fighting it. Can't say I am in the best shape.


 2012/9/14 17:01Profile

Joined: 2008/7/24
Posts: 613


Thanks for the Watchman Nee recommendation.



 2012/9/14 17:04Profile

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England


Hi Geraldine, in what form is it taking ? In what way are you being attacked ? Do you know why it's happening ?

David Keel

 2012/9/14 17:39Profile

Joined: 2008/7/24
Posts: 613


Suspect I'm being sifted like a wheat--think of Peter.
Guess because I got serious with God--that's when it started.
Form--it mainly attacks my emotions--can happen anytime and doesn't matter what I'm thinking. Can be thinking about God and it also hits.


 2012/9/14 17:44Profile

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England


I have been set free from many evil spirits and I was going through what I believed to be spiritual darkness and attacks for many years because I thought that was what God had planned for me.

But my thinking was wrong and it was only as I began to repent that I changed and came out of darkness.

David Keel

 2012/9/14 18:16Profile

Joined: 2008/7/24
Posts: 613


David, thanks and check your email.


 2012/9/15 2:04Profile

Joined: 2006/5/11
Posts: 519
West Sussex, England


Hi Geraldine (Learn), I agree with the things that Myst said in his post. And I liked the bit where he said about our experiences having to fall in line with the word of God. (the Bible). I thought that was just right.

When I was a young believer I thought that certain things would work, like praying and worshiping the Lord. I thought they would eventually lead to my overcoming dark periods which I honestly thought were trials from God.

But in time the Lord gave me no other way out of my darkness except to obey him. I longed to be close to Him but times of darkness kept coming. And so began a life of obeying the Lord. And scriptures being opened to me about obedience and it's power.

One day I was sitting on a train and nothing was working in my walk with God.
As I sat there I decided I would try to forgive someone who I was constantly holding a grudge against. A brother in the Lord. I said to myself that I would try to forgive him and not hold anything against him again.

It wasn't easy to do just as the Bible says : Take the hard road, the road which leads to life.
I was tempted again and again to hold grudges against him but I had to drive those thoughts away from me.

After I had forgiven him amazing things began to happen in my walk with the Lord. And I got set free from many dark things. I would say that there is more power displayed from God when we forgive someone than there is in any other form of obedience. God is for people and loves them and he wanted me to have a heart for them also.

I'm not judging you and saying you are disobedient because I don't know you at all. I hope that what I have written is helpful to you either now or in the future. If nothing works then come back and read this thread.

David Keel

 2012/9/15 9:51Profile

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