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 Re: You seek for prophets!

Thank you Anne for your efforts. I hope that anyone else reading this takes a closer look at what I have actually said other wise I have wasted my time.

Bless you sister in Him

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That which is being spoken of now concerns this present time, not some prior season! It has to do with this day but more especially the troubles which are coming on the whole world. We should not fear this day or the things to come, but we will only be able to stand as individuals if we have learned to be childish and simple in our attitude towards the Father in heaven. In the end those who are of that mind will be taken out of this world to safety and the confidence of the Lord. Many will be left and they are also God’s concern as well. It is these saints which need to be encouraged and comforted in a day of blackest darkness. For unbelieving men going from wickedness to wickedness that day will seem as a day of light, but to those who cannot receive that day to themselves it will be as a terror. Yet God will not forsake them nor leave them without shepherds to comfort them. They will be comforted and those who will be called to do the comforting are they that are willing and called to remain for that day. No title or conceit will prove sufficient for that calling so it seems to me that pressing for an understanding in others has more to do with encouraging saints in this hour to resist the prophetic man by seeking Christ Himself,. It has nothing to do with desiring to see a special class of men leading the church. It is not about leadership it is a matter of God’s calling and the responsibility it carries. Neither is it about recognition either. It seems to me unlikely that I am the only person who thinks like this. For that reason and realising that such a mind would have to be restrained through weakness I would expect that a number, perhaps even many rejected and wounded men in life will be trying to work this out as well.

For this reason I take exception to the continuous reference to prophetic wannabes and so on. It is hurtful to these men because they are already weakened in life by virtue of the way they have been treated from their childhoods. Those who have been so weakened are already fully aware and believe deeply that they are nothing in themselves. They will come from the filthiness of this life and have nothing to boast in. They will be ashamed of their former life and will ask God how it was that He allowed them to be treated so badly in their childhood. The Father will tell them that He wants them the way they are; weakened by the knowledge of their own sinfulness and the continuous rejection they have known from the beginning. They may well be making mistakes and acting foolishly and even full of pride at times and given to boastings, but if they belong to Christ they will not be best served in Him by degrading their desire to speak for God. It is offensive. They can’t do any harm on the Internet. But one day they may well walk in obedience and be found faithful and trustworthy in the local church, as well as at the end of this age. It is a calling to be worked out

Context is everything

 2012/8/17 17:26


Brother Andrew, I'm sorry that I didn't and don't understand the first paragraph and only posted to what I did understand --- the 2nd paragraph that you've quoted above.

What would you mean by, you've "wasted your time"?

I feel grieved by these words and that I don't understand your first paragraph. But don't feel any wasted time. You're my Brother.

His Best to you, Brother.

 2012/8/17 22:31

Joined: 2010/8/30
Posts: 449
Paradise, California



I want to help you to understand Brother Andrew's concern for prophetic men. Men that God is equipping, through sufferings, for a time of great darkness, will necessarily be very weak in order that they will not be sufficient in themselves, but only through the grace given to them for that hour. When a very weak vessel that God has given as a prophet hears the word "prophet wannabe" they are not edified. I hope I have discerned the heart of brother Andrew correctly in this.

Peace in Christ Jesus.



 2012/8/18 5:46Profile

 Re: You seek for prophets!

Brother Andrew, I'm sorry that I didn't and don't understand the first paragraph and only posted to what I did understand --- the 2nd paragraph that you've quoted above.

What would you mean by, you've "wasted your time"?

I feel grieved by these words and that I don't understand your first paragraph. But don't feel any wasted time. You're my Brother.

His Best to you, Brother. Anne.

Thank you Anne you are a blessing to me and a comfort. I know that I should not have said that I may have "wasted my time". This was selfish and would have served no purpose but for the grace of God. I spent four or five hours and a night’s sleep resisting my impulse to reply to your last two posts. In the end I wrote the only thing I could at that moment. As I posted I knew the flesh was in it as well as a real purpose, but I couldn’t bear to reply with a foolish construction knowing that your posts were well intended and demonstrate a concern which I do understand. This last post of yours had no less an effect on me and I went out to my front door with a cup of tea {sorry I’m English} and began to pray about it. I found myself reflecting on an episode in my life which grieves me beyond words and in it the Lord allowed me to see that even though that season is grievous to me, it was even more grievous to the Lord Himself because it was a denial of the Lord Himself. I wept and remembered that God is just and merciful. When I came back inside Travis’s post was there on my screen. I wept again because the Lord Himself had taken away the foolishness of the flesh and revealed His own hand and purposes. This is the meaning of what you are speaking about Anne, is it not? Many members, one body, one Head, even Christ Jesus our Lord.

I want to help you to understand Brother Andrew's concern for prophetic men. Men that God is equipping, through sufferings, for a time of great darkness, will necessarily be very weak in order that they will not be sufficient in themselves, but only through the grace given to them for that hour. When a very weak vessel that God has given as a prophet hears the word "prophet wannabe" they are not edified. I hope I have discerned the heart of Brother Andrew correctly in this.

Peace in Christ Jesus.


Thank you Travis you expressed my heart very well. So many saints are scattered and cast down by besetting sin. Some are wounded by false hood and some are even ravaged by wolves. In the end those who do not dress in readiness for the coming of the Lord as a thief in the night, will be found in a day of tribulation. This ought not to be, but it will be because we know that the church is become and is becoming apostate so that many saints will be caught in the net which God Himself has set to bring His children to obedience for one hour and through it perfection. This is the day in which we live not yesterday but today. We need to dress for this day and not for peace peace. There will be no peace. Those who walk in darkness will herald that day of great darkness as though it were the brightness of the sun. Its light which is no light at all will blind them to their own Peril and in it God will harden their hearts because they would not repent and believe, preferring instead the darkness itself. Those who do believe today yet are taking their ease in this world enjoying the light thereof will suddenly find themselves in a day of blackest darkness and will be appalled as they finally realise what they have done in neglecting their salvation. It may not be possible to comprehend what that day will mean for these brethren, but it is certain that in it God Himself will not abandon them nor hand them over to their enemies except that they are able to bear it. The mercy of God in this is beyond comprehension to the natural mind. In the mind of the spirit it is a cause of falling down and worshipping our God and Christ.

 2012/8/18 10:12


Dear Brothers, I do understand what is being said here. It was just this part that I don't understand - because it has to do with "some" being taken from the earth - yet a higher calling for those that are "not" taken.
"This day" as it's called in this section, that I said that I didn't understand - seems to be saying that good Saints will be taken out of this world to safety and then goes on to say that this special breed will be left behind to comfort the weaker ones that are left --- So, this is the part that I couldn't/can't understand - according to the Scriptures - eschatologically.

That which is being spoken of now concerns this present time, not some prior season!

It has to do with this day but more especially the troubles which are coming on the whole world.

We should not fear this day or the things to come, but we will only be able to stand as individuals if we have learned to be childish and simple in our attitude towards the Father in heaven.

*In the end those who are of that mind will be taken out of this world to safety and the confidence of the Lord.

Many will be left and they are also God’s concern as well.

It is these saints which need to be encouraged and comforted in a day of blackest darkness.

For unbelieving men going from wickedness to wickedness that day will seem as a day of light, but to those who cannot receive that day to themselves it will be as a terror. Yet God will not forsake them nor leave them without shepherds to comfort them.

They will be comforted and those who will be called to do the comforting are they that are willing and called to remain for that day.

 2012/8/18 12:44

Joined: 2010/8/30
Posts: 449
Paradise, California



You have always encouraged me by your great love of the scriptures. I understand that you want the sheep to hear the voice of the One Great Shepard in his Word by the Spirit. I believe that the desire of your heart is for the saints to be immersed in the Truth. The word that the Lord has put on my heart concerns the end of times.

"I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. One will be taken and the other left. There will be two women grinding together. One will be taken and the other left."

Anne, I have have remembered you in my prayers as I have been away.

Love in the Lord Jesus



 2012/8/18 16:34Profile


It's wonderful to have you back, Brother. I had noticed your absense and have been praying and hoping others were too, that GOD would bring or call back, those that have been MIA. Isn't He GOOD!?!

Yes, I thought that was the case, as you posted the verse - but I'm not pre-trib and ALL the "good Saints" would be "raptured", even if I were of that persuasion.

Now, how I 'can' reconcile the quote that I needed the light on - is that I do believe that the majority of us will either die of natural causes because HE takes us Home that way "from the evil to come" OR we will be martyred before His Return.

In 'that' case - then YES I see Andrew's lines would be something that I also saw many yrs ago. In fact I've prayed that way since the mid-80s ... that The LORD either take me Home Soon [boy would I LOVE that] OR that He would make me a literal bridge, for those that are weak to walk over to get to the other side Safe, during these last days and the trib to come.

If this is Andrew's mind - than Yes, I agree with him.

Thank you for giving of yourself & your time to help us!!!

 2012/8/18 17:41

Joined: 2012/7/12
Posts: 185
Southeast USA

 Re: You seek for prophets!

amrkelly wrote:

"The one who lied, lived and the one who spoke the truth died. There is profound wisdom in this passage for anyone who believes he is a prophet."


Saint, remember - Elijah never died. If this is the prophet that you are referring to in your statement.



 2012/8/18 18:23Profile

 Re: You seek for prophets!

amrkelly wrote:

"The one who lied, lived and the one who spoke the truth died. There is profound wisdom in this passage for anyone who believes he is a prophet."


Saint, remember - Elijah never died. If this is the prophet that you are referring to in your statement. IssacharSon

No brother this is not a reference to Elijah. If it were then it would be a claim that elijah who is presently alive in heaven, is a liar.

It is a reference to the "old man" in the passage quoted who said to the "man of God" in the same passage "I too am a prophet" and was thereby able to turn the "man of god" aside into disobedience. Which cost him his life. Reading this "old man's" words as he and the "man of God" finished their meal shows that he is a prophet. His words to the "man of God" who is also a prophet; (who rebuked a king before the altar, and was established before the altar), were themselves established by witnesses reporting that, "a man" was lying by the side of the road dead, with a donkey standing by and a lion standing by. The "old man" realised this was the "man of God" and so went to bring him back to bury him in his own grave, with the words "Ah my brother". The "old man" lied by saying that he had received an angel who had told him to bring the "man of God" home for a meal, whereas the "man of God" told the truth when asked to turn aside by declaring it was forbidden to turn aside. It was only after the "old man" said "I too am a prophet" that the "man of God" disobeyed and turned aside.

 2012/8/19 5:13

Joined: 2010/8/30
Posts: 449
Paradise, California


Thank you for the welcome back Sister

God is very Good. "For he that knew no sin was made to be sin". Jesus is so wonderful and holy and the more I love Him, scriptures, like the one above, break my heart. This is a good breaking though, like Mary's breaking the alabaster jar of perfume to anoint the Lord for his burial. Mary also washed his feet with her hair, as did a women who wet his feet with her tears. For those that are forgiven much, love much.

God bless you Sister

And Andrew, if you read this,

God is your Strength, your comfort in affliction,

and the one who would wash your feet, even with tears.

In God who is Love



 2012/8/19 5:18Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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