Theology is not a bad thing. Theological terms that are man-made (i.e. Cal, Arm, etc..) are not ok.
Am I a Calvinist? Yep... and I am a football coach... and a Conservative Republican... and a firearms instructor... and a father... and etc etc...
I'm a Christian who wears many hats... and so are you and everybody else.At the core we are Christians, but being Christians influences all the other things we are too. It sounds spiritual to say "I'm just a Christian"... but where the rubber meets the road is when we have to go out and be that influence in the world around us.Thats where the hats come in.Peter was a Christian who was a fisherman.Krispy
Krispy Kritter stated
I take it that you have not read many of Spurgeon's sermons before today, Solomon?
Up until our over senstive and easily offended age preachers often used language that we would consider to be inflammatory. What you quoted from Spurgeon is pretty mild by comparison to others of that age and before.
We've just become soft and feminized and cant handle it.
"overly sensitive preachers"
Krispy, I did cut and paste your quotes.However, if it is a problem then simply change it to , "overly sensitive age" or "overly sensitive people". Whichever you feel more accurately reflects your thoughts and address the rest of the post.It changes nothing as far as the content of mine.
good points have been made, the greatest danger to me is even tho we might find Spurgeons views and interpretation a very good match to our own and what we believe the word says, or wesley, or ravenhill or the church fathers. Or Piper, washer etc...Is when we, ill take myself as an example, i started out more reformed in my begining of my christian walk, but after years of study, learning some greek etc etc i changed many of my views on reformed theology. I still belive much of reformed theology to be what the bible says but not all.Still the danger that comes is when we do embrace a theology or a "petdoctrine" as our leaning, is when we come to the parts of scripture that does not "fit" our doctrine that we deal with them in an dishonest fashion.I have done that...we use phrases like"that does not really mean ALL..."or something else. When we try make out some parts of scripture where not written to believers etc.this is very dangerous, or we use 500 words to describe what is really meant by the use of one word that even a child will understand. to keep our "favorite" doctrine intact.Myself stopped this, and found i need not 5 points, even tho i find some truths in all 5 points of calvinism to some extent, they are not the FULL truth.and i must be ready to say when i come to certain passgaes in scripture... It is all by God, i have nothing to do with my salvation, sanctification, ability to endure or atone for one single thing, i am but a filthy worm...These i see and believe.But I also find passages that speak of me holding fast or else... passages that tell me to do this or that or else...And if the first or latter do not match up to my doctrine or theology, to deal dishonest about them is dangerous, and i have yet to find passages explained by any side to a satesfactory way to "fit in" into these doctrines, i read 20 commentarys on one verse to see on one perticular side what they said and i did not find one single answer that in a way dealt with the verse in a way i found satesfying to but is actually written there.So in this twisting and bending scripture to safeguard our belifs are dangerous and se very much i am sad to say.Better yet to say "I do not know...." but God knows..Some say well as Krispy said and i agree, study study study, but no matter how much we study who can answer how can God be a man and god at the same time? how big is God?we can not answer these questions, and as Tozer said, more intellectual women and men has tried to understand these mysteries for hundreds of years, yet we are so formed that we think we have solved it. And we may have for ourselves.I think Keith Daniels sermon on this topic is very good, agree on some or little i think some good for all of us in it to ponder.God bless the calvinists and the rest, may God bear fruit from us all as we are the pillars of truth...
It sounds spiritual to say "I'm just a Christian"...
...but where the rubber meets the road is when we have to go out and be that influence in the world around us.
Peter was a Christian who was a fisherman.
OK... this is the part where everyone begins to misunderstand everyone else... I'm sure I'm missing something here too.I dont really know how to clarify any better what I am trying to say, so in the interest of keeping things light and friendly I'm just gonna bow out now.Krispy
but at the same time, with all the divisions and variances of doctrine and theology I am rather grateful for labels.
_________________David Cisneros