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Joined: 2005/5/19
Posts: 724


Thank you for your post dear brother,

I consider myself both a Calvarist and Harmonian.


Alan and Dina Martin

 2012/5/8 15:06Profile

Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752


But I know in my heart that Calvinist and Armenians may cause us new born to fall hard.

How very true.

Preaching any man-made theological term is dangerous (Cal & Arm). Preach the cross and Jesus crucified. Walk the walk. Finish the race. Keep the faith.

Leave all the rest.


 2012/5/8 15:08Profile

Joined: 2012/3/23
Posts: 58


Preaching any man-made theological term is dangerous (Cal & Arm). Preach the cross and Jesus crucified. Walk the walk. Finish the race. Keep the faith.

Leave all the rest


David Cisneros

 2012/5/8 15:16Profile


Preaching any man-made theological term is dangerous (Cal & Arm). Preach the cross and Jesus crucified. Walk the walk. Finish the race. Keep the faith.

Leave all the rest

I disagree.

I happen to believe that Reformed Theology IS biblical theology... otherwise I wouldnt believe it. Why would someone willfully believe in a theology that they thought wasnt Biblical? Your statement doesnt even make sense.

I have to laugh when people say "I reject theology, I just believe the Bible." Well, just believing the Bible is theology.

Theology is by definition "The Study of God".

Believing in God is theology. What you think about God is theology. When you read the Bible and learn something... thats theology.

Saying things like "I hate doctrine, I just love the cross" is unscriptural. Paul commanded all of us to study to show ourselves approved... and commended the Bereans for searching the scriptures daily to see if what they were being taught was true. We are commanded all thru the New Testament to be of sound DOCTRINE.

To reject that is to reject the Bible, my brothers. It sounds real spiritual to say we only believe in the cross... and thats a good thing to seek the cross... but to say we reject theology and doctrine is to completely ignore what Paul said and commanded... and thus the Holy Spirit.


 2012/5/8 15:20

 Re: Theology and Revelation

Theology is by definition "The Study of God.

There is only one distinction between theology and revelation or truth. For me it is that theology whilst necessary by your definition KK is validated by God's revelation of Himself through His Word. This doesn't seem to me to be a mere semantic either. The Word of God is given. Theological understanding is sought. They are both valid.


 2012/5/8 15:30

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556


i rember tozer saying he smiles when he hears someone say i dont believe in creeds he said when ever apersons says i believe in for instance only teaching the cross of christ and nothing else ,,by defenition that becomes there creed

in all respect as a teacher or a lerner to not teach the full bible every verse ,and no not learn the full bible ,,is off balance,,and results in only knowing part of the truth ,,or worse only teaching part of the truth

weather we like it or not we will believe or have convictions regarding the points of what people call calvinisn

 2012/5/8 15:36Profile


I think Miccah's statement makes the most sence. Preach the cross, walk the walk,and finish the race well. You do not see this type of argument occurring inside of a shipping container. If you do not know what I am talking about Google a country called Eritrea. Then the statement will make more sence.

By the way for those of us who read the New Testament and do not hold to Reformed theology I suppose we are unbibkical. Is that correct?


 2012/5/8 15:41


There is only one distinction between theology and revelation or truth. For me it is that theology whilst necessary by your definition KK is validated by God's revelation of Himself through His Word. This doesn't seem to me to be a mere semantic either. The Word of God is given. Theological understanding is sought. They are both valid.

Now that I agree with. Keep in mind tho that his revealed truth will never contradict what He has written in His Word. Today much that passes for "theology" does. Word of Faith theology comes to mind...


 2012/5/8 15:47

Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752


I disagree.

I happen to believe that Reformed Theology IS biblical theology... otherwise I wouldnt believe it. Why would someone willfully believe in a theology that they thought wasnt Biblical? Your statement doesnt even make sense.

I have to laugh when people say "I reject theology, I just believe the Bible." Well, just believing the Bible is theology.

Theology is by definition "The Study of God".

Believing in God is theology. What you think about God is theology. When you read the Bible and learn something... thats theology.

Saying things like "I hate doctrine, I just love the cross" is unscriptural. Paul commanded all of us to study to show ourselves approved... and commended the Bereans for searching the scriptures daily to see if what they were being taught was true. We are commanded all thru the New Testament to be of sound DOCTRINE.

To reject that is to reject the Bible, my brothers. It sounds real spiritual to say we only believe in the cross... and thats a good thing to seek the cross... but to say we reject theology and doctrine is to completely ignore what Paul said and commanded... and thus the Holy Spirit.

You can disagree Krispy. You've been wrong before. It's ok. :)

I am not sure what you are talking about though. Most all of the points you made, I did not say or claim.

Theology is not a bad thing. Theological terms that are man-made (i.e. Cal, Arm, etc..) are not ok.

What are you Krispy? Are you a Calvinist, or a Christian? Which one is spoken of, BY NAME, in the Bible? I'll give you a hint, it's not Calvinism.

Here is a quote that is good to live by, by Paul Washer

“Anytime your banner becomes anything other than Jesus Christ you ought to be afraid of Hell. If your banner is “I’m a Calvinist”, if your banner is “I’m a homeschooler”, if your banner is this, that, or anything else, if you’re rallying under any other name than Jesus Christ; you’re in danger. You are in danger!”~Paul Washer…


 2012/5/8 15:49Profile


By the way for those of us who read the New Testament and do not hold to Reformed theology I suppose we are unbibkical. Is that correct?

No, I never said that. You're putting words in my mouth. There is plenty I dont know or understand, and for me to declare someone who may disagree with me on some things to be unbiblical would be wrong. If I can point something out to you that is very clearly stated... and you reject it... then yes, you would be "unbiblical".

But for you to read Romans and get a different take on it than me... hey, do share with me. Maybe there is something I'm missing.

At the same time, brother, keep in mind that on almost every thread where I start to discuss this topic I get told that I am unbiblical because I do hold to Reformed Theology. The road goes both ways.


 2012/5/8 15:52

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