Poster | Thread |
| Re: | | I may have a glass of wine with a meal (or a coconut margarita at one certain Mexican restaurant) on occasion, but I will only do it in the privacy of my own family. If I think we may run across someone I know who has a problem with alcohol, or if we are with someone I even think may have a problem with it (even if they would say its OK, no problem), I would not. Generally, I'll have a drink on occasion that me and my wife are on a date alone or every once In awhile with the wife & kids. If it became a problem for me, or a place of stumbling for others, I would not drink at all. |
| 2012/4/30 9:57 | | AbideinHim Member

Joined: 2006/11/26 Posts: 5185 Louisiana
| Re: Freedom, but not to sin or stumble. | | It seems that we all have many questions concerning our behavior as Christians. Can I do this or that as a Christian? So, we usually ask our brothers and sisters what is acceptable to the Lord and get a variety of answers, many of them being contradictory.
God is going to speak to us through His Word and the Word of God is very clear concerning many issues, but some matters are ambiguous. So what do we do in this case?
God has given us the Holy Spirit to dwell within us to lead us into all truth. If we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit then we will know inwardly what to do in every situation. The Holy Spirit will lead us and guide us if we have a tender conscience and are teachable willing to deny ourselves. We must have a heart that is set on obedience. "Not my will but your will be done." If we love the Lord with all of our heart we will keep His commandments, and God has written His law in the hearts and minds of every born again believer. Pastors and teachers are gifts to the Body, but there is a Teacher that lives on the inside of us that will lead us by the anointing if we allow Him to. I love this story by Watchman Nee on the inner witness of the Holy Spirit.
"I went, late one summer, for a prolonged period of rest to a hill-resort where accommodation was difficult to obtain, and while there it was necessary for me to sleep in one house and take my meals in another, the latter being the home of a mechanic and his wife. For the first two weeks of my visit, apart from asking a blessing at each meal, I said nothing to my hosts about the Gospel; and then one day my opportunity came to tell them about the Lord Jesus. They were ready to listen and to come to Him in simple faith for the forgiveness of their sins. They were born again, and a new light and joy came into their lives, for theirs was a real conversion. I took care to make clear to them what had happened, and then, as the weather turned colder, the time came for me to leave them and return to Shanghai.
During the cold winter months the man was in the habit of drinking wine with his meals, and he was apt to do so to excess. After my departure, with the return of the cold weather, the wine appeared on the table again, and that day, as he had become accustomed to do, the husband bowed his head to return thanks for the meal but no words would come. After one or two vain attempts he turned to his wife. 'What is wrong?' he asked. 'Why cannot we pray to-day? Fetch the Bible and see what it has to say about wine-drinking.' I had left a copy of the Scriptures with them, but though the wife could read she was ignorant of the Word, and she turned the pages in vain seeking for light on the subject. They did not know how to consult God's Book and it was impossible to consult God'smessenger, for I was many miles away and it might be months before they could see me. 'Just drink your wine', said his wife. 'We'll refer the matter to brother Nee at the first opportunity.' But still the man found he just could not return thanks to the Lord for that wine. 'Take it away!' he said at length; and when she had done so, together they asked a blessing on their meal.
When eventually the man was able to visit Shanghai he told me the story. Using an expression familiar in Chinese: 'Brother Nee', he said, 'Resident Boss* wouldn't let me have that drink! ' ' Very good, brother', I said. 'You always listen to Resident Boss!' Many of us know that Christ is our life. We believe that the Spirit of God is resident in us, but this fact has little effect upon our behaviour. The question is, do we know Him as a living Person, and do we know Him as Boss '?"
'Resident Boss'-The author's own rendering of Ii-mien tang-chia tih.-ED.
_________________ Mike
| 2012/4/30 10:56 | Profile | MrBillPro Member

Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 3422 Texas
| Re: | | Quote:
AbideinHim...We usually ask our brothers and sisters what is acceptable to the Lord and get a variety of answers.
Which is a mistake! Jesus died for our sin/sins, right? I think I will go to the person that can wash away my sins, not just give an opinion, that's more than likely going to be based on their personal lifestyle, or walk. _________________ Bill
| 2012/4/30 11:02 | Profile | rbanks Member

Joined: 2008/6/19 Posts: 1330
| Re: | | quote I may have a glass of wine with a meal (or a coconut margarita at one certain Mexican restaurant) on occasion, but I will only do it in the privacy of my own family. If I think we may run across someone I know who has a problem with alcohol, or if we are with someone I even think may have a problem with it (even if they would say its OK, no problem), I would not. Generally, I'll have a drink on occasion that me and my wife are on a date alone or every once In awhile with the wife & kids. If it became a problem for me, or a place of stumbling for others, I would not drink at all. quote
I haven't read this whole thread but this disappointing to read. Paul said that if eating meat offended by brother then I would eat no meat as long as the world stands.
How do you know when you go to a public place who is going to see you at anytime and knowing the lives that have been damaged and destroy by alcohol and how do you know your kid might say one day I can drink in moderation like daddy and end up addicted and destroying his life and others.
Oh, that Christians who talk the talk would walk the walk. Oh that Christians would get filled with the Holy Ghost to overflowing and they wouldn't want to touch the stuff.
Blessings...from brother rbanks |
| 2012/4/30 11:59 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
Paul instructed Christians to use a little wine for the sake of their stomachs and often infirmities.
Actually Paul did not instruct Christians to do that, he was personally instructing Timothy because apparently Timothy had some sort of issue. That passage is inspired, but it was not written to all believers for all time. It was written to Timothy from Paul, in a very personal way.
I do drink red wine, my cardiologist recommended it after my heart attack as part of my medical regimen.
My wife and I are friends with a couple where the husband is learning the craft of wine-making. He is getting very good at it, and there is nothing wrong with going to their house and enjoying a bottle of his wine with them.
Do I flaunt it? No. I dont drink in front of people who I think might stumble in their walk. But I'm not going to cover it up either because thats being deceitful.
This falls into the category of Christmas, Easter, not working on Sunday, etc etc... it's a matter that needs to be decided by the believer with the prompting of the Holy Spirit. For many it violates their conscience to have a glass of wine. To them I say: Dont drink it!
There are those who can do it with full freedom. To them I say: Just consider your weaker brother before yourself.
And both parties need to not judge one another.
I dont beleive for one second Jesus Created something that if we took too much of it , it then could cause havoc in our life do you?
Then you do not believe the Bible, my friend. What do you do with this passage? John 1:3 "All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made."
You are actually coming close to blaspheming God because you are saying that Satan has the power to create. You are calling Lucifer a creator. Lucifer has never created anything... ever... Period.
Krispy |
| 2012/4/30 14:38 | |
| Re: | | By the way... my spider-senses tell me this was a hit-&-run thread. Someone signs up, posts something like this, and then sits back and watches the chaos unfold.
Krispy |
| 2012/4/30 14:46 | | jimp Member

Joined: 2005/6/18 Posts: 1481
| Re: | | hi, i wish to make it very clear that i hate drunkedness for my own mother was a fall down drunk for over 25 years of my life and it was awful to be a part of.saying that; i see no where in the bible that wine is forbidden since the alch. is the purifier of the water and happened naturally in the fruit in just a few days. i give freedom for anyone to have a glass of wine around me and if i think it would be offensive to them i would join them in a few sips. jimp |
| 2012/4/30 15:54 | Profile |
| Re: | | I had an uncle that lived his life a drunkard and committed suicide a little over a year ago to avoid going back to jail for DUI.
I also know full well the effects of drunkeness. But like Jim, I love truth.
Many people are gluttons, and suffer the effects of it. I still eat food.
Krispy |
| 2012/4/30 16:11 | |
| Re: | | Rbanks, Do you ever eat meat in public? If so, what if someone might possibly see you who might possibly be offended? Some may be offended of a woman wearing pants. Does your wife ever wear jeans/pants in public? What if she might possibly see someone that might possibly be offended by it? I think this needs to be run through the filter of what Paul was/wasn't saying, prayed upon, and lead by the Word of God with the Spirit of God to help us understand. If not, we can "tithe of our dill, cummin, etc...& miss the weightier measures of the law". If my wife wearing jeans offends a brother/sister we know we will be around, we will pray and avoid offending them. If we get into what might possibly at any time offend anybody and avoid it all - well, put away all your tea/coffee, any meat at all (some say we can't eat animals God created), jeans, shirts with any emblem on them, any alcohol, all makeup, wife cant cut her hair at all ever, etc. We can use wisdom to pray for the Holy Spirit to help us understand these scriptures discernibly. If not, you should avoid ANYTHING that might possibly offend ANYONE at ANY TIME that you may run into at Wal-Mart who might be offended. If you have/are doing that - do it unto the Lord and I will not judge you but pray you are blessed. If you are not, you don't even meet your own standard by your interpretation of these passages. So I would be careful/cautious in judging others in this respect for having a glass of wine on a date between husband/wife. I get what you're saying and may God bless you for it, but i would stringly advise you to just be slow to judge another in this matter. God Bless - Jeff |
| 2012/4/30 16:29 | |
| Re: | | You know what offends me? Offended people.
Seriously tho, we are confusing offending someone the way Paul meant it, and the way it's meant today. He doesnt mean someone is upset by something, or judging someone.
He's saying we should not do something that might cause a brother to fall into sin. I dont drink in front of most people because there could be a weak Christian who struggled with alcohol... they see me drink... assume it's ok for them and the next thing you know they are back in the bottle.
My wife wearing make-up is not going to make someone stumble. Actually it might cause someone to stumble and fall down on the pavement because she is very pretty... lol....
If someone is judging me because I'm wearing a Skynyrd t-shirt with the sleeves cut off... thats not the same thing as causing someone to take a drink who should not do so. One man is offended because he has time enough on his hands to worry about my t-shirt... and someone who follows my example, but for him it's a sin.
Make sense?
Krispy |
| 2012/4/30 16:37 | |