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Joined: 2012/4/28
Posts: 1

 in regards to drinking alcohol as a christian

If its ok to drink alcohol as achristian then does that mean i can take and open a bottle of budweiser at church , or spark open a can of beer at the housegroup , If its ok to drink alcohol then as much as its ok to drink soda at church n housegroup then should i not be able to drink alcohol. I dont beleive for one second Jesus Created something that if we took too much of it , it then could cause havoc in our life do you? , And the wine that jesus created was non alcoholic , in order for wine to be alcohol it has to be boiled and have sugar added, The wine jesus sope of was the fruit of the vine. And in the verse where it was said why did you leave the best till last , I know many times befroe i was a christian when i got drunk even if i was handed non alcohilc beer or wine, if i was t drunk i wasnt able to tell the difference . There is no way the wine My Savior created was alcohol. I hear people say in moderation , well in that case it must be ok to smoke pot in moderation or take a hit of heroin in moderation. This being able to drink alcohol and as long as you take it in moderation is a lie from the pit of hell.When i came online to look for the book sipping saints i saw this website and i had to join as i felt the Lord to tell me to join and write this when i saw the somments on christians drinking alcohol.

 2012/4/28 23:14Profile

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556

 Re: in regards to drinking alcohol as a christian

be not drunk with wine but be filled with the holy spirit

paul exorted the christan ., wye would he exort a christan not to be drunk on a fruit juce unless the fruit juce called wine had the potenial to get one intoxacated

there was alchol in wine ,and enough if one didnt watch it,to get one drunk wiich was disipatation sin

the called jesus a wine bibeler ,for the fact that he did drink a wine that contained an alchol content

drinking or eating anything in the church meeting was prohibited by paul the apostal ,,he said quote dont you have houses to eat and drink at ,

for the sake of shaming the poor christan who had not

and for the sake of being a stubling block to weaker christan who thought you should only eat herbs and vegatables,,,and others who thought you should not drink wine ,,,,he said dont be a stumbling block ,regarding your liberty ,,,

so according to scripture one is forbided to eat and drink wine in the chruch ,and in the presence of certaint believers

gods child it would be respectfull on your part ,that you intraduce your self befor rebuking the brothers and sisters in sermon index ,noing that paul said to timothey ,rebuke not an elder ,,,there are elders in here who may have a different view

maraijwana ,,,is a verry different drug ,and is never used in moderation ,,,one or two puffs on a joint is gone passed moderation

sister wine can be made from just chrushing the grapes,,,and with out the adding of yeast or sugar ,,in a few days ,to a few weeks ,you will have an alcohol wine

grapes contain all the sugar needed ,and even a natural wild yeast is presesnt on the skins

sister with all respect ,,,you have not read the scripture properly before posting ,,the lord did not ask you to post this about wine with out knowing the scriptures ,nor how wine is made ,,,,,,,god bless you for you zeal


ps god created food ,,and if you eat to much it is as bad as geting drunk ,,its all glutony to much food or grap juce ,,or wine ,, to much sport , to much fishing ,to much shoping ect ,,,,,its all sinfull

 2012/4/28 23:53Profile

 Re: in regards to drinking alcohol as a christian

I don't believe for one second Jesus created something that if we took too much of it , it then could cause havoc in our life do you?

Ah, moderation indeed.

Well Brother, have you considered obesity? God created food for us to enjoy, but look at us today. We are fat, bloated, health problems galore. People are having heart attacks and stroke, diabetes is on the rise and all this due to poor eating habits.

"I don't believe for one second Jesus created something that if we took too much of it that it would cause havoc in our life".

Moderation is key.

And the water that Jesus turned into wine was wine. The point of the story was an allegory, He was showing that the New Wine of His Spirit (the holy Spirit) will be poured out to all men, to the whomsoever will. Jesus went further in saying that you don't put new wine into old wineskins. Why? because the old wineskins are not strong enough to hold the pressure. We as wineskins need to have a new spirit within us in order to hold the power of the Holy Spirit when He comes in, else it will kill us.

What you'll need to do is come to grips with what is written and what your not able to receive. If your not able to receive that Jesus turned water into wine, leave the matter alone and walk away from it until understanding does come.

Jesus is not encouraging men to drink wine, your missing the point of the story. However if men drink wine it is not a sin if he give thanks in the sincerity of his mind to do so. Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Some can partake having faith to do so, others cannot and we must respect those that cannot. Obviously you cannot and we as the body of Christ must respect that. Just for the record, I do not drink myself. However, I know believers that do and they do it respectfully and discreetly not wishing to offend any weak brothers mind.

 2012/4/29 0:20

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862

 Re: in regards to drinking alcohol as a christian

First welcome to the forum I see its your first post here. If you haven't already you should check out the rules and guidelines of the forum. :)

Second, did you know that everything in this world without restraint can kill you? If you drank too much water you could actually die? Or if you only ate carrots and ate them excessively they would kill you?

Did you know that many use marijuana to ease pain rather than use heavy pain killers? That of course is in moderation.

That many people drink a shot of vodka or a glass of wine to help with tension and heart problems?

Do I personally drink? No, but its not forbidden by Christ Jesus or Paul infact Paul advised Timothy to drink a little wine to help his stomach problems.

Matthew Guldner

 2012/4/29 1:42Profile

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862

 Re: in regards to drinking alcohol as a christian

I would like to add this topic hasn't been brought up for a while now. Perhaps what you have written is a copy paste job because saying this is an indication you haven't really studied or saw a post that sincerely concerned you enough to join. Many people join to push an agenda which is something heavily frowned upon. I do hope you are serious about fellowshiping and learning from the resources and mature brothers and sisters of this site.

Matthew Guldner

 2012/4/29 1:55Profile

Joined: 2010/4/19
Posts: 447

 Re: in regards to drinking alcohol as a christian

And the wine that jesus created was non alcoholic , in order for wine to be alcohol it has to be boiled and have sugar added, The wine jesus sope of was the fruit of the vine. And in the verse where it was said why did you leave the best till last , I know many times befroe i was a christian when i got drunk even if i was handed non alcohilc beer or wine, if i was t drunk i wasnt able to tell the difference .

Welcome to the forum!

Regarding your comments above, if I'm drinking Welches grape juice, even the most ignorant sinner would not accuse me of being a 'wine bibber' and they did Jesus. While people would like to draw confusion into this verse, there is none.

Again, welcome to the forum!!

 2012/4/29 2:19Profile

 Re: in regards to drinking alcohol as a christian

Alcohol was stumbled upon by Noah. Yet he is called a "preacher of righteousness" in the Scripture.

The wedding feast was a real wedding feast and the wine was real wine. How else could Jesus have been accused of being a 'drunkard'.

I have heard a number of pastors, in my youth. preaching that Jesus did not manifest wine from water so as to be able to get drunk on it. This is said, no doubt to protect the flock. However, it does require one to change the meaning of Scripture to press it on the hearer.

The meaning of drunkenness in the Scriptures is 'dissipation'. Which means to pour out the truth to no good effect. Or to make ineffectual the truth which is already possessed. Alcohol is nothing of itself unless you become drunk on it. Whether you or I drink or not drink, is a matter for ourselves. It is a matter of judgement. It may even be a matter of obedience to God's calling in our lives.

I am sorry that you received an instruction regarding elders. There may be many elders on sermonindex, but the ground of their authority is local. However, their is authority over sermonindex which cannot be ignored. This is the way it is. I don't think that those who have authority here are really concerned about a new poster 'instructing' others over such a small matter. You said that the Lord put it on your heart to join and to post. Well that's the way it is then. Who can argue with that. What you get out of obedience may not be agreement, but another more perfect understanding. Only you can tell.

Noah wasn't seeking to make alcohol, but he did by chance. I imagine that he didn't share the recipe though. In his day there were enough problems without adding drink!

Be encouraged and you will no doubt give and receive a blessing from above.


Re-Posted with a better attitude.

 2012/4/29 4:36

Joined: 2011/7/29
Posts: 683
northern USA

 Re: in regards to drinking alcohol as a christian

Paul instructed Christians to use a little wine for the sake of their stomachs and often infirmities. Where did you get the info that the wine Jesus or Jews made contained no alcohol? I have heard that before but have never heard tell where it came from.

Personally i don't drink any alcohol whatsoever, and neither did my godly Christian grandmother. But i do not judge Christians who have a glass of wine at dinner or a glass of beer now and then, as long as they don't get drunk.

 2012/4/29 7:55Profile

Joined: 2011/7/29
Posts: 683
northern USA


QUOTE: "Alcohol was stumbled upon by Noah. Yet he is called a "preacher of righteousness" in the Scripture.
The wedding feast was a real wedding feast and the wine was real wine. How else could Jesus have been accused of being a 'drunkard'."==amrkelly

AMRKELLY, i know what you meant in your quote but just to clarify just in case anyone else might not know:
1. Jesus was never drunk
2. People can drink wine at a wedding without getting drunk, if they limit themselves; just because Jesus made wine for the wedding does not mean He was giving an ok to drunkenness.
3.Noah got drunk by accident and that was before the Law, just as having multiple wives was overlooked before the Law of Moses was written.

 2012/4/29 8:01Profile

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862


Not to mention the typical Jewish wedding feast lasted 7 days and the entire community was generally invited. The family ran out of wine and this would have been a huge disgrace to the family so Christ spared the young couple of social embarassment by providing more than enough wine for the rest of the festival while at the same time showing us the beauty of the New Wine to come.

Matthew Guldner

 2012/4/29 8:17Profile

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