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Joined: 2011/9/30
Posts: 1211


When a sinner enters hell it will be because of his/her rejection of the light that was presented to them.

The key is that they are responsible for rejecting the Truth. And there will be no misunderstandings as God reveals the hearts.


 2012/4/13 15:12Profile


Gal 4:9-11 But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage? (10) Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. (11) I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.

 2012/4/13 17:34

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556


hey dave ,what iam saying is at the time jesus spoke to his jewish decipls this parable it was spoken in contex to the jews and not gentils ,,because as we jesus only went out to the lost sheep of the house isral ,as he said his ministrey in the flesh was to the jew , in that contex he spoke the parable ,,now as getiles we have been grafted in to the tree or the vine as a whole as paul said ,but not through the new birth through ,god turning his eye and hand to the gentile people as a whole and in that contex it aplies to us we as a gentile people have been grafted in to colective blessing of the propagation of the gosple and the gifts of the spirit ,and as a whole any gentile who does not execpt god gifts and bare good fruit will be cut of bundled up and cast in the the evalasting fire until the time of the gentile is fulfilled ,
so if a gentile does not recieve christ and adide in the vine he will be cut of

 2012/4/13 18:21Profile

Joined: 2011/9/30
Posts: 1211


so if a gentile does not recieve christ and adide in the vine he will be cut off

Hi Gary,

For the sake of clarification. Did you mean to say "not receive Christ and abide in the vine".

If so, what does "abide in the Vine" mean to you?


 2012/4/13 18:58Profile

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556


gyes think the bible does show ,that gods gosple was not even givern to some people ,,his deciples asked why jesus why do you speak in parables and he said to you friends it is givern to no the mysters of the kingdom ,but to others ,it has not been givern ,this is why i speak in parable ,so that hearing they may NOT HEAR ,seeing they may not percieve ,LEST THEY turn and be healed

he has mercy on who he wills
and he hardens whom he wills
but you will say oh man ,who can resist his will
but who are you oh man to reply back to god
shall the think form say to the one who formed it why did
you make me this way

my scriptue memory is not verry good ,but by memory
god has not givern the blessing of the goosple to all men
but he has chossen some to offer it too

he is not under oblgation to ofree grace to all men ,other wise it would not be grace but a obligationl debt god is not under obligation by a higher law or we by our pitfull understand do not bring god undera percieved oblgation to save all of us

scince the creation of the world his invisable atirubutes are cleraly seen by them things wich are made,even his eturnal power and god head so we are with out excuse

most men have rejected the revalation that god has givern of him self ,defiled there concences ,and dilibretly broken his laws and blasphemed
and out of his grace and mercy and GOOD PLEASURE offers to save some and knows who he will save all that the father has givern me will come to me his will is that i will lose none but raise him up in the last day ,he shall never perish

 2012/4/13 19:00Profile

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556


hi pligrim to me it means to be in the vine ,and then to remain in the vine ,,,,but where i think i differ from the regular arminian ,is one who has truly been attached to the vine ,the evedence is that he is abiding and will abide ,because of the one who works in you both to will and to do for his good pleasure

if we understand grafting ,we know that not all thoses grafs take properly to the vine many remain stunted and will be cut off and the ones baring good growth and fruit,a left


 2012/4/13 19:26Profile

 Re: Christ speaking in Parables.

Surly the reason why Christ began to speak in parables is self explanatory. The words given as an explanation of The Lord attend to the day in which these parables were spoken. I realise that the parables are a source of great nourishment to us today, even as they were by private explanation in the Lord's Day of speaking. It cant be possible though to apply the Lords' explanation at that time, to anyone today, as the explanation attends to certain men who though they knew by signs and wonders who Christ was, still accused Jesus of labouring in the power of Satan.

 2012/4/13 19:35

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556


i think the scripture frank posted ,the end of it will have two situations ,,one ,the true bornagaing christan will hear the message of paul and repent and continue,and two,,the others who are like judus ,,experance the seeds of repentance ,and liberation from the power of gods gosple as judas preacherd the gosple and cast out demons ,,but as jesus said one of them was a devil ,tho he look like a christan ,,,,the change was only on the mind
and never a compleat change of the heart ,these were never a true christians as judus was never a true deciple

so i think the letter to the galations ,was geared to apeal to both types people

 2012/4/13 19:39Profile

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556


hi arm kelly ,,,christ did give an explantion ,he implyed it was to vail the gosple ,, he even explained what the parables ment to those who he had chosen so it was not obscure to them

well i think it is verry possable to apply it to day ,or is is possable to see it happening to day ,,,by people who still say more or less the same about jesus andd the word of god ,,give or take signs and wonders

paul even said of god sending out strong delusion

he shows mercy on whom he wills and he hardens whom he wills
this can be conected to a vailing of the gosple for gods reasons and pleasurs

 2012/4/13 19:49Profile

 Re: The Parables

You may be right Brother. No doubt the world denies Christ. And no doubt that in these latter days and hours God has given a deluding spirit to those who truly reject Christ. The Lord's explanation though does clearly state that He was thereafter hiding the gospel so that those who had blasphemed the Spirit might not turn and believe. The conclusion was 'they had rejected God's will for their lives'. Your thought that this can be applied to today seems to me to be probably right on reflection. The only real difference is the miracles and wonders which were denied. Thanks.

 2012/4/13 20:04

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