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| IF it were possible. | |
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
Behold, I have told you before."
The elect shall not be deceived, but saved. In this I am eternally secure...but..I press in, in the fear of the Lord.
"That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended!!! [ Paul did not count his salvation as "apprehended." ]
...." but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!"
or......we blotted out, because we defiled our garments.
"Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.
"He that overcometh,.. THE SAME.. shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels."...Jesus
Here is another reference to Holy Spirit filled believers warned that they too could lose their Salvation, from the Lord Himself, very clearly.
"CUT OFF" means Hell. What do you think "overcomers" means?..and if they are always saved to begin with, why then would they have to overcome?
This doctrinal foundation stretches back to the first man born of a woman, and has trailed through out time itself.
"Then the LORD said to Cain, Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.
If Cain remained as one defeating sin in his life through submission to God, he is saved, a righteous man. If Cain defiles his garments, by submitting to the sin crouching at the door of his heart, jealousy, anger and murder, he loses God, and is cut off.
It is the nature of holiness and righteousness. Our sacrifice has already been given, and we were made sons and daughters, but rebellion is also bound up in our natures. We, the Born from above ones, overcome by: 1. THE BLOOD OF JESUS 2. THE WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY. 3. NOT LOVING OUR OWN LIVES UNTO OUR DEATH, BUT HIS.
The warning all throughout the bible is that we can give in to unbelief, and the sin crouching at the door of our heart, and fall away from the living God.
"BRETHREN".......Those saved ones born again;
"Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that FALLS AWAY from the living God. "
" But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called Today, so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. "
| 2012/4/12 12:06 | | bakary Member
Joined: 2010/10/6 Posts: 169 GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA
| Re: | | Salvation , salvation, salvation from what ? What does Christ give and what is all that He can give me ? When do I need Christ ? How often do I need Him ? Can I received everything from Christ without seeking ? If I received Christ strength today is it possible to loss it tomorrow ? If I have light today and tomorrow darkness overcome me am I still in the Light or darkness and Have I lost the Light or do I still have it ? What are things that I can received without asking and those that I received when i ask ? Is it possible for God to call and i responds not ? Can I lost the holiness He gives me today because of my carelessness and watchful-less? Do all Gain what Gods Has stored in for them ? If not why and if yes how about those that feed on milk while they should have been eating meat as the apostles told us ? Have they Lost something they should have gain or not ? Was Judas ischariot Chosen and was he Lost ? Are we not a chosen spiritual generation as was Judas ? Salvation in Christ is a relationship all is a free gift. God calls to give freely and man response to receive freely. Even our faithfulness in our responsibility all is freely given because our existence comes from Him . When we pray we fast we take heed all ability is given to us as He planned before the foundation of the world this are the means He will used to Safe and conform us to His will in His image. Therefore let everyman know that he must corporate with Him in His work or else He will lose and lose for eternity. We do not corporate to Him today and tomorrow go on living our own ways and walking in our own judgment and still think He is still the fruits of our works and is happy with our own dirty works , because we believe since we were safe yesterday by collaborating with Him every other thing we do can never be out of His plan even when we have nothing but our own plans and ways. What type of salvation is this ? _________________ JAMES F JARJOU
| 2012/4/12 12:07 | Profile |
| Re: | | Thanks for the posting of 'Scripture' Brother Tom.
by passerby on 2012/4/12 9:05:33
Christian salvation is not just sitting back and lay idly or wantonly expecting His blood to cover it all, there is an asssurance of wrath to someone who will do that.
We need to abide in Him and persevere in righteousness to the end, that is the reality of it, but if it is just by foreknowledge that somebody will be faithful unto death then our salvation is just a play chance and it is a losing game. The Lord indeed knows, but how do we know?
It is a two way cooperative relationship, that is true but the paradox is, really as humans we can do nothing at all.
...'And He Keeps them'...Have we really thought about that so seriously, or sought the Lord about this in a matter of life and death?
We're all about to have our Love for Him tested. The more you Love Him - the more you fear Him. That's my belief - just as a wife fears the loss of a Good husband. She couldn't bear the thought of living one day without him, nonetheless, etenity without him. That's the fear that comes through love. And if we love Him - He says we'll love others. To love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength is the fulfilment of it all. It 'is' all about Love - His two commandments are the Bottomline.
Thank you for your replies. |
| 2012/4/12 12:13 | | pilgrim777 Member
Joined: 2011/9/30 Posts: 1211
| Re: | | Easy-believism implies there is no cost. If there is no cost, then that implies there is nothing to earn.
Tell that to the Rich Young Ruler. He "believed", but could not earn a place with Jesus, because he refused to PAY the cost.
There is no such thing as Easy-Believism.
What was "easy" about the confession of the thief on the cross?
A man (Jesus) next to him was being tortured and killed as a criminal. He was also being mocked by those who rightly prosecuted the thief. The pillars of the community, the righteous leaders who had passed judgment on the thief also passed judgment on the Lord. Ostensibly, the thief accepted his judgement and why did he not accept the Lord's judgement, too.
Do you think it was easy for the thief to arrive at his confession with all those people being present, who had rightly prosecuted him?
What was easy about his last act being a seemingly foolish act?
And what is easy about those of us today, who not only confess and believe on the Lord Jesus (words) but also follow Him each day (works) as if we truly believed our confession?
Is there anything really easy about leaving our comfortable world where we walk by sight (things we are familiar with) to then follow someone with all our heart, mind and strengthwe whom we have never seen?
The thief's confession was not easy, but God gave him grace to hold fast his confession and not waver. God also gave him revelation of who Jesus was despite the seeming overwhelming evidence of Jesus being crucifed as a criminal and having all the so-called righteous pillars of society looking up at you.
Has your Christian confession and walk been easy? What is one sign or indication for us that we should examine ourselves, whether we be in the faith and whether Christ dwells in us?
Maybe...Beware when all men shall speak well of you.
Luke 6:26 Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.
Jas 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
Many people think the thief on the cross did not have any "works". If confessing to the throng of the self-righteous and self-assured that Jesus is Lord is not a righteous work to back up true faith, then I don't know what is. |
| 2012/4/12 12:22 | Profile |
| Re: | | Appolus didn't you say you had fell away before and the Holy Spirit came back? I believe brotherTom has said the same thing, what encouragement can you give professing believers who whether saved or not before have fallen from the Lord, not completely, but lacking the sense of his Holy Spirit for some time and those same people's hearts becoming hard towards God and living righteous and holy? Their are so many today that i have noticed especially on the web who have said they have lost their salvation or the Lord has left them and they can never seem to have any assurance again and our in fear all the time, one person i was reading yesterday was saying for like 40 plus years or something the Lord had left him? I have noticed this as a big struggle and also with myself, someone who experientally experienced the Holy Spirit and a love for his word and to serve the Lord, but through sin my heart was hardened or is hardened and i and others seem to be falling and falling and at the same time crying out to God for years, seeking him in his word and prayer, but becoming harder to him and blinder to him, what can we do and is their any encouragement for those sruggling? Were we ever saved or are we like those in Mark 4 who never become completley fruitful? I speak myself for some of the descriptions of this condition of falling away i was talking about. |
| 2012/4/12 12:37 | |
| Re: | | John, I say this only because I want to see the day that we all can walk in total transparency with one another and believe that is what He requires of all of us - "truth in the inward parts". Whenever you post for prayer - you 'must' tell the whole of the story - that you've shared here in the past. That you were only saved for 2 months before you were back at sin and that was maybe 9 or 10 yrs ago, that you made that confession of faith. This is all important to look at the whole of those days and only fair to those that would know how to answer and pray for you. Believe me, I am definitely not being mean to you - but I know that He needs our complete honesty & openess when we request prayer. Transparency and honesty makes a world of difference in how the Brothers would know how to counsel and pray with you. The LORD doesn't "leave us" - we leave Him. I pray His Best for you, Always and in His love. |
| 2012/4/12 12:52 | |
| Re: | | Quote:
Brother you can survive because the Lord Himself is able to keep you.
Exactly! People are saying that WE must endure to the end, and that WE must live in Christ, and that WE must walk in righteousness...
And all of that is true! But who enables you to do that? YOU? You're own strength? If you could do that you would not need a Savior... nor the Holy Spirit.
You can not do any of that by yourself, yet the way people are wording this it sounds as if YOU are going to do that on your own. You could never do it before Christ, and you can not do it now... UNLESS He enables you.
God enables you. If you persevere to the end it's only because God enabled and strenghened you to do it.
So there it is... God saves, and God enables. Not you.
We need to be very careful because how things are being said here it comes real close to skating on the thin ice of "works righeousness"... or "works salvation".
Krispy |
| 2012/4/12 12:52 | | passerby Member
Joined: 2008/8/13 Posts: 742
| Re: | | Can we lose our salvation? Yes we can, so let us keep ourselves awake and persevere to the end.
But are we going to lose our salvation? For those who can take it, the Lord assured us that we will not, because He keeps us.
So then, we can live and do as we wish_ not all, read this carefully:
Romans 2:2-11
"We know that God's judgment is right when he condemns people for doing these things.
When you judge people for doing these things but then do them yourself, do you think you will escape God's judgment? Do you have contempt for God, who is very kind to you, puts up with you, and deals patiently with you? Don't you realize that it is God's kindness that is trying to lead you to him and change the way you think and act?
Since you are stubborn and don't want to change the way you think and act, you are adding to the anger that God will have against you on that day when God vents his anger. At that time God will reveal that his decisions are fair. He will pay all people back for what they have done.
He will give everlasting life to those who search for glory, honor, and immortality by persisting in doing what is good.
But he will bring anger and fury on those who, in selfish pride, refuse to believe the truth and who follow what is wrong.
There will be suffering and distress for every person who does evil, for Jews first and Greeks as well.
But there will be glory, honor, and peace for every person who does what is good, for Jews first and Greeks as well
God does not play favorites".
| 2012/4/12 12:55 | Profile |
| Re: Krispy | | You're only quoting half of the N.T. on obedience. It's an act of the will and He enables the willing.
| 2012/4/12 12:59 | |
| Re: | | Quote:
Yes we can, so let us keep ourselves awake and persevere to the end.
Who enables you to do that? You?
You're only quoting half of the N.T. on obedience. It's an act of the will and He enables the willing.
Krispy |
| 2012/4/12 13:16 | |