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gators52 Member

Joined: 2011/9/21 Posts: 62 Central Florida
| I heard something interesting last night... | | Last night while driving home from church I heard John MacArthur on the radio and he was wrapping up the program and he said something very saddening to my amazement. He was talking about hearing God and He made the statement that anyone who says they have are basically being misled and that it is some sort of mystism. and then stated that he has never heard the voice of the Lord and the only way God has spoken is through Holy Scriptures.
My immidate thought was John 10. IMO, this man has a Huge influence and has studied the scriptures for years and years and has come to that conclusion. What then for the Spirit of God? _________________ Brian
2011/12/8 13:58 | Profile |
EvangelTam Member

Joined: 2011/1/29 Posts: 149
| Re: I heard something interesting last night... | | yeah I ve been praying for him. I understand why he would respond so radically against the charismatic movement but he went to the other extreme!
the path is narrow and if we go to far to the left or right we will miss it!
it really just confuses me because he has some really good teachings but then he sorta just dismisses other parts of scripture...
on the other hand the critique of the charismatic movement to people like John MacArthur is that he is unbelieving and a Pharisee but they are on the other side of the spectrum... |
2011/12/8 14:23 | Profile |
Solomon101 Member

Joined: 2008/4/1 Posts: 536 America's Flyover Country
| Re: I heard something interesting last night... | | Interesting. However, it is where cessationistism must always end up at.
Given his belief on this matter I do then have a question for John MacArthur. My question is this.
EXACTLY WHY did he enter the ministry then? By his own words and admission it CAN NOT be because God spoke to him and called him to the ministry. The Bible certainly does not say "John McArthur is called to ministry". The only option we are left with then is that John himself just decided one day that he wanted to enter the ministry as his "vocation" in life. No other reason... John just chose to. Same as just choosing vanilla ice cream over strawberry ice cream for dessert.
To admit God called him would be acknowledging extra Biblical revelation. And by his own words (on many occasions) that is in error and mislead.
Interesting... but by a cessationist's own words and definitions it is impossible for God to call them to ministry. Unless there is a specific chapter and verse that specifically says God called that specific person to ministry it is unacceptable in their theological view.
Just some food for thought.
Blessings! |
2011/12/8 14:32 | Profile |
dietolive Member

Joined: 2007/6/29 Posts: 342
| Re: EvangelTam and Solomon101 | | Excellent points Brothers. How would he know he was called? For that matter, how would he "know" he was even saved? Is the Witness of the Spirit "mysticism" too? |
2011/12/8 14:40 | Profile |
Miccah Member

Joined: 2007/9/13 Posts: 1752 Wisconsin
| Re: | | "Is the Witness of the Spirit "mysticism" too?"
Great question dietolive. Some of the religious believe so. It amazes me how many preachers you can listen to who speak about Father and Jesus, but rarely if ever speak about the Holy Spirit. Why is that? At times I believe it is because we are afraid of what we might be shown from the Holy Spirit.
I think that those who are comfortable in the written Word sometimes fail at walking in the living Word. I am not above this and can do this myself at times. _________________ Christiaan
2011/12/8 14:46 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | QUOTE: "Excellent points Brothers. How would he know he was called? For that matter, how would he "know" he was even saved? Is the Witness of the Spirit "mysticism" too?"
This is profound! Thanks for sharing this insight! _________________ Sandra Miller
2011/12/8 14:48 | Profile |
makrothumia Member

Joined: 2005/5/19 Posts: 724 Texas
| Re: | | This kind of speaking is the danger of "confidence". A statement made without full consideration of it's end. We are "all" in danger of making statements similar.
Our Lord Jesus was amazing. He never spoke "from Himself". Our danger is esteeming our own thoughts too highly and speaking from "self" confidence rather than according to the measure of faith we have been granted.
Nearly all of the great kings in Judah, fell from the same careless confidence once their place was secure.
I am reminded not only that teachers will incur a stricter judgment, but that "anyone" who considers himself religious and does not keep a tight rein upon his tongue deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
McArthur's comments are highly public, but may our own prayer be that "all" the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts" be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord.
We are in great need to "weigh" what we say carefully - both before and after - it is the heart of the righteous to do so.
makrothumia _________________ Alan and Dina Martin
2011/12/8 14:58 | Profile |
Lysa Member

Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 3699 East TN for now!
| Re: | | Quote:
Solomon101 wrote: To admit God called him would be acknowledging extra Biblical revelation. And by his own words (on many occasions) that is in error and mislead.
Interesting... but by a cessationist's own words and definitions it is impossible for God to call them to ministry. Unless there is a specific chapter and verse that specifically says God called that specific person to ministry it is unacceptable in their theological view.
Solmon101, brother in the Lord,
I do not know much about cessationism(?) (see I dont even know how to spell it!!), just because I dont study theology and know my isms doesnt mean I that dont appreciate those who do and can state them with clarity. You have opened my eyes with the logic of your post!
God bless you and the others, Lisa _________________ Lisa
2011/12/8 15:02 | Profile |
Sree Member

Joined: 2011/8/20 Posts: 1953
| Re: | | Quote:
Excellent points Brothers. How would he know he was called? For that matter, how would he "know" he was even saved? Is the Witness of the Spirit "mysticism" too?
The answer to these question posted is there in the main post itself. He might have got this calling through scripture. I frankly do not know who this preacher is, but I can relate what he has said because many times God has talked to me via scripture. May be he would have got the calling via scripture. I came to know my calling when I hit the rock bottom of Christianity by my own actions and then was crying and praying that Lord I believe that this life shown by Jesus is the best life but I cannot live it, I have failed, show me clearly whether I belong to this, if I do not belong to this then I will leave. I opened the Bible and God spoke to me via John Chapter 14 verse 1 saying he has already reserved a place for me in his Kingdom and if there is no place for me he would have told me. It was the exact answer I was looking for. I have read the scripture many times before that day but that day I was able to hear him speak to me. I was broken and received power to overcome Sin. So there is nothing wrong in believing that God speaks to us via Scriptures. And if this preacher believes that this is the only way God will talk to people then let him believe, at least he believes that God talks to people. I believe in Holy Spirit, I believe the Holy Spirit talks to us and shows us the truth. I have witnessed it many times in my life. I guess people after seeing these Charismatic movements get so discouraged that they stop believing in Holy Spirit itself. We who say believe in Holy Spirit, let us not grieve the Holy Spirit.
_________________ Sreeram
2011/12/8 15:36 | Profile |
dietolive Member

Joined: 2007/6/29 Posts: 342
| Re: makrothumia | | Dear makrothumia,
What "kind of speaking" are you referring to? What "statement" are you referring to?
When responding to others, please give the Reader the courtesy of addressing the person or persons you are responding to directly. This Reader (at least), would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for taking the time to write your thoughts. As usual, they appear measured and circumspect.
Be well dear Brother, and thank you for your consideration. Doug
2011/12/8 16:07 | Profile |