..I was not born yet. :-)lol, ditto
"As for those asking for proof of the healing"Your speaking nonsense.The title of your thread is, "King of Kings visiting earth this weekend".Where is your proof that Jesus returned last weekend?Your still here!
The burden of proof is not on us. YOU posted on the forum that something would happen, YOU prove that it did.I'm still waiting for the Eiffel Tower to be "lifted up". Have anyone I can call to see if that's happened?
Bros and sis, This thread is becoming unedifying. Feel like 'merry-go-around' circling and nauseating. Leave Paula4jc alone. It will do much good to this forum. It's my feeling.I really sympathize her. Feel sad that no body could open her eyes in the past six days.
Feel sad that no body could open her eyes in the past six days.
It'll be the largest and most glorious visitation the earth has ever seen!
There is a saying that you can catch more flies with honey than vinigar. Assuming Paula's heart is to won to Christ I don't think this thread with its sourcasm and mocking will do it. But frankly she has shown more grace to her detracters on this thread than you have toward her. To me this testifies of her heart committment toward Christ.Leave her alone. You have won your debate by your mocking her. No doubt you have driven her from the forum. You have won. Purity of doctrine had prevailed. I agree with the other poster. Let this thread die. Leave Paula alone. I trust she will find other supportive fellowship else wher. For surely it will not be at SI.Blaine
Grace and peace to you Blaine! The Lord blesses you! Surely you're of a different spirit. The Lord knows those who are His. I wish to fellowship with Blaine offline as you will admonish me in love. If you correct a fool he hates you! Nevertheless, I love you all and I pray for you all. Blaine please check your email and response to please. Time is absolutely over! The Messiah is Coming! Let everyone prepare in holiness! Without holiness no one will see God!
My sister. Will check for your email. Blessings to you.Blaine
Leave her alone. You have won your debate by your mocking her. No doubt you have driven her from the forum. You have won. Purity of doctrine had prevailed. I agree with the other poster. Let this thread die. Leave Paula alone. I trust she will find other supportive fellowship else wher. For surely it will not be at SI.
I agree with every word in Krispy's post.