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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : Kings of king visiting earth this weekend!!!

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..I was not born yet. :-)

lol, ditto

 2011/9/21 21:29


"As for those asking for proof of the healing"

Your speaking nonsense.

The title of your thread is, "King of Kings visiting earth this weekend".

Where is your proof that Jesus returned last weekend?

Your still here!

 2011/9/21 21:37


The burden of proof is not on us. YOU posted on the forum that something would happen, YOU prove that it did.

I'm still waiting for the Eiffel Tower to be "lifted up". Have anyone I can call to see if that's happened?

 2011/9/21 22:05

Joined: 2010/2/7
Posts: 47


Bros and sis, This thread is becoming unedifying. Feel like 'merry-go-around' circling and nauseating.
Leave Paula4jc alone. It will do much good to this forum. It's my feeling.
I really sympathize her. Feel sad that no body could open her eyes in the past six days.

 2011/9/22 2:54Profile


Feel sad that no body could open her eyes in the past six days.

Thats the nature of strong delusion and deception.

While I am not agreeing with El-Bethel's "feelings"... I do believe that the best thing right now is to just let this thread die a quiet death.

There has been no proof of anything. Obviously every disease under the sun has not been healed. Jesus did not visit the earth... thats why we have the Holy Spirit. According to the Bible the next time Jesus comes to earth it wont be to visit, it will be to RULE AND REIGN!

We should pray for Paula that she will come out of this CULT and leave this foolishness behind. We should pray that the sovereign God of heaven will open her eyes to the truth, and save her to the utter most... and He is able to do just that.

El-Bethel is correct when he/she says that no one could open her eyes, but wrong to suggest that any of us could. Biblically it's not up to any of us to open her eyes, only God can do that. God is the revealer of truth.

El-Bethel has also requested that we leave Paula alone. I suggest that is the worst advice on this thread. Leave her alone in her deception?? No. Do not leave her alone, but continue to share the gospel with her. She needs to hear it. We need to share it truthfully, lovingly... and at times... bluntly. Some will get offended, even Christians. But the truth offends. Thats a fact. Some people are just going to have to get over it.

So lets play taps and just let this thread die a quiet death.

Remember... this is what was said in the opening post:

It'll be the largest and most glorious visitation the earth has ever seen!

Where is it? Where are all the healed people? Why has anyone not seen it?

Still stuck with my disease, how about any of you?


 2011/9/22 5:44


There is a saying that you can catch more flies with honey than vinigar. Assuming Paula's heart is to won to Christ I don't think this thread with its sourcasm and mocking will do it. But frankly she has shown more grace to her detracters on this thread than you have toward her. To me this testifies of her heart committment toward Christ.

Leave her alone. You have won your debate by your mocking her. No doubt you have driven her from the forum. You have won. Purity of doctrine had prevailed. I agree with the other poster. Let this thread die. Leave Paula alone. I trust she will find other supportive fellowship else wher. For surely it will not be at SI.


 2011/9/22 7:03

Joined: 2005/1/8
Posts: 132


Grace and peace to you Blaine! The Lord blesses you! Surely you're of a different spirit. The Lord knows those who are His. I wish to fellowship with Blaine offline as you will admonish me in love. If you correct a fool he hates you! Nevertheless, I love you all and I pray for you all.

Blaine please check your email and response to please.

Time is absolutely over! The Messiah is Coming! Let everyone prepare in holiness! Without holiness no one will see God!


 2011/9/22 7:21Profile

 Re: Paula

My sister. Will check for your email. Blessings to you.


 2011/9/22 7:31


Leave her alone. You have won your debate by your mocking her. No doubt you have driven her from the forum. You have won. Purity of doctrine had prevailed. I agree with the other poster. Let this thread die. Leave Paula alone. I trust she will find other supportive fellowship else wher. For surely it will not be at SI.

There is no doubt that she has been very graceful. No argument there.

I dare say, Blaine, that your attitude toward me on this thread and many others has generally been less than graceful. You're loathing of me is obvious.

Thats unfortunate that you are so judgemental. The more I insist that we follow the Bible in everything, the more wound up you seem to get. Sorry to tell you, but the Bible is THE final authority on everything... and that means...

e v e r y t h i n g.

The prophecies that were espoused at the beginning of this thread did not happen, failing the Biblical and logical test of a prophet. Rather than admit the mistake, the prophecy was then back tracked and down graded to make it look like something happened. Thats called deception, i.e. lying.

We called it what it was, and you claim that it is mocking. No, it's called proclaiming the truth. I do mock the false prophet she follows. "Where is your god? Is he on vacation?"

The Bible tells us to "test the spirits". So we have. You cry foul and claim we should give her fellowship. I say no. A little leaven ruins the whole lump.

That does not mean we reject her as a person and condemn her. NO ONE has done that. We should show her the error of her ways. We have done that. Instead of truly help her by showing her her error you claim we should overlook it and just love her. I say that’s not love!

Instead… you condemn me… for declaring the truth of the Word of God.

That’s backwards, brother. I dare say it’s also sinful. It's certainly not Biblical love, and your beef ultimately is not with me...

You should take the time to get to know me. You may find out (as others have on here) that you might like me.


 2011/9/22 8:21


I agree with every word in Krispy's post.

 2011/9/22 9:29

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