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I agree with Brother Gators. This sister has shown more class than those of you mocking her. She has more of Christ in her than those of you who profess to speak for him. The honest truth is some of you do not know what God is doing in the world outside of the U S.

You want proof that God is healing and doing miracles. You want to see CNN coverage, you want to see a BBC report, or Fox news exclusive. It ain't gonna happen. The natural press is not going to cover it. Even CNN. But it is happening.

Has anyone heard of Gospel for Asia? Anyone know who K. P Yohannan is? Does anyone remember Sermon Index had a conference at GRA headquarters? While there we heard stories of healings that take place on a regular basis through GFA missionarirs. These miracles lead to conversions in Christ. I recieve literature regularly through Gospel for Asia. Aleays there is a story about someone who has been healed or delivered and come to Christ. And guess what? These healings are not reported in the press. You eould not know they took place unless they were reported by GFA.

I read reports about what God is doing in other parts of the world in connection with the persecuted church. This stuff is never reported in the press and you would mock it if it were. Thus I want mention it. You would not believe it. And that is the issue. You who mock do not believe. If you be honest you believe that miracles disappeared when the Bibke was codified.

Even in the days of Christ his miracles were repudiated. As the sister said it is the poor who are rich in faith. Those of you in your arrogant mocking will never see revival occur in this land. Jesus could not do any miracles in his hometown because of the lack of faith
Your lack of faith will prevent God from moving here.

Like writes in Acts 13:41
Look, you scoffers, wonder and perish, for I an going to do something in your days that you woukd never believe, EVEN IF SOMEONE TOLD YOU.


 2011/9/21 9:31


Hey Martyr... when did anyone say God is not healing?

We said that what this lady's prophet prophecied did not happen. No one said anything about GFA or any of that. You are way off track, brother, bringing that into this conversation.

This conversation is about a man who prophesied something that did not happen (which the Bible declares is the PROOF of someone being a FALSE prophet... common sense tells us this, and the unregenerate known this naturally! but Christians cant seem to grasp it), and now he is backtracking and downgrading his prophecy to make it look like he wasnt wrong... which is called LYING.

This has nothing to do with GFE, and it would be great if you did not put words in our mouths and accuse the brethren of things we did not say or thought.


 2011/9/21 9:55


Yeah, no one has mentioned the gifts not being active today. I think we're all just offended at counterfeits.

And I've never considered prophesying falsely in the name of the Lord and then backtracking to cover an obvious lie as "classy". Funny definitions we have around here these days.

 2011/9/21 10:01


It's called "post-modernism".

It means we're afraid to call something false. It comes from a lack of knowledge of the Word of God, and a lack of confidence in the Word of God.

It's in vogue now to claim that noone can know what truth is, therefore dont judge anything. It's rampant in the so-called "church" today and it's nauseating.

It's apostacy is what it is.

We have the truth... it's called the Bible and it is the FINAL AUTHORITY on everything. Period.


PS: I am living proof that God heals. I should be in the grave right now, but God healed me completely just a little over a year ago.

 2011/9/21 10:16

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Re: Kings of king visiting earth this weekend!!!


As another female, I would like to encourage you to be very careful who you listen to. I know how easy it is to be swayed by a person who has a lot of charisma: he is very persuasive, convincing. And he may have charm - how else would he get a following without it? He may also do 'miracles'.

Paula, I know you want to do what is right and so do the rest on this forum. I do not for one minute think anyone on here is deliberately pursuing heresy with the intent to deceive. We may get snookered into it because of ignorance or because of blindness, but to pursue it with conscience intent? I doubt it.

Paula, one must allow the Bible to teach us what is TRUTH. It matters not who says what, God is the author of TRUTH: he cannot lie. If the WORD says that no man knows the day nor hour when Jesus will return it means exactly that.

Paula, may I suggest that you make a study of the WORD to determine what it says about false prophets, about true prophets. Both exist and they can be male and/or female. For starters I suggest you go to Deut.13:1-5 and read through the NT, through Revelation as well, to see if God has changed his mind on his opinion of false prophets.

Paula, I know what it is like to be deceived. I used to believe everything I read and I read a LOT. I also promoted it and was shocked when people did not believe me! Good thing, too! Later, I learned the truth. Paula, when this happened I entered into a self-loathing, the like I hate to talk took me years to forgive myself (and others who should have warned me but didn't) for having been so dumb, so stupid. Fortunately, for me, the LORD saw my heart. He knew I wanted to do the right thing and in due time he showed me! Praise his name! So, Paula, I plead with you for you to reconsider your allegiance to this man or any other leader, for that matter. Make the WORD your authority and use it as a measuring stick to see how these men (or women) measure up.

God bless..


Sandra Miller

 2011/9/21 11:13Profile


It's called "post-modernism".

It means we're afraid to call something false. It comes from a lack of knowledge of the Word of God, and a lack of confidence in the Word of God.

It's in vogue now to claim that noone can know what truth is, therefore dont judge anything. It's rampant in the so-called "church" today and it's nauseating.

It's apostacy is what it is.

We have the truth... it's called the Bible and it is the FINAL AUTHORITY on everything. Period.


Spot on.

 2011/9/21 11:59

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534



Let share an incident....

When I went to Bible School in 1965 we had an instructor who was also studying at a state university, working to get his Ph.D., I think in sociology. He was a very good teacher and well respected. I took two classes under him: 1Corinthians and "Group Dynamics in Evangelism".

In Group Dynamics he shared with us the principles of mental telepathy, hypnotism, how it works and why it may be a helpful tool in getting people to think like you want them to! (Don't gag, y'all!) He did say it works but the experts do not know why!

Needless to say, in a few years the LORD showed me how very sinful this is.

The fellow was a skilled teacher. Experiments with mental telepathy were done to prove his point...what do you say in face of these experiments? Especially, for one so young as me? In retrospect, all I can say is that it seems as though this instructor was not familiar with the work of the Holy Spirit, did not know when and how to trust him that he felt the need to resort to methods to do His work. And the poor fellow likely was ignorant of this flaw, never mind all his education, he was very wrong. (I do not know how familiar the rest of the staff was with his' teachings.)

Paula, there can be no substitute for the Holy Spirit. There are plenty of counterfeits out there. They look and act like the real thing - they have to in order to snooker people. The devil can work miracles, too. Miracles are not a sign a person is from the LORD.

Just felt like I needed to share this....


Sandra Miller

 2011/9/21 12:39Profile


When I went to Bible School in 1965...

...I was not born yet. :-)


 2011/9/21 12:59

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


"...I was not born yet. :-)"

Hey! weird things were happening before you were born! :-( There has been no let up, has there? :-/

Sandra Miller

 2011/9/21 17:14Profile

Joined: 2005/1/8
Posts: 132


Friends, let your words be as apple set in gold and build up those who hears it. Why is the body of Chirst devived here? If you love me you will obey command - love one another says the Lord . I am just a poor village woman who lack the formal education to write and express well, thus, pardon me as I said so not the prophets. Nevertheless, I still stand my post that every disese under the sun has been healed in all four corner of the earth. Do you have faith and did you listen? As for those asking for proof of the healing. The top doctors of that nation broadcast globally the patients record number, hospital phone to include Walter Reed clicnic based here, Atlanta CDC. Also, they challenge any one in any country to investigate the claim. Scoffers why not take the challenge and post your finding here for all to see?

This is the last hour don't be found naked - trim your lamp. The season has changed, look at the fig tree and all the trees you can see summer is near so when you see these things you know He's at the door. May God the father of our Lord Jesus let you be found in fine linen, white and clean without spots and wrinkles at His coming.


 2011/9/21 21:22Profile

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