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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : Kings of king visiting earth this weekend!!!

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"If you think Mother Teresa was saved you should read her own words at the end of her life. It was very sad indeed. Perhaps she was saved in the last seconds or minutes of her life, we cant know. But up to the very end her faith was in the Catholic Church and Mary... not in Christ. And thats a fact. She was the epitome of trying to earn your way into heaven... and falling short."

Stephen your so right, what a shame.

The only thing that I can say about her is if her heart was in the earning, then she has fallen from grace. But if her heart was the type of "here I am Lord and I am doing what I am doing because you said to tend the suffering", only God can sort out the finer details and we can only speculate.

But as to "I believe that Mother Teresa is saved". Let me say this, it doesn't matter what we believe. People believe that Elvis is singing love me tender around God's throne. People see the good of what men do and we can't get beyond the idea that God could send them to hell.

It's still, "If any man hath not the Spirit of Christ is none of His". That still is true today, and we shouldn't deviate from that, and it doesn't matter how good a person is, if they don't have His Spirit, they are none of His.

 2011/9/20 12:35


I feel that I am not holy enough to be in such an august body of saints here. So once again I will take my leave and go fellowship with the heretics and sinners.. Less judgement there.

The Heretic.

 2011/9/20 13:07


Anyone who does this is saved. If a person has done this God eill be the judge of their hearts, not us in this forum.

JW's and Mormons have done this. So you are saying you believe that JW's and Mormons are saved, correct?


 2011/9/20 13:16


Martyr, I am currently reading the history of the reformation. What a history indeed, rich and enlightening. Did you know that the Catholic Church killed people just because they had a bible in their home or worse, desired to read it.

She is no different today. She is in stealth mode. She goes about appearing to be friendly, appearing to be like everyone else, so that when our senses are dull we can't tell who is of the truth and who is not because we have allowed these cults to sneak into our lives through good works, through cunning words that sound evangelical.

Any person that I know who has come to Jesus Christ by faith has left those cults. They don't stay in it, they don't stay deceived, they get out. A former JW doesn't return to the slop pen after Christ has revealed Himself to them, they get out. A Mormon seeing that Jesus is the only way doesn't sit under that.

Come on, lets stop drinking the kool-aid and get with the program. When Paul was set free from killing Christians, He didn't go back to the high priest looking for orders to kill more Christians.

If Mother Teresa saw the truth, she'd have gotten out of that rotten religion. Her conscience would have troubled her endlessly.

Some people have said, well we stay in the catholic church to be a light, foolish talk.

You can't be a light. Anyone that is a light has to speak the truth and no priest, no pope, no bishop would put up with you being under the same roof. Jesus said, "If they hate you, they hated me first".

 2011/9/20 15:23

Joined: 2007/7/6
Posts: 109


you guys may think that mockery is just fine and is actually loving some how, but if i were Paula I wouldn't want to step foot back in this thread to be ministered to by most of you, whether unto salvation or correct doctrine otherwise. Love can certainly be firm, but it does not mock.

Paula, if you are there, there are many who would distract you from a sound faith in Jesus Christ, who He is and what He did on Calvary and continues to do through the Spirit. The book of Acts states that many signs and wonders were done at the hands of the apostles. I believe that many miracles still take place in that realm of healing etc, but we arren't to look to THEM, but to HIM. Fix your eyes on Jesus and you won't be disappointed and have to twist events and scripture to fit what some prophet tells you. The more you listen to him and not Him, the more you are under his manipulation and the more you can be used. Be in the Word of God and study to show thyself approved. If you aren't sure you are saved, read through 1 John and the Gospel of John and you will get your answers there.


 2011/9/20 21:37Profile

Joined: 2005/1/8
Posts: 132


Friends, why are you arguing and fighting? Just as I stated the Spirit of Jesus was present at the Kissi revival and every type of disease under the sun were healed in Kissi. Even over the radio people got healed. God is the same and still confirms His message with and signs and wonders.

The poor and rejected of socity have only Jesus. Truly, the Lord has chosen the poor to be rich in faith - it's by faith isn't it.

I too was skeptical when I first saw the video of the prophet Dr. David Owuor in Haiti, but instead of called him false I went to Kenya to verify. Please examine the man message and post the errors here for all to see.

My heart rejoices for I serve only one master, God the father and Jesus the redeemer of my soul who gives me the seal of he Holy Spirit.


 2011/9/20 22:40Profile

 Re: Psula

Sister could you please email me at this address [email protected]. I woukd like to hear about your experiences in China. I tried to email you at your profile but the email would not go through.

I lead s conference call where we pray for the persecuted church. China is always on the top of our list. It's aleays good to hear from some one who has been there. Please email me.

[email protected]

You will not be mocked on our call.

 2011/9/20 23:44


In your first post you claimed "every disease under the sun" and "in all four corners of the earth". Now you're backtracking to "every disease under the sun...just in Kissi". I honestly can't believe some are defending this, and in turn promoting false prophecy by association.

Discernment this poor however truly does show signs of His second coming. Jesus warned 4 times as much about spiritual deception being a sign of the end times than anything else.

Mathew 24:11 reads;

Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. (NASB)

THIS is truly the only real prophecy that's been fulfilled on this thread.

 2011/9/21 2:35


Friends, why are you arguing and fighting? Just as I stated the Spirit of Jesus was present at the Kissi revival and every type of disease under the sun were healed in Kissi. Even over the radio people got healed. God is the same and still confirms His message with and signs and wonders.

If you can send us links where we can see medically documented proof of this... I will embrace this thing.


 2011/9/21 5:29


If you can send us links where we can see medically documented proof of this... I will embrace this thing.

Make sure the claims come from all four corners of the earth as well.

 2011/9/21 5:51

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