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Sigh! I am ever so relieved to know that the truth watchers are on guard. I bow out. Have at it gentlemen. By the way I believe Mother Theresa was saved.

I expect to be mocked by unregenerate people when I stand for the truth of the Word of God... but I admit I am always amazed when I am mocked by believers for it.

But then again, ask any street preacher who gets mocked... and they will tell you: a lot of mocking comes from Christians.

If you think Mother Teresa was saved you should read her own words at the end of her life. It was very sad indeed. Perhaps she was saved in the last seconds or minutes of her life, we cant know. But up to the very end her faith was in the Catholic Church and Mary... not in Christ. And thats a fact. She was the epitome of trying to earn your way into heaven... and falling short.


 2011/9/20 9:58


I’ve always said we should help a Hindu become a better Hindu, a Muslim become a better Muslim, a Catholic become a better Catholic.

-Mother Teresa

She certainly was doing a work in India. Though by her own confession not solely for Jesus Christ (or technically for Him at all). One of the most vile "missions" statements I've ever heard.

It wasn't the fact that Jesus was doing good deeds that people wanted to kill Him. It's because of the truth that He spoke.

 2011/9/20 10:16

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


Matthew 7:21-23 contains the saddest words in the whole Bible,IMHO.

Matthew 7:21,22: NASB
21“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.

22“Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’

23“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’

Too many times we look at ministries and judge their worthiness based upon their 'ministry', how well they have preached, how well they have helped the unfortunate. But do they perpetuate lawlessness? This is a dead give-away of where they are with God.


How tragic it will be for these who think they are going to heaven based on the 'works' that flowed from them......

I have often wondered why God allowed such ministries to flourish if they are not working with Him. Then I decided that it must be that His name will still be glorified at some level even though the majority of the workers may not be godly - just guessing.

My thoughts...

Sandra Miller

 2011/9/20 10:21Profile


Take s look st the sheep and goats of Nat.25. What was it that commended them before Jesus. It was not the doctrine that they coukd articulate but the fact that that their lives emulated the second great commandment of love of neighbor. In Luke 10 the good sanaritan who probably had some whacky theology practiced the second great commandnent by ministering to the assaulted victim. He was commended by Christ. This victim who was assaulted was past by the doctrinally pure of his day, a priest and a Levite.

I am sure that you look at Mother Theresa anf consign her to hell because of her Catholicism. Yet she was quoted as saying her works of compassion for the poor were done out of a heart love for Jesus. So she may not have had the finer points of her theology in line with ours. If she or any other person confessed Christ and believed in him. If their testimony emulated the second great commandment who are we to say they were not saved.

I read of those, Catholic, Orthodox, anf Protestant who willingly spill their blood for Christ and give their lives for his kingdom. I will not judge their hearts as their actions speak for themselves.


 2011/9/20 10:51


Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses also claim Christ. Muslim's take Him as one of their own too. But those, just like Catholics don't confess the true Christ, and all of their works for Him are in vain.

We have to be consistent with this if we're going to speak this way. Not everyone is going to be 100% in their doctrine while alive, but they can be solid on the essentials of the faith. There are little issues, and then there are BIG ones. As a member of the RCC she paid homage to a living anti-Christ (the pope), and devalued the sacrifice of Christs blood as not being enough for sins, believing that others would do penance in purgatory for theirs (along with a slew of other things probably better left for another thread). Did you even read the horrific thing she said about her "ministry" that I posted below?

She wasn't interested in sharing Living Water. She was just interested in getting the dying more accustomed and proficient at drinking the poison already killing them.

I'm working in Japan as a missionary right now. What if I were to say that I wasn't interested in actually making disciples of Christ, but wanted instead to make the Japanese into better Buddhists, Shintoists, and Atheists? My testimony and "mission work" would be an utter and disgraceful joke. The only prayers on this board for me would be to save me, or get me out of Japan.

The Buddhists in my area have better actions to judge by than all of these put together, and they also think Jesus was a pretty rad dude. Shall we let them in the club too, eh?

Paul equates abounding love with knowledge and discernment in Philippians 1:9-10 as follows;

And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; (ESV)

It's a shame that we don't make the same equation.

 2011/9/20 11:10

Joined: 2011/9/17
Posts: 8

 Re: Right on.

I have a friend (unsaved) that is from Japan and attends our church but his english is so bad I don't think the Gospel is getting through, he will be around for about 4 more years, can you suggest a good way for me to learn some of his language? He talks too fast and does not know enough English to teach me - Thanks - Domo.

 2011/9/20 12:02Profile

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057



I am just a little surprised of the some of the things you have shared in this thread concerning those lost in the Catholic Church. Based on what you have shared concerning those lost in the Muslim religion, I am confused, do you not see that both are deceived both are lost and in need of JESUS?

As for mother Teresa I do not know where she is now, heaven or hell. That is for GOD to be concerned with, but I do know we are to know them by their fruit and she professed a faith and lived a life in devotion to the RCC. The Bible has plenty to say on this matter. Sadly even though it is difficult for us to understand the simple truth is that many people who do good deeds, will in fact go to hell because they refuse to die to self and live in submission and obedience to CHRIST. JESUS alone is the way to eternal life and it really does not matter how good a person tries to be, in the end if they live apart from GOD, if they profess another WAY besides CHRIST, then they are lost.

Seems this thread has taken a few twists and turns in its subject matter. As for the original poster of this thread, I will be in prayer for them. I did not watch the videos but we can not ignore the fact that statements were made that are not Biblical. NO man knows the hour or day JESUS will return to claim otherwise is a lie. I do not believe we should mock others but we should stand firm on Biblical truth. There are many whose faith has been crushed under claims such as these, they build up their hopes and faith in what these false ones come in saying only to be disillusioned when events do not occur.

GOD bless

 2011/9/20 12:06Profile


So she may not have had the finer points of her theology in line with ours. If she or any other person confessed Christ and believed in him.

Finer points? Like salvation?

I'm always amazed at how whenever anyone takes a stand for sound doctrine and the Word of God on this site... we are always accused of never walking out our faith... by people who have never met us in person, or know anything about us.

Thats called "foolish" in the Bible.


 2011/9/20 12:07



If you email me at [email protected] I can send you some resources and tips.

 2011/9/20 12:11

 Re: All

Romans 10:9-10
That is if you confess with your mouth 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. For it is with your heart you believe and are justified and it is with your mouth you confess and are saved.

Anyone who does this is saved. If a person has done this God eill be the judge of their hearts, not us in this forum.


 2011/9/20 12:26

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