Paula,Clearly your prophet lied to you. Not every disease was healed in the four corners of the earth. Not everyone in the earth was listening on radio etc. A lying prophet is not from God. Read your bible, repent and seek Him in His word, through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was given at Pentacost 2000 years ago and does not need to be given in that way again. If you want to experience the Holy Spirit then read teh word and believe it and obey God and He will speak into your life with a still small voice. Don't look for more, it won't be from God but from men who are looking to take advantage of you.HOW MUCH DID IT COST YOU TO ATTEND THE MEETING OR HOW MUCH DOES THE LEADER SAY HE NEEDS FOR HIS MINISTRY TO SURVIVE.Lloyd
There is a place for mocking and a place for grace. Of course we want her to come to Christ and leave this foolishness behind. There is no doubt about it. And thats the love part. Sometimes love has to be tough, and not all squishy.Several of the OT prophets mocked the false religions of their day. So did Jesus!We can not be soft of false doctrines. We have tried that for about 5 decades... and everyday those of you who are right now crying foul on me come here and complain about the sad shape of the modern church. Well, ever wonder why the church is in the shape it's in?? It's because we've been too soft on false doctrines and false prophets.No, I say it's time to play hard ball with those who would bring this garbage into the house of God and take a stand for truth, holiness and righteousness.Krispy
I agree Krispy. Quite frankly I'm surprised that this sort of rubbish is even the slightest bit tolerated on these boards.
John 8:7If any of you is without sin, let him be the FIRST to throw a stone at her.2 Corithians 13:5Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves.By her own testimony on another thread the sister has been to China twice to share the gospel. She has gone on her own. Those of you sitting in judgement what have you done lately for Christ? I mean what have you done to advance his kingdom purposes.Personally I don'r think I would have the courage to go to a restricted nation and do what this sister did and we judge her because of what she posted. Alright it may have been out of line with our theology. But as I recall the good sanaritan had flakey theology and yet he practiced the second great commandment.Revival is occurring in parts of the world whose theology is not Calvinistic. God is using people who are the most unlikely candidates to spread his gospel. He is looking.for hearts who are committed to him. Not heads full of theology.Franky I woukd like to meet Sister Paula and hear more of her experiences in China. For all I know God's hand is on her and she is used of him in incredible says to advance his kingdom purposes.Anyone heard of The Heavenly Man. Anyone knoe who Brother Yun is. Probably not. He is not a Calvinist. If you can put your stones down get the book and read it. You might be surprised at the nobodies that God is using to advance his kingdom. If I remember Peter and John were unschooked ordinary men who had been with Jesus.Blaine
It's not a works campaign. I can give you a list of plenty of people who have done even "greater" things supposedly for the gospel, or for whatever other reason they did them. Doesn't mean a thing. This is not a difference concerning doctrine. This is outright heresy, prophesying Jesus Christ's return (which didn't happen in case for some reason there's any doubt whatsoever). Jesus referred to such as ravenous wolves. If that's a bit too "ungraceful" you'll have to take it up with Him about His choice of wording.And is this was the sort of message being spread in China, China was better left well alone. East Asia already has it's fair share of heresy. Trust me. I know.For the record, I'm also not a Calvinist.
As I recall Richard Wormbrandt had some rather off the wall experiences while in prison for Christ. I mean things like angelic visitations and so forth. Things that don't fit into our theological mindsets. Anyone want to stone this brother?Blaine
You're telling me not to judge while you question whether I've done anything lately to advance the kingdom? Isnt that just a tad hypocritical since you know nothing about me? You judge me while telling me not to judge? Seriously?As far as your hatred of Calvinism... why did you even bring that up? I didn't. It has nothing to do with this conversation.God did not have a visitation on this earth this past weekend. Mass numbers were not healed... if they were... proove it. Show me. (hint: no one can because it did not happen)Satan is the father of all lies.Now, I will confess that I can not sit in judgement as to whether this woman is saved. I was wrong to suggest that. At the same time, if someone espouses doctrine that is completely false it is a fair assessment to say that they do not know the God of the Bible.As for her "good works" in China, I commend her. At the same time, Mother Teresa performed "good works" in India... and just as the Bible says... all her "good works" did not save her soul. Trusting in Cathocism she died in her sins. How sad.Krispy
As I recall Richard Wormbrandt had some rather off the wall experiences while in prison for Christ. I mean things like angelic visitations and so forth. Things that don't fit into our theological mindsets. Anyone want to stone this brother?
Angelic visitations are New Testament, I don't have a problem with that. Prophesying the exact date of Christ's return is also New Testament. Except the New Testament doesn't agree with it, thus neither do I.What Krispy said is true, all the missions campaigns and good works that you can think of mean nothing if you're presenting a bogus Christ. That's what the Momon's and JW's are doing here as well. Presenting Jesus with their whole heart. However the Jesus they're presenting never existed, and has no power to save or change lives.Spirit AND truth. Inseparable.
Sigh! I am ever so relieved to know that the truth watchers are on guard. I bow out. Have at it gentlemen. By the way I believe Mother Theresa was saved.Blaine