Poster | Thread |
| Re: | | Brother Bryan/Lovefirst gave the Best advise.
"I would be praying for help from other brothers [I left out sisters for a reason] in my area to come pray with me and seek the Lord on this very serious matter!"
... Lest we cause a younger brother to stumble on a public forum, by intimating that GOD is not faithful to deliver and that this particular sin must go on for countless years, which is not Scriptural - as it is written, that we are to flee youthful lusts and possess our own vessels, etc, etc that will be found as one does a Topical Study on this issue.
2011/8/13 13:39 | |
Lysa Member

Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 3699 East TN for now!
| Re: bible4life | | Quote:
Lysa a few weeks ago i had fasted for 7 days straight before this exact temptation i have been off and on and i had prayed a lot and got in the word, but their was no change and i got no answers really at all. I have fasted for a few days as of late off and on , sometimes throughout the day, God really has been silent to me from what I know of making this 100 mpercent clear. Like i said i just want to focus on the things of God and not worrying about another woman. I really am struggling right now and I just want to be right with God.
Brother, I know you are struggling and I do not know why God has been silent on His end.
but I do know that fasting works so don't give up on it and the Lord. In Acts 13, the disciples were fasting when God called Paul and Barnabas to His work and when they got the call what did they do? Fasted again!!!
All I'm trying to say brother is that fasting is a lost art of the church and we should fast a LOT more than we do and don't give up during this time you need to hear from the Lord. Fast again and fast again.
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Luke 11.11
God bless you brother John, Sister Lisa _________________ Lisa
2011/8/13 14:17 | Profile |
Joyful_Heart Member

Joined: 2009/12/8 Posts: 1795
| Re: Carter Conlon's message from TSC Aug. 14. 2011 | |
"Let No Enemy Find Safety" Carter Conlon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See if this message speaks - must hear the whole message.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From me.
The second a thought of any kind that is not of God comes to me I know I cant fight the battle alone. Not a problem with lust but pride, jealously, revenge, unforgiveness, an offense - no matter how small or large the thought, if it is not God, I rebuke the thought "Get behind me satan" In Jesus Christ's power Name and then quote Scripture. I have tried on my own but there is so much power in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Have some Scripture ready to say out loud.
I pray this will help you too. And do it right that second too. Then I begin to praise Him and thank Him. All glory to God.
Pretty soon satan will give up and see you mean business and God is on your side In Jesus Name.
Will be standing in prayer with you. God is faithful.
2011/8/14 16:17 | Profile |
| Re: | | I believe the Lord has given me my last warning to falling into my lust again, i am trying to surrender this please keep me in all the prayer you can, i am going to be trying to get another job and just keep my eyes focused on the lord and my wife, please i need strong prayers. I am very weak. Pray for my wife Allyce to she is taking this hard to understand all of this. |
2011/8/16 22:01 | |
nizero Member

Joined: 2006/5/17 Posts: 38
| | | brother, one recommendation that I can give you is that you are dwelling on these aspects far too much. A fleeting thought and dwelling thoughts are very different and there is a point where your dwelling WILL cause you to stumble.
It is a battle of the mind as you can see. All thoughts about this individual must flee your mind quickly. Renounce and repent quickly.
It is better for you spend your thoughts on how to advance Jesus kingdom rather then these lowly things.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirableif anything is excellent or praiseworthythink about such things. |
2011/8/18 14:31 | Profile |
brothergary Member

Joined: 2011/8/6 Posts: 103
| Re: | | can i ask if it was a full seven days fast with out any food
2011/8/19 3:58 | Profile |
| Re: | | yes it was a full 7 days, if not a few hours short of it. |
2011/8/19 10:57 | |
brothergary Member

Joined: 2011/8/6 Posts: 103
| Re: | | and you said it didnt help is that right
gee ,i dont no what to say
are you in your opinion envolved with qeustional teachings
that are not realy bibical
or asy other ever told you your are messing with false teachng
just a question brother
becasue false teaching depening on what type can open the door to demonc influnence
i dont want to upset you ,im just asking ,thats all |
2011/8/20 3:13 | Profile |
mguldner Member

Joined: 2009/12/4 Posts: 1862 Kansas
| Re: | |
Brother John follow the link and listen to the sermon, it was a blessing to me and I believe it will be a blessing to you. Sometimes our lack of faith is the true sin that resides in us. We must give up and let Christ take care of us HE is faithful to WORK in You, Do you believe this? If you don't then Believe its the Word of God and if you do grab it and hold onto it and act upon it. I will keep praying brother. _________________ Matthew Guldner
2011/8/20 3:25 | Profile |
| Re: | | thanks brother i will take a listen. |
2011/8/22 1:06 | |