Several of our friends and supporters have asked about coming to Philadelphia in support of the Philadelphia 5, during our trial.We would appreciate your prayers and your presence this Thursday and Friday (Feb. 17-18). On Thursday, Feb. 17, there will be a hearing on a Motion to Dismiss in the Courtroom of Judge Patricia Dembe. If The Judge grants this Motion, the charges will be dismissed. If, however, the Judge refuses, the case will go on to trial. The hearing will be in the Criminal Justice Center, 1313 Filbert Street, Philadelphia (right next door to City Hall). It will be in Courtroom 707 and will start at about 9-930.The Courtrooms are small and the seating will be on a first come basis. Those who come in support will gather in the large hallway outside of the courtroom. There may also be supporters on the street in front of the courthouse.On Friday, Feb. 18, Lauren Murch is to appear for trial in the Juvenile Court. She is still being charged with three felonies and five misdemeanors.Dennis GreenLife and Liberty Ministries[url=]Life and Liberty Ministries[/url]
_________________Dennis Green
I just recieved this note from the father of Lauren Murch (one of the Philadelphia 5)-------------------------------------[b]Breaking News![/b] I was contacted by the Philadelphia attorney and told that the Prosecutor in Lauren's case has said he will drop the charges. It is not yet official, the charges have not yet actually been dropped, and we may still have to appear in court on the 18th, but this is excellent news! In further good news, it is becoming evident what God's plan was in all of this. So far, 17 Pennsylvania legislators, led by a Democrat, have drafted a bill removing "sexual orientation" from their hate crimes legislation, that they just put in there back in 2002! Furthermore, the reason they are doing it is because of this case! The very first time it was invoked, it was so badly abused, and brought such overwhelmingly negative publicity to the State and the City, they have decided to mount a move to trash the language they fought so hard to have put in! Let's pray they are successful.--------------------------------------------For the latest news on this case, visit:[url=]Life and Liberty Ministries[/url]