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White_Stone Member

Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 1196 North Central Florida
| Hasn't anybody noticed? | | Mark 12:6 . . . he sent him also last unto them, saying, They will reverence my son.
Today as we read this passage it seemed to jump out at me that it clearly states that God is sending no one else to awake the people. How do the Jews account for the fact that there have been no more Prophets? Does my question make sense?
Thank you, white stone
_________________ Janice
2011/2/20 0:12 | Profile |
| Re: Hasn't anybody noticed? | | The Talmud says there was to be no more Prophets after Malachi. |
2011/2/20 0:32 | |
White_Stone Member

Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 1196 North Central Florida
| Re: | | Thanks for your reply. It gave me more to type in Google for searching. I found this reply to the same question I asked:
The era of prophets ended after Malachi 2500 years ago. The Talmud relates that the Rabbis of the Anshei Knesset HaGadol, led by Ezra, realised how attracted to idoltary the Jews were due to the easier path it represented. In order to remove the temptation of idoltary, they prayed for the power of idoltary to be removed from the world. However, idoltary was the negative side of prophecy, using a corrupted version to perform miracles in the name of idols- in removing idoltary from the world, prophecy was removed at the same time. As such, no modern day prophet would be believed and we would ignore anyone claiming to be a prophet.
If you would like the link to that reply it is
It seems to be a 'made up' type of reasoning which denies the Power of God to control when/if Prophets come and gives the Rabbi's power to stop God from sending Prophets.
Thank God for the Faith in Jesus He has given me! white stone _________________ Janice
2011/2/20 11:27 | Profile |
UntoBabes Member

Joined: 2010/8/24 Posts: 1035 Oregon
| Re: | | White-stone,
I have heard this from a Jewish believer and I know it does not relate directly to your question but thought to mention it anyway.
He said that the Jews took Isaiah 53 out of their Holy Script because of the astounding similarities between that passage the the Christian Jesus whom they have crucified but also in whose name they have been persecuted throughout their history.
May God open their eyes. _________________ Fifi
2011/2/20 11:48 | Profile |
| Re: | | I feel ashamed as a Christian of our history towards the Jewish people. |
2011/2/20 13:07 | |
White_Stone Member

Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 1196 North Central Florida
| Re: | | Quote:
I feel ashamed as a Christian of our history towards the Jewish people.
Why feel shame for God's plan? Everything is proceeding as He intended. We can testify when he gives us opportunity and spread our 'Light' to those with eyes. Nothing that was done in the past was my doing, I truly have done enough in my life to be ashamed without having to take on burdens I was not intended to carry. Of course this is just my opinion. I pray for all God's people.
white stone _________________ Janice
2011/2/20 13:56 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | white stone,
I think what andie was referring to in this statement,
I feel ashamed as a Christian of our history towards the Jewish people
is how the Christians since the time of Christ have actively persecuted the Jews. The most recent incident is the Holocaust. Granted, we all know the 'church' was not involved at all, but Hitler did believe he was acting for God when he worked to eliminate them. And you can go further back in history and find 'Christian' nations persecuting Jews, or forcing them to proselytize.
This is a blot of shame that stains church history in that the Jewish people suffered at the hands of carnal Christians. I am not sure if religious Jews are aware that Christians also persecuted other Christians.
What say, Neil?
_________________ Sandra Miller
2011/2/20 16:02 | Profile |
| Re: | | I am quite grieved that people keep saying stuff like this. It is all false. Christians did NOT persecute the Jews nor were they responsible for the Holocaust. True Christians are people who have the Holy Spirit and true Christians would never do such things. It is only the wolves among the sheep who do such things. Just because a person calls him/herself a Christian does not mean he/she is. If i walk into a donut shop and call myself a donut does that mean i am?
The Lord Jesus Christ was Jewish when He walked in bodily form on this earth. So were all His disciples. So what sense would it make to hate Jews?
Why not stop bashing the Bride of Christ for once and start telling about all the Christians who actually HELPED Jews during the Holocaust? |
2011/2/20 17:09 | |
| Re: Hasn't anybody noticed? | | CyAn said
True Christians are people who have the Holy Spirit and true Christians would never do such things. It is only the wolves among the sheep who do such things.
Amen. Amen. Amen. |
2011/2/20 17:23 | |
| Re: Hasn't anybody noticed? | | Quote:
Does my question make sense?
That is amazing, your question not only makes sense, it fits in with what Jesus was saying in His day, "this generation shall not pass until all of these things be fulfilled."
Matthew 21:45 And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them.
It's an eye opener isn't?
2011/2/20 17:29 | |