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sonsigns Member

Joined: 2005/6/6 Posts: 224 Brumley Missouri
| Pleading the Blood of Christ for protection | | I believe it was 1995 when I heard a sermon by a Baptist Evangelist. He mention pleading the Blood of Christ for protection but he did not teach on the subject. He just mentioned it and that was it.
A few months went by and the Lord brought that part of the sermon back to my mind. So I began studying every thing that I could on the blood.
Over the years, I have learned to plea the blood of Christ over my family and for myself for protection. Without getting into an exhaustive study I will just leave here in the forum the prayer that I pray.
Pleaing the Blood of Christ for house hold protection.
Father in Jesus name, I plea the blood of Jesus, from the roof top down all outer walls, windows and doors. over all of my property and over every object on my property. Father, I plea this Holy blood of Christ all the way to the throne of God.
Now Father, I plea the Blood of Jesus, from the rafters down all inner walls window's and doors, ceilings and floors, over every object in my house, over myself, my wife (Say there name) and my children (say there name), from the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet. Father I plea this blood all the way to the throne of God. Amen.
I always pray this prayer before going to sleep at night. The Blood of Christ, is powerful. I ask you to pray to God, for wisdom, knowledge to apply Godly wisdom, knowledge and revelation according to his will and word. Amen.
As a driver, have you notice how bad it has been just to drive your car to work or any where you maybe going?
I believe "road Rage" is due to a lack of patience. The devil uses this against us ( all of man-kind). I want you to notice that patience is a learned action, you earn it. Do not give into anxeitey especially when driving.
pleaing the Bllod of Christ over your car or whatever you are opperating.
Father I plea the Blood of Jesus over my vehical. From top to bottom, side to side, front to back. Father, I plea this Holy blood on the inside top to floor, dash board to the interier of the trunk and over myself (the driver) and the passenger(s) say ther names. and any passenger that may ride in this vehical today. Father, I believe that Jesus precious blood, for safty and protection today. Father, I ask you through the Holy Spirit, to guide my actions and responses as we drive to and from ( say the destinations) and anywhere we may have to go. i plea this blood all the way to the throne of God. Thank you Father, Amen.
Now I ask you to do your own study on the Blood of Christ. Get your concordance and Bible and begin studying. A few Books that I have read on this subject are:
The Blood covenant by H. Clay Thumbell.
Andrew Murray:
The Blood of the Cross Two covenants with Christ in the school of prayer
Blood covenant
Maxwell Whyte
Power of the Blood _________________ William Cato
2010/11/23 11:16 | Profile |
Joyful_Heart Member

Joined: 2009/12/8 Posts: 1795
| Re: Pleading the Blood of Christ for protection | | Amen! I also plead the Blood of Jesus over my family, friends, my home and more. Glory to God for the Precious & Powerful Blood of our Savior. |
2010/11/23 13:15 | Profile |
narrowpath Member

Joined: 2005/1/9 Posts: 1522 Germany NRW
| Re: Pleading the Blood of Christ for protection | | Although very widespread in Christian circles I have found nowhere in the bible that we should claim the blood for protection of ourselves or property. Forgive me if I sound harsh, but this borders on superstition.
Please show me one bible verse to prove your point.
The blood atoned for the sins of the whole world, past present and future. We were purchased, justified and redeemed by Him Christ brings us into a covenant relationship through his blood.
The blood deals with our sins, but does not protect property or ourselves.
1. John 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all[b] sin. 8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
2010/11/23 16:59 | Profile |
MyVeryHeart Member

Joined: 2010/8/30 Posts: 449 Paradise, California
| Re: | | The blood of Christ protects those who have faith in Him from the Wrath of God revealed against all unrighteousness. _________________ Travis
2010/11/23 17:06 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | I tend to agree with narrowpath.
Years ago I read much about 'pleading the blood' and used it to thwart temptation and it worked - for a while.
As time went on I became disillusioned because it quit working. I was looking to a method to accomplish 'whatever' needed to be done. And the scriptures did not teach it, either.
At this point I look to the LORD Jesus for guidance. In doing so I also have a deep appreciation for the Blood of Jesus, knowing full well its significance in my redemption.
When I need protection I will ask Him; if I need insight, I ask Him; whatever it is I am in need of I will lay this at his feet. How he will answer my concerns rests in His almighty power - and methods will very. God cannot be manipulated by 'words'. If he tells me to 'plead the blood' I will be happy to do so, but it will only be at his direction.
_________________ Sandra Miller
2010/11/23 18:37 | Profile |
MrBillPro Member

Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 3422 Texas
| Re: | | If you live a holy life Satan is already bound because, "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world."
_________________ Bill
2010/11/23 19:21 | Profile |
Joyful_Heart Member

Joined: 2009/12/8 Posts: 1795
| Re: | | I don't care about being wrong. I just want truth.
So, in all sincerity do you see it as wrong, hindering or just unnecessary? I dont preach it or teach it, I just pray it but if it is wrong or hindering I want to know. Thanks for your input. I am also asking the Lord to show me. Maybe it just makes me feel good remembering the Blood. I am not sure now.. |
2010/11/23 19:42 | Profile |
sonsigns Member

Joined: 2005/6/6 Posts: 224 Brumley Missouri
| Re: | | Amen, MrBillPro!
Remember... We overcome with the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. _________________ William Cato
2010/11/23 20:46 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | Sheri,
I would hope you will not feel intimidated by my post.
Appreciate the Blood of Jesus but more important love the person from whom it came and I am sure you do. This is the key, trust Him...How He will accomplish His will will take many forms...just be prepared to be surprised! :-)
ginnyrose _________________ Sandra Miller
2010/11/23 20:55 | Profile |
sonsigns Member

Joined: 2005/6/6 Posts: 224 Brumley Missouri
| Re: to Joyful_Heart | | Study to show yourself approved. Pray until you find your answers.
Many old time preachers preached and written about the blood. Search the sermons here on sermonindex.
I will not argue the word of God with anyone here. They have a Bible the same as I do. Listen if you want to know the truth study and pray. It's not the easiest route but it is the safest.
Study to show yourself approved.
_________________ William Cato
2010/11/23 20:56 | Profile |