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Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Doctrine on Prophetic Mantle | | Hi everyone,I am looking for some understanding on the term a Mantle. 1.Is it relevant for the new testament? 2.Had every prophet in the old testament a mantle? 3.Can a mantle stop with one prophet and not pass onto another? I have read Kings where it mainly mentioned but maybe you have come accross some teaching on that will give me some understanding on it,thanks Staff
| 2010/11/18 19:31 | Profile | KingJimmy Member

Joined: 2003/5/8 Posts: 4419 Charlotte, NC
| Re: Doctrine on Prophetic Mantle | | Jesus Christ is our mantle. _________________ Jimmy H
| 2010/11/18 19:42 | Profile | sojourner7 Member

Joined: 2007/6/27 Posts: 1573 Omaha, NE
| Re: Doctrine on Prophetic Mantle | | The mantle describes the anointing of the prophet. None of the writings of the minor prophets mention the mantle. Mantle also refers to the succession of the prophetic ministry; such as from Eli-jah to Eli-sha. _________________ Martin G. Smith
| 2010/11/18 22:15 | Profile | poet Member

Joined: 2007/2/16 Posts: 231 Longview WA
| Re: | | prophets were known for staying out with the sheep. they wore sheep skins and had a furry mantle over their shoulders to keep them warm. thus the imagery, yet there was an anointing from God to the prophet or oracle of God to say what the Lord wanted said to the people who were in rebellion of God's ways, mainly sin. and their sinnfullness. They would either mouth it or some would act out what God was saying by their behavior as a witness as to what they were doing, many examples, for instance Hosea and his harlot wife. as an example of an idolatrous people towards God, and Hosea purtchasing his wife back from here lover who had her. and took her back as his bride to keep her and love her. he even named his children to depict israels character. Man Id hate to be named such things. anyway, the office of prophet, or mantle or annointing as it were has to do with God choosing a person to be His spokesman, and say what God wants said, for the sole purpose of bringing a rebellious people back into right relationship with God in obedience. this mantle was given by God for God's use and purposes. It could never be transferred from one person to another or given away, only God chose who had it, kept it, or was taken away from and given to another, or replaced by. For example elijah lost his mantle by fleeing from Jezebel the prophetess and God told Elijah to go to Elisha and anoint him for he was going to take your place. Jehu was going to also be used of God to finish Gods work. Many false teachers would use this scripture as a way Elijah gave Elisha his mantle but remember God commanded him to do it and also this annointing could only come if God was willing to do it. Man cant transfer God's power to another Man. Only God gives power and annoints people for His purposes. Elisha wanted a double portion yet 0nly if God granted his request, "if you see it" was Elija's response when he was taken up in the chariot. and God allowed it, and God granted it. As a sign from God Elija's mantle fell to the ground, "sheep skin" which let Elisha know it was come to pass now walk in it. Theres a whole lot of teaching about "the mantle" in the prophetic movement today, it is mostly false and subjective. usually always wrong. We should always look to God and Jesus Christ for anything. We pray to Him and ask of Him and give Him glory for anything we receive. He is good and is worthy of all praise. God bless. _________________ howard
| 2010/11/19 1:40 | Profile | twayneb Member

Joined: 2009/4/5 Posts: 2256 Joplin, Missouri
| Re: Doctrine on Prophetic Mantle | | staff: Let me give it a go. A mantle, as has been mentioned, is something that was worn by a person. The OT anointing of the Holy Spirit was much the same. The comforter had not been sent to indwell believers, so the Holy Spirit came on men. Elijah had an anointing as a prophet that abode on him so to speak and that anointing was transferred to Elijah, thus the passing of a mantle.
I would say this is not really an accurate NT picture. I am filled with, indwelt by the Holy Spirit. In that sense the "prophetic" anointing abides in me, not on me. I am not a prophet, but am using that term "prophetic" loosely to mean anointed by the Holy Spirit. If you are called to be a NT prophet, you have no choice in the matter. The same with evanglists, pastors, teachers, or apostles. It is that God has chosen you to be an equipping gift to the body and will anoint you by His Holy Spirit to fill that role. So a teacher for example cannot simply choose to pass his teaching anointing to another person of his choosing. If another person is called to be a teacher, God will anoint him by His Holy Spirit for that calling.
My opinion on the matter anyhow. _________________ Travis
| 2010/11/19 21:26 | Profile |
| Re: | | Quote:
My opinion on the matter anyhow.
I would concur, and a pretty solid one, in my opinion. |
| 2010/11/19 21:35 | |
| Re: | | I personally do not think that we have "prophets" today like we think of in the Bible, or like we see some claim to be in Charismatic circles. That's not to say that God does not speak through His people because He does. Whenever someone gets up and proclaims the Word of God he is speaking prophetically.
But this whole idea of personal prophecies, etc etc is nothing more than late night television antics. I've read prophecies posted on this forum and they are always very general and very vague and something that anyone could write down if they pay enough attention to the news and whats going on in the world, and has a reasonable grasp of scripture.
I'm not running anyone down. If you want to believe in modern day prophets I say go for it. That's between you and God.
Today I see people running after experiences... and chasing after the latest "prophetic word" or prophet. Let me ask this: Why would God send us prophets when He has already given us His Word (holy and complete!)... and no one reads it?? |
| 2010/11/20 6:57 | | KingJimmy Member

Joined: 2003/5/8 Posts: 4419 Charlotte, NC
| Re: | | [11] And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers,
[12] for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;
[13] until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.
[14] As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;
[15] but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ,
[16] from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love. -
(Ephesians 4:11-16 NASB)
There is a great need in the body of Christ for Biblical prophetic ministry. Christ has given us apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors and teachers, so that He can help us become the people He desires us to become, so that we might fulfill His purposes for His kingdom in this world. The Church in and of itself, is supposed to be a prophetic people. We are nothing if we aren't that. And if we are to be a prophetic people, it should be a very "natural" thing that we have those in our midst who exercise a prophetic ministry. _________________ Jimmy H
| 2010/11/20 9:25 | Profile |
| Re: Doctrine on Prophetic Mantle | | staff, a mantle is a death sentence, death to the world, death to self, and frequently a real live violent death.
a mantle is loneliness, scorn, accusations, poor food, poor clothes, poor lodgings, no health insurance, no pension, and for your labors, a saw, ax, sword, noose, or semi-automatic rifle is the last earthly thing you'll look at or feel.
no prophet would ever dare confer the term "prophet" on themselves, and the ones that do, aint. |
| 2010/11/20 11:39 | | staff Member

Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | Thanks everyone I am still digesting these posts and I will have a few more questions or maybe other people might have more to say ,Staff |
| 2010/11/20 17:30 | Profile |