Poster | Thread |
| Re: having trouble with internet pornography? | |
Brother askned,
Every timee anyone has confessed to this problem on SI, they have been made to feel so bad they have not showed their username again by posting. Maybe they've chosen a new username, but some of them had a real roasting first, in amongst the other supportive posts.
I don't think you can turn up as a stranger out of the blue, and expect to receive our confessions, no matter how enthusiastic you are, and for all the 'right' reasons. As MrBillPro indicated, that may not be a bad thing.
I am passionate about healing. But many people would rather keep their pain, and all that goes with it, than risk being made whole, and have God expect them to become effective witnesses for Him.
The word of God is a double-edged sword.
| 2010/11/19 20:21 | |
| | 2010/11/19 20:27 | |
| agenda | | What an amazing comment that when ever someone confesses to a problem with this issue that they are made to feel so bad that they change their username....if this is true it is an indictment of this Christian community.....those who would cast stones need to examine themselves and shut their I hear an Amen in the congregation?
Secondly...when some stranger comes in and begins talking abou this subject.....I am a born again Spirit filled Christian and by definition no stranger. If you find error in my statement then please point it out and I will be the better for it if it is true.
An agenda? Absolutely, I have an agenda, a passionate agenda that this scourge on the body of Christ, Internet pornography be exposed and dealt with by the shepherds in the flock. It has been swept under the rug while the lives of their flocks have been devastated. If you look way back in this thread you will hear my story with internet porn and my relatinoship with internet filtering...yes I have an agenda but it is not hidden.
Evangelicals talk about preachers thundering from the pulpit separating bone from the marrow with the sword of truth...yet the silence is uncanny...come on!
You know it took years for the church to become activated on the subject of abortion but finally, finally, finally it took a stand. The church took a stand with fire and with mercy to the women who fell into abortion. It is time to do the same thing-take a stand and have mercy to the MILIIONS of men and women in the church that have fallen. Let's come along side and stop pretending that it doesn't happen to Christians... a no over ride version of safeeyes |
| 2010/11/19 20:53 | | PaulWest Member

Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: agenda | | Dear friend, please pray for wisdom on this topic.
We must not be ignorant of Satan's devices. If you take a person who has recently been born-again and saved from the grip of alcohol abuse, and start reminding him daily about the ungodly pull and power of beer and wine, he or she will soon find themselves thinking about drinking.
This same thing happens when you mention the pull and ungodliness of pornography over and over again to someone who has been struggling with the sin. It has a reverse effect. It actually causes them to think about it, and just seeing the word "porn" and what it represents can suddenly conjure images they would rather not experience.
Paul told Timothy to plainly "flee youthful lusts" (2 Tim. 2:22), and never went on a "fleeing youthful lust crusade" dedicated soley to sexual sin. Not even with the sexually-reprobate Corinthian believers did he do this. In Paul's epistles there was never an agenda exclusively focusing on one particular sin. Nor is there any evidence of such in the other apostles' writings or ministries.
I think we can go off-course and actually give the devil firepower when we do these types of things. I ask you to please pray and consider these thoughts before continuing on in this thread. _________________ Paul Frederick West
| 2010/11/19 21:48 | Profile | Renoncer Member

Joined: 2010/6/26 Posts: 483
| Re: agenda | | Askned,
I agree that sexual immorality has to be dealt with, and that people should be graciously helped and not condemned when they come for help.
Moreover, I think internet filters are a good idea.
The problem is still SIN. The solution is still CHRIST. Internet filters will never take away the root of the sin, which is in the heart. Your testimony doesn't even mention the name of Jesus, or the power of the Holy Spirit, or victory in Christ, or the regenerating power of God; you just talk about internet filters as though you were selling a product that is nothing more than self-help damage-control:
"I don't understand why there is so little direct addressing of the issue of internet porn in the church. As pastors you know that the church is loaded with it as are the pastors. Everyday Pastors and parishioners alike are losing their ministries, the marriages and their reputations to this but still no one will discuss it in the pulpit in any meaningful way. I had issues with internet porn and finally found that there are ways to put a wall around myself as well as add accountability support which has kept me clean from it. A large number of ministers (estimated at 40% of ministers who access th einternet) and estimated half of the men in the congregations are using it yet little is said. This is an 800 pound gorilla in the room. There are many ways of approaching this anyone interested? Blessings- Ned"
Satan doesn't want people to know about the victory that Christ offers. He wants them to "manage" the problem of sin, but still be slaves to their depravity and on their way to hell. I am taking a stand against the lies of the devil.
The truth is that Jesus Christ has come to set you free from your sins (Matthew 1:21). The truth is that the Holy Spirit is greater than the devil (1John 4:4). The truth is that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away and all things have become new (2Corinthians 5:17). The truth is that either you are a slave to sin, or you are a slave to righteousness (Romans 6:18). The truth is that God's commands are not burdensome for those who have been born of God, because they have overcome the world by faith in Christ Jesus (1John 5:3-4). The truth is that although no one is perfect on this earth, the Holy Spirit in us sanctifies us and gives us strength to put these sins to death (Romans 8:13-14).
And I want all men and women to know the truth, for the truth will set them free! (John 8:32)
If anyone comes to me broken because of this sin (and people have done so), I do not condemn them, nor do I patch up their problem. I give them the truth that will set them free. I teach them to use their sword. I pray with them. I point to Christ. I tell them that there is hope, and that hope is in Christ, and in Christ alone.
May He receive all glory due His Name, for He is mighty to save! Even from pornography! Come on! Do you really think that Christ can save you from eternal hell, but not from pornography? Come on! |
| 2010/11/19 22:04 | Profile |
| Re: Can Christ delliver from pornography? | | Of course He can and does deliver from pornography. I am closely associated with a person who was instantly delivered from chronic alcoholism and cocaine addiction as they came to the Lord. Yet I also know many many more who are being delivered from their addiction through Christian programs such as Celebrate Recovery. They do this by accountability to others and the constant reminder of the destruction that their lifestyle has wrought in their lives.
The reminder of internet pornography isn't the problem, the problem is the fallen nature of mankind AND in a more practical sense the easy access of internet porn.
I am 61 years old and been a christian for 26 years, a missionary, an elder and an evangelist and had no sense of the pull of pornography until I was assaulted with the constant imagery available on the net. Though I am Spirit filled and Baptised in the Spirit I was overwhelmed with the hidden character flaw. God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit was kind enough to show me filtering and accountability to provide me with a way to resist when I was unable to resist in my own strength. Could He have delivered me- of course...did He choose to do so?-no. He showed me another way and He showed me that I was to offer this to others.
Is there something wrong with this???? I don't think so. Guard yourselves.
Remember the story about the man in the canoe without a paddle heading for the me he cried. A man swam out with a paddle to his canoe-he said no thanks, God will rescue me, another came with a boat and a rope to tow him to safety yet he refused, saying God will rescue me, then a helipcopter came and offered Help and still the same reply. The man and his canoe went over the falls and he was drowned. When he was faced to face with God he asked, why did you not rescue me? God replied...I sent you a man with a paddle, another with a boat and rope and finally I sent you a helicopter...... Today he is sending you a filtering system and accountability reporting...come on!!!!!! a no over ride version of safeeyes |
| 2010/11/19 22:45 | | MyVeryHeart Member

Joined: 2010/8/30 Posts: 449 Paradise, California
| Re: | | Quote:
... and finally found that there are ways to put a wall around myself...
"For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her." Zechariah 2:5
The Lord himself is a better wall then any man made wall. To him be all the Glory! Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ! He is mighty to save! _________________ Travis
| 2010/11/19 22:48 | Profile |
| | 2010/11/19 22:49 | | MyVeryHeart Member

Joined: 2010/8/30 Posts: 449 Paradise, California
| Re: | | Quote:
Is there something wrong with this???? I don't think so. Guard yourselves
"Little children, guard yourselves from idols." 1 John 5:21 _________________ Travis
| 2010/11/19 22:51 | Profile |
| | 2010/11/19 23:03 | |