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Joined: 2009/10/26
Posts: 2

 Ray Comfort and John MacArthur false teachers!

Ray Comfort and John MacArthur are both heretics who teach damnable heresy concerning salvation! If you always believed that you must “make a life commitment to Christ” and “to stop sinning” to come to Christ, you have believed a works gospel in disguise!

2 threads that expose and refute Lordship salvation, I recommend ALL read this!:


LS part 2-

 2009/10/26 19:57Profile

 Re: Ray Comfort and John MacArthur false teachers!

Antinonianism is heresy. A person must forsake all of their sins or else they cannot have the mercy of God through Jesus Christ.

 2009/10/26 20:41

Joined: 2009/1/16
Posts: 392

 Re: Ray Comfort and John MacArthur false teachers!

One cannot repent of sins except by the grace of Christ.

One must surrender to Christ, come to Christ, touch His garment and be made well.

It is not as if one makes themselves well and then comes to Christ. Or cleanses themselves of lepresy and then comes to Christ.

Praying I believe help my unbelief.

A letting go, a looking upon, by faith.

One does not repent of sin/stop sinning and then come to Christ. One comes to Christ so that they can stop sinning.

To tell someone to turn from sins before coming to Christ is impossible.

It is as if you are telling one to be born again and then come to Christ.

To tell someone to turn from sins before coming to Christ is a stumbling block, works, legalism,

Luke 11:52 Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter yourselves, and you hindered those who were entering."

I was once sharing with a young lady. She told me that she was not ready to come to Christ. I told her you will never be ready. You need to come to Christ and He will make you ready. Often sinners think they need to make their lives right before coming to God and then therefore never come and are hindered by this stumbling block. They need to come to Christ to gaze on the beauty of Christ and then they will be drawn and the Spirit will give them liberty.

So, yes, "Lordship salvation" is heresy. It is an extreme. It is a doctrine that seeks to reform the extreme of Antinonianism, but in so doing goes to the other extreme.

We come to Christ lawless and then He fulfills the law in us by His life.

Amen, I think this is a much needed word!

 2009/10/26 21:44Profile


Repenting of your sins comes BEFORE salvation (2 Cor. 7:10). It is not that we repent of our sins because we are saved, but that we repent of our sins in order to get saved.

There must be repentance before there is remission (Mark 1:14, Luke 3:3, Luke 24:47). It is not that God forgives us and then we repent, but that we repent and then God forgives us.

A sinner receives God's mercy AFTER they forsake their sins (Isaiah 55:7, Prov. 28:13). It is not that God grants us mercy and then we forsake our sins, but that we forsake our sins and then God grants us mercy.

It is not that we repent of our sins because we are saved, but that we repent of our sins in order to get saved.

Jesus Christ came to call sinners to repentance (Matt. 9:13, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:32), which means that He came to call law breakers to change their mind about breaking God's law. The disciples of Jesus went everywhere preaching that men should repent (Mark 6:12) which means that they went everywhere preaching that men must change their mind about breaking God's law.

Turning from sin IS turning to Christ. Turning to Christ IS turning from sin. You cannot embrace sin and embrace Jesus at the same time. The moment you embrace Jesus, you reject sin. The moment you reject sin, you embrace Jesus.

 2009/10/26 21:53

Joined: 2009/1/16
Posts: 392


We are to repent of unbelief.

If you are saying that one needs to transform their life. Stop sinning and come perfect before Christ. Before coming to Christ. Then why need Christ at all. Why not just from birth repent and never need forgiveness.

If you are saying we need to stop lying, stealing, ect before coming to Christ then that is works.

Faith however is not a work. We are to repent of unbelief and have faith in Christ.

Christ will then set of free from the power of satan, the Law, our sin enslaved nature, ect.

So, we are to repent but not of dead works but of unbelief, and then once we do that and put our faith in Christ Christ will change us.

 2009/10/26 22:00Profile


truther, faithsave and anymonity whats up with you guys? Did you al pm each other and decide to launch this lopsided attack against to christian men who have testified to the grace and mercy as well as the severity of the Lord against all unrightousness?

You guys turn your silly little guns in a different direction. Youve all bumped your heads!

 2009/10/26 22:16


I hope Greg deletes this post. I have heard about this from He also promotes controversial people on his own site. They believe that repentance is just a change of mind and heart but no action at all to stop, it all goes together brother. They our not teaching a works salvation but to come to acknowledgement of your sins before and then to decide to turn once and for all from those sins, Christ won't save you if you do not want to turn from your sins, from what he died for. Lordship salvation is not just believing on Christ so you can be saved but to also went him to be your all in all. It is all a work of the holy spirit. But lordship salvation is just to speak against those who believe they can just believe on Christ and live their life still in the world and whatever way they want. Guess what Christ not only will save you but will change your heart to want him and his ways to come first. Greg they teach what Christ taught in mark ch. 1 repent and believe the gospel.

 2009/10/26 22:22


I recommend this sermon by paul washer and this college at hannibal lagrange college. Whats wrong with american christianity

 2009/10/26 22:32

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132

 Re: Ray Comfort and John MacArthur false teachers!

Jesus said come follow me.

Come= an invitation to relationship
Follow= an invitation to discipleship
Me= an invitation to His Lordship

Sometimes I think before we speak we should make it clear who we believe we are speaking to. If we talk to the saints than we approach our subject matter differently. I think in the context you need to look at who they are speaking to. Eventually thoughs who claim Christ have to go onto maturity, forsaking sin andworldly passions ans pursuits or they have by thier actions denied the faith. Pretty simple really.

Mat 22:9 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.
Mat 22:10 So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.
Mat 22:11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment:
Mat 22:12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.
Mat 22:13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Mat 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen

Troubling indeed!


 2009/10/26 22:34Profile


i think it is possible this man got his information from this site.

I could be wrong.

 2009/10/26 22:37

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