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ck7777777 Member

Joined: 2008/8/29 Posts: 2
| need advice please | | Hello, I lived till now as a Christian by name and I want to get serious. So I want to go to a bible school but I can not decide which one. I have the choice between a school with a charismatic background or a non charismatic. The church I was attending the most, is evangelical/lutheran, but I missed the supernatural side of God. When I look at the charismatics though, I get the feeling that the supernatural side is too much in focus, also I am not sure what to make out of "laughing in the Spirit" or "Slain in the Spirit". Anyone who can give me some advice please? |
2008/8/29 2:43 | Profile |
theopenlife Member

Joined: 2007/1/30 Posts: 926
| Re: need advice please | | Awesome! Perhaps you may want to check out The Bethlehem Institute? It's in Minneapolis, is affordable for most people, and offers a blend of historical principles with a high view of the Spirit's work today.
It is headed by John Piper, you can get an idea for what they believe at |
2008/8/29 4:20 | Profile |
kathleen1 Member

Joined: 2004/8/5 Posts: 226
| Re: need advice please | | Pray, and call upon God. He promises in Jer. 33:3 if we call upon Him He will answer us and show us great and mighty things we do not know. (He is offering an understanding of Himself and His Word and His will for our lives to us). I also recommend this free download of the lessons from BH Clendennen's School of Christ. It is not a Bible College, but it will educate you in every area of the Bible. This is something you could study along with whatever Bible School you go to. I urge you to take God at His Word, first and foremost and seek His direction. He's already promised it to His children in Psa 32:8. The School of Christ is power packed full of spiritual truth, much of which you do not hear preached in churches today. This material is invaluable to anyone seeking a genuine walk with the Lord.
[url=]BH Clendennen's School of Christ[/url]
BH Clendennen's School of Christ is internationally well known. It is in almost every country in the world.
[url=]School of Christ[/url] _________________ Kathleen
2008/8/29 6:06 | Profile |
| Re: | | Going to Bible school wont help you "get serious" about God. It won't hinder you, but it won't help you.
By this I mean that you'll definately gain knowledge of the Word and about God, but to go deep with God happens within the heart. It happens when the Holy Spirit leads you as you [b]surrender[/b] your life to Him daily.
I've known folks in the 80's who have walked the deeper life w/ God for decades... deeper than I've ever imagined for myself... and they never stepped foot inside a Bible school. They were just country people who attended some small country church for 50 years.
Getting serious with God must happen internally first... only then can Bible school be of benefit.
Krispy |
2008/8/29 11:12 | |
JoanM Member

Joined: 2008/4/7 Posts: 797
| Re: Spirit and Truth to Grow up | | "knowing the Word and the power of God"
You might want to consider [url= ]Faith Mission Bible College. [/url]They are serious about God and serious about helping others go in that direction.
Colin and Mary Peckham are associated with Faith mission, and will be [url= ]speakers in Scotland Conference, hosted by Sermonindex[/url]. Messages from them are on this site. There are others listed on this site, related to Faith Mission including [url= ]Gerhard Du Toit [/url] with Faith Mission in Canada.
2008/8/29 13:04 | Profile |
ginnyrose Member

Joined: 2004/7/7 Posts: 7534 Mississippi
| Re: | | Quote:
you'll definitely gain knowledge of the Word and about God, but to go deep with God happens within the heart. It happens when the Holy Spirit leads you as you surrender your life to Him daily.
As a graduate from a Bible School I could not agree more. I know many who have attended Bible School and you wonder what good it did them. Really!
Now to be more positive, I would look at the curriculum to see if they offer any courses that teach you how to study the Word. I recommend the "Inductive Method" over any other method. If you take this course, you will not need much else. This method will teach you how to study the Word using only prayer, paper and pencil in addition to the Bible.
My biggest gripe with Bible Schools is they are too much into indoctrination without teaching any skills in self-study. Interpretations come and go, e.g., when I went one instructor promoted the 'gap theory' in Genesis 1:1. It has since been debunked by many scholars. On the other hand the one who taught Revelation emphasized that things will happen just like it says it will as stated in the book. He took a lot of heat from those who spiritualized the vision...
But go, but know it is not the cure to whatever ails you. It does begin in the heart with God having his way.
Blessings, ginnyrose _________________ Sandra Miller
2008/8/29 23:08 | Profile |
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2008/8/30 3:23 | |
ck7777777 Member

Joined: 2008/8/29 Posts: 2
| Re: | | Thank you guys for your input. Yes, I agree bible school won't help me much without the proper heart, but by "getting serious" with God I meant to do what he commanded without falling into self-righteousness nor salvation by works. I thought bible school would be a good place to learn about his word and would equip someone for possible work in the ministry.
2008/9/1 15:03 | Profile |
kathleen1 Member

Joined: 2004/8/5 Posts: 226
| Re: | | Beloved, it is wonderful you are not looking for religion. To do what God commanded you to do without falling into self righteousness or works, may I humbly suggest you just take God at His Word? He said in Jer 33:3 "Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you do not know." He will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him.(Heb 11:6). He sent the Holy Spirit to us to teach us who Christ is and what He has made available to us, and I have learned this by living it, not by reading it in a man's book or Bible School. I do not condemn either, for I read a lot but I have found that when I get alone with HIM and get in His Word and hunger and thirst to know Him, He begins to open my understanding-rewarding my diligent searching with understanding. He would not tell you to call upon Him if He did not want to answer and communicate with you. He has given you the greatest Teacher you could ever ask for or need. The Holy Spirit is our Teacher, first and foremost. He knows our heart and what we are able to receive and He always teaches us with gentleness and power. You will never forget what He teaches you. To learn from Him is not to confer with flesh and blood. It's to present yourself to Him and His Word with a hungry heart and be God taught. This will build your faith and draw you closer to Him in a way no Bible School can. There is simplicity in Christ that is often lost in Bible School debates over theology and doctrine. HE is the way, the Truth and the life.
The Pharisees were told by Christ, "Ye search the Scriptures for in them you think you have but you will not come to Me that you might have life." John 5:39-40. The Bible warns knowledge alone puffs up. The Pharisees knew Scripture. They lorded it over others and misunderstood the Truth. Religious knowledge does lead to self feeling superior if one is not careful. But How can you feel superior when you learn from the ONE who truly is everything? You can't see Him without seeing your own lack and your own need. Being in His presence, learning from Him yourself will always keep you humble and reminded of who is Lord. You will find as you learn from Him much of what you learn will conflict with what you have received as traditions of religious men. He can teach you and prepare you to desire to do and be the power in you to do the will of God (Php 2:13)
God bless you, beloved, with an ever increasing hunger to know Him yourself. He is our exceeding great reward. Knowing Him. (Gen 15:1, Php 3:10) _________________ Kathleen
2008/9/4 9:23 | Profile |
psalm1 Member

Joined: 2007/1/30 Posts: 1230
| Re: | | Get a greek bible and check every teaching you hear. The Holy Ghost will show you and lead you.
Glad you are not Anti-charismatic!
They have a lot to offer.
The balance is "the Spirit and the Word"
Christianity is not knowledge or the bible or my great use of scripture. Christianity is a person. His name is Jesus. He came and died,but he arose!
Now if he is not dead then he surely will do what he did before. Heal the sick, cleanse leapers,raise the dead, and make disciples.
Bible school is good. But you can never ,ever,ever replace a man on fire! Get your vision get the fire of God in your being.......Wow! I think I will now take my own advice. That'le preach!!!
"early in the morning Jesus wentt of to pray,AS WAS HIS CUSTOM" Have on ongoing awesome, personal relationship with Jesus. David |
2008/9/4 11:30 | Profile |