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Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797

 Re: Redeem the time?

We are to redeem the time. Can a thread be redeemed? That is my heart here.

On the one hand, political discussions can get jammed-packed with the flesh “even” with Christians. Sigh. That alone would be a reason for a rule. Big sign. On the other hand, Christian beliefs are not just for believing, not just for conversation at the kitchen table (as Ravi Zac. would put it). They are for walking out, for acting upon, for informing the laws we write, for guiding our behavior with neighbors, etc.

[u]On race[/u]: (earlier in this thread) If you are white and have been harmed by black people, I am truly sorry. If you are black and have been harmed by white people I am truly sorry. Surly you cannot think that it is because of the race of those that hurt you, that you were hurt? Think this through BIBLICALLY. Selfishness, bitterness, revenge, adultery, murder, stealing, etc. are not unique to race. What does it mean BIBLICALLY to be offended by someone’s comment? Is someone trying to restore someone?

You might have been born in the flesh in 1960, white, female, American, Presbyterian, etc., but at some date you were born again. Born of the Spirit of God. And it was not an American Spirit or a black spirit or a female spirit. Get the picture.

Can we see sin in any professing Christian’s life (behavior)? Sure. Can they see it in our life (behavior)? Sure. So what is the thing to do? Think it through BIBLICALLY.

[u]Politics[/u]: What is it except man thinking through what is good and evil, right and wrong, and devising a way to rule himself? Efforts after ruling others? Are there NO LESSONS in the Bible, I am speaking to born-again Christians, on how that goes? And why it goes that way? Are there NO DIRECTIONS in the New Testament on how it should go for a Christian in any political structure?

[u]A Democratic Republic[/u] (American form of government) I have thought about that, off and on, over the years. These thoughts include:

As far as history goes, this American form of government is definitely an experiment, as the founders said and the use of Biblical principles is transparent.

My most recent thought is that I do not think it is possible for a democratic republic to survive without the majority of the voting governed to be ruled by a Biblically based (not my-opinion-based) view of right and wrong. Think it through BIBLICALLY. How else do we avoid “everyone doing what is right in his own eyes,” selfishness and remain a democratic republic? At least on the surface it looks like without that characteristic, government goes to socialism exactly as others have written and socialism does not abide religion (external, absolute, truth claims). There are only two “equalities”/“brotherhoods of man.” Has anyone read Brother’s Karamadzof? (spelled?)[edit: That is why I pray for revival]

A recent immigrant from Iraq that attends my church said to me the other day, “The problem is that in my country, democracy doesn’t work because everyone immediately used freedom to steal and kill and anything they wanted. We need a Sadam but one that is benevolent and moral.” This person is paralyzed by freedom, even at choosing what to eat from a menu. Thinking through the question of “What should I do now that I can do what I think.” overwhelms them. Both the husband and wife are paralyzed with internal contradictions. For example: The husband said what he wanted most to do was to make as much money as possible as soon as he could. He cannot practice dentistry immediately in America. Had to leave the country or be killed because he translated for Americans. When I said selling crack could get a lot of money quick it took him a day to think that through. His wife, also a dentist, was outraged at being lumped in with social service clients that “don’t even want to work, just want to steal money from the government.” She is now wrestling with the fact that both their parents send them a lot of money to live here but they do not report that and accept support (so far).

Surely there is a way to discuss such things as [b]Obama: America is 'no longer Christian'[/b], without jam-packing the discussion with our still not dead flesh.

I can thank even all of you for helping me practice several Biblical principles. And thank you Paul West. What a difficult (hard spiritually) service you give. I am one among oh so many that appreciates your labor. I thank God that SI is not a democratic republic. At this point, as posts fly up in record-breaking speed, the thread seems exhausted, just as it was before it was re-posted. Personally, the likelihood of being edified in a struggle through a “political” discussion is kinda low. SIGH. I already know my flesh cannot successfully rule myself and devising a political government to do that, apart from God, will not help.

 2008/8/22 15:28Profile


Unfortunately this thread had the potential to be good, but it didnt end up that way. And the last bit didnt really have anything to do with politics anyway.

I dont feel good about the way it went, but sometimes it's good for things to go that way so that the real underlying issues can surface. Only then can honest discussion be had.

I think everyone here saw a lot come to the surface today. Some surprising, some saddening, some frustrating...

But thats what happens in a community. There was a trojan horse here and it was exposed. I wish it hadn't happened, it's such a distraction.

As the dust settled tho I think we all need to sit back and examine what our purpose is here. I know it's hard for me to resist a fight, and I allow myself to get suckered in. I asked BrotherTom the other day to review my posts from earlier in the week and give me an honest appraisal of the words I've spoken. He did just that... and some of it wasnt easy to read. But I trust and respect Tom, and I took it to heart (most of it :-))

I think we all need to do that. Sometimes I know I'm sharp w/ folks. I wish I was as good a communicator and debator as ejg says I am... but I'm not, and I fall short many times.

To those who I really have offended in the past, please know that I generally have the best intentions in mind. A lot of times my sense of humor gets lost on here. A lot of times I'm not clear enough when I write and things get misunderstood. And sometimes I'm plainly just a dope... and say things I shouldnt.

The important things is, my brothers and sisters, that we love one another... and that we're longsuffering with one another. Always think the best of each other. Give each other the benefit of the doubt. If someone says something that upsets you... before you get mad consider for a moment that perhaps you took it wrong, or they just need to clarify what they're saying.

I love everyone here. I even love those with whom I've knocked heads with here this week... even when they wont let me love them. I still love them. ;-)

Everyone take a deep breath... let the dust settle... and we'll move on to less controvesial matters.

Anyone want to discuss the KJV??? :-P


 2008/8/22 16:03

Joined: 2007/8/23
Posts: 9
Wellman, Iowa


Oh Krispy,

Your a great guy at least you admit when you've might have made a mistake. Your last comment was pricless. ;-)

I have read almost all of this thread and found it very interesting how poeple could get so out of sorts over words. I would tend to agree with some of the commments made by those that have been around for a long time they had some great things to say regarding the subject under discussion.

May we all realize that though it is very interesting to discuss these political things it really has little to do with the [b]Real[/b] reason we are on this earth. God sets up the governments and tears them down.

One thing I have learned by reading these forums is that you can learn how to communicate and not offend or get offended over the text of another person that you can't even see.

I really should comment on the topic at hand. Whether you would want to pick apart Barrck Obama or John Mcain for their stand on certain issues that pertain to their party. One of them will be president and whoever that happens to be. They are considered a minister of God (Rom 13:4) and therefore we should have faith in God that He is going put in who he deems neccesary. We in turn should pray and seek after God.

I know that my post sounds a little naive and simple. Oh well you have to start somewhere.

Something that I found really interesting some made a comment about Greg posting "political" threads. Well He is a canadain do you really think that he would care who was elected in the US? :-P It kinda made me laugh.

Seth Kauffman

 2008/8/22 17:05Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 3422



mamaluk wrote:
Paul has been a fair moderator here on SI since you left.

Yes he has! I came unglued on him the other night but one thing different we did, is we both saw a little fault in our responses and admitted it like two good men should and moved on and did not get hung up on it. This is all it takes, and this is what God Loving Brothers and Sisters should do.I hate to see anyone get banned, because even though we are all good folks here we all need to vent at times, but just Pray a little before then vent and if you do that I know our "very forgiving" Mods will understand. :-)


 2008/8/22 18:00Profile

Joined: 2006/11/26
Posts: 5185


I want to thank the moderators that have taken on the responsibility of monitoring this website. I think that for the most part you have allowed freedom for various opinions, and have continuously attempted to steer the posts back in the right direction when they have gotten off track.

Anytime that we get into politics there will be disagreements, and as Christians our main interest should be in the kingdom of God, praying that "His Kingdom would come, His will would be done on earth even as it is in heaven."

We are instructed in the Word to pray for our leaders, and yet we spend much of our time criticizing them. God is in control, and there is no leader that is over a country unless God allows it. Many times God will give the people what they want as happened to Israel when they wanted a King, when the Lord wanted to be their king, so they got a Saul instead. Clinton was elected because the majority of the people thought he could fix the economy. One of the major issues that Americans ought to be looking at is what kind of Surpreme Court judges would the next president appoint to the bench. I believe that it would be a disaster if Obama is elected because he will appoint the most liberal judges that he can find. We know the damage that was done in the 60's and 70's from the liberal supreme court. Now the court is evenly split, and a good conservative judge could possibly overturn abortion. John McCain favors the appointment of conservative judges.

Please forgive me for getting off into politics. Our faith should never be in a man or a party, but we better be praying about this election which is only a few months away now.


 2008/8/22 18:35Profile

Joined: 2006/6/12
Posts: 524


Anyone want to discuss the KJV???

Oh dear Krisp!! Brother of KJV !! :) Let's!

but just Pray a little before then vent and if you do that I know our "very forgiving" Mods will understand.

yeah, Mr Billpro!

I remember when I first joined SI, I went through a great deal of turmoil, (perhaps due to my own sense of insecurity and fearfulness ) whenever I saw folks debating, I would be very stressed. Surely I have my share of agreements/disagreements with everyone at one time or another, even with the moderators. But,this I have come to know, that both brothers Mike and Paul do love our Lord and His saints, and have always done their best to bring this forum to His glory. For this, I'm grateful and encouraged.

Pride, dear brothers and sisters, it's always pride, that trips us over, causes ourselves and others grief and turmoil. I remember Mike B. in the past, I'm not sure if he has been lately, would always remind us to be watchful of pride, while Paul has always reminded us to pray (humble ourselves before God, in my thinking) before posting. All but to what end, I'm sure, to the glory or our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To the honour of This Name and to the testimony of His righteousness before the readers.

Yeah, let's do everything heartily towards our Lord, and exhort one another daily, redeeming the time...

Thank you Mike B.,Paul, Krisp, Joan, MrBill...and all of you who love our Lord, for your testimonies on SI.

In Christ,

 2008/8/22 18:51Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 2732


Thank you Mike B.,Paul, Krisp, Joan, MrBill...and all of you who love our Lord, for your testimonies on SI.

And we are also thankful for you Margaret. Your heart comes through and is a balm and a fragrance to this precious place, dear sister.


Mike Compton

 2008/8/22 20:35Profile

Joined: 2006/8/1
Posts: 370
West Monroe, LA


Precious brothers and sisters on SI:

Although I have not posted lately due to being quite busy I still just have to check in from time to time to see what is going on and read some of the latest lines from some of you whom I have grown to love and respect over time, and some of those who have joined lately whose words reflect a desire to please God.

I have to add my appreciation for the way the moderators have tried to keep these forums on track and the transparency with which they have to write. It is one thing to write under a psuedonym and quite another to be front and center all the time with every word and every motive examined and reexamined by folks from every quarter, many of whom as this thread has revealed, with an axe to grind or stones to throw.

We know that leadership comes with that as a part of the territory. But then, as Krispy, Compton and others that have been around for a long time no doubt have observed... with all the sharp barbs that have been aimed at our brothers, there has been an increased level of maturity that is precious to observe, especially when you have had to sit back and be a non participant for a while.

And even folks who defend KJV grow a little over time also ;-) .

God bless you all... there is something uniquely precious about this site, and therefore we can expect more and more attempts to disrupt the unity... but how pleasant and blessed and precious to see it guarded and defended and maintained with the sacrifice of ego.


Clint Thornton

 2008/8/22 21:23Profile

Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797

 Re: Joy Joy Joy

Truly wonderful.

Only on SI.

Hard situations, flesh out everywhere. Go away and pray and when you come back.....

It’s a LOVE FEST! Glory to God! We are all such a mess but we truly love Him. And what a JOY JOY JOY it is to be “stuck” with loving one another.

This thread has rejoiced my day.

(I just couldn’t resist posting this. :-D :-D :-D :-D ) Ok, I'm calming down. :-)

 2008/8/22 22:06Profile


Group hug!!!

Love y'all...


 2008/8/23 7:36

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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