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Joined: 2007/12/27
Posts: 23


Hello there,

I just wanted to ask a couple questions about the Baptist denomination. I personally am affiliated with no denomination, because my church does not claim one. However, I do admire Baptists. I admire them because many of the Baptists I have known have been very much like Bereans and strong in their faith.

So, my questions are:

1. What are fundamental doctrinal differences between Baptists and other denominations?

2. What are the differences between Baptists, Southern Baptists and Anabaptists?

Thanks guys!

God bless!

 2008/1/5 0:11Profile

Joined: 2005/10/28
Posts: 246
Logan City, Queensland, Australia

 Re: Baptists


I wouldn't mind a bit of info too.

Benjamin Valentine

 2008/1/5 6:52Profile

 Re: Baptists

I will attempt to give my observations of this question. I think the answer will vary even among Baptist, even of the same faith group. Baptist is a way of identifing a people who believe in salvation by grace is not of works but unto works Eph 8-10. They are not required to show any works to be saved but have works because they are saved. They believe salvation is supernatural work of God in a person's life. Some Baptist believe they can be saved, even when they don't become a new creation in Christ Jesus...see a drastic change in their heart and life...not the case here. It is imposssible to stereotype any denomination. For instance, many Church of Christ members believe all Baptist are hell bound, because, even though the Baptist believe in water baptism is neccesary, but believe it is not a saving factor...but not all Church of Christ believe that either. The only only thing that really matters is what God thinks. Do we line up with HIS Word. It does not matter what denomination one associate themselves with, if they miss Jesus, as a baseball player who would miss first base, they can make it all the way home and there still out. So my answer is, there are even fundamental differences between the people of the same denomination. I am so glad you did not specify any specific answers that were not suitable and that I read the first post. I hope this helps. Some theological historians can probably shed more light on this. I am not one of those. A very good question and a question that gets very sticky when discussed but HIS WORD tells us things will get sticky when we speak truth and not all will accept it.

 2008/1/5 8:06

Joined: 2006/1/19
Posts: 1406

 Re: Baptists

2. What are the differences between Baptists, Southern Baptists and Anabaptists?

Hi partofaplan,

This should help with Anabaptist.

 2008/1/5 9:09Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230

 Re: Baptists

partofaplan, They are sound in some areas of basic salvation but are far from bereans.
All denominations have error and so do you and me.
You will have to decide where you stand concerning the gifts and once saved always saved.
[The doctrine of eternal security.]
Get a concordance and a good bible.
I assume[since you say you are nondenominational]
that you are part of some group that moves in the gifts.
Baptist doctrine[for the most part] stops just short of ascribing the gifts to the devil.
So keep that in mind while shopping for a church.
Judging from your last sentence you may know more about baptist than you are alluding to.
A lot of people here are passionate about their beliefs and this type of subject will step on toes no matter what is said.
We are winding down at a dramatic pace to the end and focus on Jesus will keep all of us "sweet".
I f i were you I would Fast and pray and seek the absolute highest and best God offers.


 2008/1/5 9:35Profile

Joined: 2007/7/16
Posts: 51

 Re: Baptists

Greetings in the name of Christ
I guess you have opened up a rather large "can of worms" here on SI :) I can only imagine where this thread will end up :)
"Baptist" is a rather vague term these days in America, and the differences between the three groups you mentioned are great. Being neither a theologin or a scholar I will simply direct you to a rather brief work by a Southern Baptist preacher named JM Carrol. This was written during the early part of the last century. Bear in mind that the Southern Baptist denomination was quite a bit different then than it is today. This work, known as "The trail of Blood" is generally considered by most conservative Independant Baptists to be an excellent history of the Baptist church.
You can find this work at
In Christ Aaron


 2008/1/5 10:10Profile


First let me say that you assumed wrong. I am a member of a SB local church. Second, I don't have a problem with assurance of eternal security, what I do have a problem with is some people who only confess with their mouth and think they have beleived. The are taken captive by the devil as he and they tell themselves they are ok. Bereans or not we are all sinners, just some saved by grace. All are but filthy rags. Worse thing can happen to us is to get puffed up. An concordance and a whole library full of Bibles is useless without the Holy Spirit revealing to a person what HIS WORD says. Getting sticky now, right. I do know more about Baptist than you thought, that's the only church I have ever been a member of. The truth is the truth, regardless whether you are speaking to a Methodist, Pentecostal or a Baptist.

 2008/1/5 11:04

Joined: 2008/1/5
Posts: 11

 Re: Baptists


In answer to your question, there are several "Baptist Distinctives." First, all baptists believe in water baptism by submersion, after salvation, as an outward testimony of salvation. Second, all baptists believe in congregational church government in some form or another. Third, all baptists believe in the Second Coming of Christ, although there is no set belief (i.e. post, pre, mid, etc.) A fourth baptist distinctive is eternal security. Fifth, all baptists believe in the autonomy of the local church. Bear in mind these are Baptist distinctives, that is, where baptists differ from other Christian denominations. They also believe in salvation by grace through faith, the Trinity, inspiration of Scripture, etc., but that is not what sets them apart as Baptists for these are traditional Christian beliefs.

In regards to Southern Baptists and independent baptists there are many differences, but really only one main difference. All baptist churches are independent (including Southern Baptists,) but Southern Baptist churches are churches that have ascribed to the Baptist Faith and Message and give to the Cooperative Program (a missions organization of sorts.)

There is much more that could be said in terms of history, other beliefs, etc., but I hope this answers your question.
In Christ,

 2008/1/5 11:43Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230


moe mac,


moe_mac wrote:
First let me say that you assumed wrong. I am a member of a SB local church. Second, I don't have a problem with assurance of eternal security, what I do have a problem with is some people who only confess with their mouth and think they have beleived. The are taken captive by the devil as he and they tell themselves they are ok. Bereans or not we are all sinners, just some saved by grace. All are but filthy rags. Worse thing can happen to us is to get puffed up. An concordance and a whole library full of Bibles is useless without the Holy Spirit revealing to a person what HIS WORD says. Getting sticky now, right. I do know more about Baptist than you thought, that's the only church I have ever been a member of. The truth is the truth,

"taken captive of the devil"?
"think they have believed"?
Since according to you only baptists are escaping the devils deception you unwittingly appear to have opened yourself up to delusion.
There is not enough difference in eternal security and [whatever you want to call the other view] to make some big doctrinal divide.
The bro specifically asked "what are the differences"
You gave him a baptist answer
Then you jumped me?
What are you showing him?


 2008/1/5 13:25Profile

Joined: 2007/12/27
Posts: 23


wow. I had no idea I would spark a debate. I agree that no denomination is above another and we all need to seek God on what His words says. I wholeheartedly agree that we all need to be bereans and that not all Baptists are Bereans.

I guess I just was wanting to hear from the "horse's mouth", so to speak, what Baptist doctrine is.

 2008/1/5 13:37Profile

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