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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 WHY I LEFT the Prophetic Movement by Andrew Strom (book review)


Product Description
In this age of "gold dust" and feathers appearing in meetings, spiritual drunkenness and "laughing revivals", angel encounters and guided visualizations of the "Third Heaven" - some may say that the Charismatic movement has gone to extremes that have never been seen before. In this book, Revival preacher Andrew Strom tells of what he saw and why he left the Prophetic movement after eleven years' involvement. And how the announcement of his leaving shook the movement to it's core. What is real Revival? And how does it differ from what we are seeing? What are real prophets of God supposed to be like? And how do you discern true signs and wonders from the false? All these questions and more are answered in this provocative book. Andrew Strom is a recognized authority on Revival - founder of "RevivalSchool-com" and editor of the Revival List - which has over 10,000 subscribers worldwide. For many years he was a "publisher of the prophets" on the Internet - and widely known in prophetic circles - until he publicly quit the movement in 2004, causing shockwaves around the world. This is his story why.

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"Andrew Strom's new book, 'Why I left the Prophetic Movement' comes with
brutal gut-wrenching honesty to the system of delusional self-sufficient
American Christianity which has freely spread over the earth as the
genuine original. This book asks many questions which are needing to
be asked in these terrible last days."
-Greg Gordon,
founder of SermonIndex-net

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/10/1 16:54Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: How should the church react?

If the man was there and participated in what he describes in the book should the church just say oh well it's something tht happens in every revival or move of God or something similiar along those lines? The movement, probably somewhat pure and well intentioned at the beginning, came straight out of the charismatic church. I brushed shoulders with the prophetic movement so I'm not totally unfamiliar with what was going on. Do we as charismatics have the courage to ask the hard questions? I'm not preaching, I'm just somewhat frustrated. In all of these "silly and dry denominational churches" I have looked down my nose at in times past you don't see these kind of unbiblical excesses. Mr. Strom has posed some very relevant and pertinent questions in his book in my opinion

It's getting late,


David Winter

 2007/10/5 13:55Profile

Joined: 2004/3/24
Posts: 1374

 Re: WHY I LEFT the Prophetic Movement by Andrew Strom (book review)

i've pondered this thread ever since it was posted, and kinda went back and forth as to whether to post my feelings about it, as it hits pretty close to home in my own Christian walk (thus far) and life ... i know in my spirit that i am just about at the close of "one season"
and the beginning of a "new season" ...

"Andrew Strom ... For many years he was a "publisher of the prophets" on the Internet - and widely known in prophetic circles - until he publicly quit the movement in 2004, causing shockwaves around the world."

--- After a very short space i learned quickly what it meant to concider oneself called of God as a NT prophet, let alone make the ultimate mistake of actually saying so openly ... i thank God that in my belief of His moving me in the prophetic (in my own little circle of assignment) i had no idea until coming to SI that there was any such thing as "The Prophetic Movement" ... i've always thought the NT prophet was to be pretty much like the OT prophet, in that you don't even know they're around as long as God's people are on plumb, but when things start to get shaky within the throng God brings us to the fore with "warnings" of slippage ... i've also always thought that the prophet/prophetic was a singular man, in lone singular reluctant movement, not some broad movement that the 'prophets" were supposed to all get together and join up into for comfort, support and solace ... i thought early that the NT prophet, like the old, was supposed to only draw comfort, support and solace from God in the calling, not from fellow men ... Anyhow ... ---

docs wrote;
"Do we as charismatics have the courage to ask the hard questions? I'm not preaching, I'm just somewhat frustrated. In all of these "silly and dry denominational churches" I have looked down my nose at in times past you don't see these kind of unbiblical excesses. "

--- Amen, i know what you're saying here, altho i've never looked down my nose on any other saints/denoms after i got saved ... i was raised a JW and belive me they look down their noses on everyone else, so that by the time Christ brought me to Himself i was reallt flabberghasted to find so much division within the Body, and it was the first mission i believe He had me attack ... it was the onset of what was to become a long salvation walk of "annoying saints" and "aggravating pastors" with questions as to why they made such snide, and sometimes even nasty, comments about one another, even from the pulpit, regarding saints of different denominations ... When i look back on my spiritual upbringing, especially being raised JW, i can see many things from that that God could use in me such as having a perfectionist view when it comes to what scripture says we ought to be, especially in regards Him, our fellow saints, and our fellow man ... But on the other hand if such traits are not used of God, but of ourselves, then we could be doing much more harm than good moving in the perspiration of our own initiative, attempting to help God by making something happen, while all the while making matters worse ... This has been my own most gut wrenching concern in my own (i hope called of God) walk with God thus far in the "prophetic" ... i thank Him that out of a pronouncement a long time coming i believe led of Him to make, that i'll soon be made aware of whether "i'm live (of Him), or memorex (horribly of myself) ...

But this i know for sure, tho my belief structure of being called to NT prophet wasn't formed in a Pentecostal setting, it was further enabled and supported to a strength that was able to survive on it's own apart from that initial nurturing once the "words" started to be delivered
and were contrary to the new direction of the church/pastor ... i've often thought over the years that to get grief for delivering God's messages has intrisic value for oneself as treasures stored up in heaven and hopefully in His use of bringing the Body to repentance, but to be doing such out of self motivatioin is such gross dross, a sure sign of some kind of sick masochistic tendency, and as in bro Strom's expose the cause of an even greater sickness in the Body and further besmirchment of the name of Christ ... Thank God for the cleansing away of anything and anybody that's not trully of Him ...

True most so-called mainstream "denominational churches" don't have the amount of "unbiblical excesses" as many Charasmatic and Pentecostal churches/movements but then they may be just as guilty to the other extreme ... i looked up these definitions ...

Charismatic: a member of a religious group or movement that stresses the seeking of direct divine inspiration and charisms.

Charisms: a member of a religious group or movement that stresses the seeking of direct divine inspiration and charisms (as glossolalia or healing) .

In these definitions it seems to me ALL saints should be defined ... i'm always seeking Divine inspiration and charisms, tho of the latter i have no drive whatsoever toward the visible miracles that so many seem to seek amongst Pentecostalism ... i seek spiritual charisms, in particular a fresh annointing of Holy Spirit on the Body to massive repentance and REVIVAL to our first love and works toward Him ... i care nothing of if i ever see a physical healing, etc., my drive is only toward that of spiritual healing for the Church, and toward that which will occur in the harvest of other unsuspecting vessels of mercy into their being brought into the sheaves ... If God wants to follow that up with visible miracles, so be it, and He can give such gifts to whomever He choses, but i don't have to be one ... If He wants to bring exquisite joy to this saint all He has to do is latter rain down Holy Ghost REVIVAL, and of all else His grace would be more than sufficient ...

i've given my salvation testimony on SI in many places, how i believe it was He who moved me from from JW, to a Baptist assembly, then to a Pentecostal one, which i've said previously certainly wouldn't have been my choice because i'm a much more quieter worshipper than they ...

Andrew Strom left the Prophetic Movement, and God knows that when this year is over, and if i'm proven to also have been one operating in as dos's wrote "unbiblical excesses", my intent will be to apologize to all i feel led of Holy Spirit to apologize to, then gladly leave the Pentecostal C.O.G.I.C. behind and attend some nice, little, multi-cultural Presbyterian assembly, much more appealing to my personality and demeanor ...

Blessings in Christ Jesus, and may His will only be done, especially apart and separate from even well meaning men who somehow get things all twisted to further shame ... Let God be found true, and all men and our movements whether individual, or in tandem, a liar! ... What ALL of us need is much, much, much more of Him, and none of our "selves", for the latter makes nothing but more mess ---

 2007/10/7 14:00Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: Rahman

Hey bro,

I don't have a lot of time right now. But I did read your reply and can relate to what you are saying. You said some good things I just don't have the time to reply to right now. For now, please see my post above - "The office of prophet and the gift of prophecy." It's a good place to start in my opinion in an effort to rightly analyze some of the misunderstandings and blurring of distinctions that have occured and are perhaps at least partly responsible for much of the confusion and excesses that have run amok.



David Winter

 2007/10/8 13:02Profile

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


Does the book serve as a warning or does it just "tell all"?


 2007/10/8 13:49Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Question?

Does the book serve as a warning or does it just "tell all"?

From my review and perspective it is a genuine honest testimony and assessment of some of the spurious happenings in the prophetic movement and also gives the reader some leaning and yearning for the genuine biblical revival that we all need. By no means is the author blameless or tactfully spoken in "every" area that he mentions but I do recommend it to people in these confusing times. It is worth a read for those in the prophetic movement and those that are influenced by the movement and find some things hard to accept.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/10/8 15:31Profile

Joined: 2004/3/24
Posts: 1374

 It Won't Be to Much Longer now ...

Doc you wrote;
"I don't have a lot of time right now. But I did read your reply and can relate to what you are saying. You said some good things I just don't have the time to reply to right now. For now, please see my post above - "The office of prophet and the gift of prophecy." It's a good place to start in my opinion in an effort to rightly analyze some of the misunderstandings and blurring of distinctions that have occured and are perhaps at least partly responsible for much of the confusion and excesses that have run amok."

---Praise God for your reply Doc ...

i've been on SI Forum since 2004 and believe me every which way "the calling of prophet", and the difference between "the calling" and "the gift of prophecy" by Holy Spirit, has been hashed, re-hashed, and then hashed some more, sometimes in heated debate ... i have no further inclination to "analyze some of the misunderstandings and blurring of distinctions that have occured", so please don't feel burdened to reply in any depth in your time constraint ...

See i ain't at the "start" of this season, but at the "end", which actually means on to a "new beginning in a new season", the former is very soon passed away either in validation by God that all i believe He's had me do, and i've reluctantly done, He will make true to fruition to His glory and my promotion into an even wider work, or like Peter "I go a fishing" (John 21:3), with all that that entails as described in ...

[b]Matthew Henry Bible Commentary - John Chapter 21[/b]
(They knew not well what to do with themselves. For my part, says Peter, I will go a fishing)

This saying i'll be returning to a much simpler type, first love, first works, Christianity and assembly, in a complete disassociation from what has over the decades become an increasingly much more complex and burdensome walk in our Lord in that i'll be freed from both an apparent delusion of a "prophetic" calling, and from a denominational invironment (Pentecostalism) in which such delusion could be nutured in the first pace (amongst all the apparent others) ...

There's an open door before me, and one way or the other i'm soon to be ushered thru it into a "new season of freedom" ...

[b]Learning to "Rest in the Lord" or "The Waiting Room" experience ...[/b]

Blessings in our Lord Jesus Christ! ... :-D

 2007/10/9 9:33Profile

Joined: 2006/9/16
Posts: 2753

 Re: Thanks Rahman

I finally made it back to leave a few comments. As you know, I'm relatively new here so I didn't know that the subject of the calling and office of a prophet versus the gift of prophecy has been hashed and rehashed. It's not suprising though and is a necessary topic in these days of glib and erroneous phrases and concepts. Good for SI.

I'm sort of in a new season also. I'm not where I was (not wanting to go back) and not where I'm going. I'm in a season where I will be able to visit various churches in my locality and then before too very long make a decision as to which local fellowhip the Lord wants me to be a part of. Good luck (ugh!). That doesn't sound right. Rather, blessings upon you as you start your new season also bro. You sound like one who is looking for genuiness and I encourage you in that. Would you pray for me also?

"Doc" :-)

David Winter

 2007/10/15 12:19Profile

Joined: 2006/8/24
Posts: 98

 Re: answering...


 2007/10/15 19:10Profile

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


I'd like to get one so don't sell out before the first day. :-(


 2007/10/15 23:15Profile

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