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Joined: 2006/11/6
Posts: 44
Winnipeg MB


I think what we need to ask ourselves is "Is my priority to win souls or are we here to please God? If God seeks a holy nation, I believe we should not defile ourselves in order to get converts.

I see as well where you're coming from Ian and I believe that your are really trying to please God. I don't however believe you need to read the book to talk to this generation about death. In this case, I don't believe that reading Harry Potter gives you any more credibility to talk about it's main theme.

All that being said, bless you as you step out in boldness. I disagree with your methodology but am impressed by your zeal. May we all continue to seek God honestly and humbly.

Chris Wiebe

 2007/7/23 14:50Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 926


Ian, I often agree with you on many points, which, I assume, is a commonality we find from scripture. However, on this point I cannot disagree more.

[Not a diatribe against Ian. This is directed to the Nameless Everyone, of which I am a part]

Are you to suggest that I tell the youth of the church, "As a matter of fact, I did waste 80 hours reading seven books that deny the existence of our Savior and promote witchcraft in the minds of children. Let me tell you a spiritual lesson about it now!"

It pains me to think of Christians reaching into secular filth and blasphemous wastes of time to find their "open doors", rather than receiving from the Spirit, of the word, those things which we minister.

We receive enough "common ground" with unbelievers just by "walking through Athens." There is no need to eat with them in their temples, from the food offered unto idols. I write soberly that the authors three houses and millions of dollars are idols that she purchased with paganism.

We will give an account for every idle word we speak... and moreso for the words we read and the mundane garbage we watch.

As Ravenhill said, "Entertainment is a substitute for joy."

It is one thing to sift difficult psuedo-Christian literature in order to expose it... but it takes less than a magic wand to see that Harry Potter is Christless fiction that supports a hero who uses sin for power.

I don't need Potter and new-wave media to "identify" with culture. I already experienced 21 years of sin-nature to do that with, and there is nothing new under the sun. The leading of the Spirit and a handle of the scriptures is enough.

 2007/7/23 14:54Profile

Joined: 2007/4/12
Posts: 181
Georgia, USA


I used to read Harry Potter when I was unsaved. Loved 'em. And they really got me interested into the very fun sounding occult. You think its just a story? Dude, look around, wake up, it's not just a story. I used to sit at a lunch table with a bunch of witches. I'm not some sheltered cardigan-wearing goody-two-shoes, (and if anyone reading is, I think thats great, I wouldn't mind being in your spot a minute) but I know, not think, know that Harry Potter is not neutral- but EVIL, and has an evil influence on this generation.
When I started seeking God, do you know what kind of Christians I looked for? Was it Christians who read Harry Potter or Christians that were not engaging in that kind of sinful activity that caught my attention?
If you said Harry Potter- good guess, but no. Believe it or not, people who are craving "relevant" Christians... don't want to track the narrow road. They have no interest in holiness, no interest in Christ. And its not your job to make them feel warm and cozy there. In fact, you being warm and cozy there is really really inexcusable.
Though you are in the world, don't be of the world. Set your mind on the things above. Purity, goodness, not darkness and witchcraft.
And yeah, I hate Chronicles of Narnia too. I read all of that series in case you're wondering. And yeah, it opened my mind to Christianity- but the devilish kind. The kind that said if you served the devil with "pure" intention you were actually serving God. His pretty little story with Aslan is much more dangerous than an outright heretical sermon because you're in the fantasy land of no discernment.
W00t, Go Pilgrim's Progress!


 2007/7/23 15:00Profile

Joined: 2006/8/25
Posts: 1658
Indiana USA


When I question something I search the Word and pray for guidance. Next I turn to my mentors and other spiritual leaders I trust to see what they have come up with regarding the topic I’m curious about. It has always been that the vast majority agrees, and in this case, at least in the circles I travel and trust, it is clear.

The Harry Potter books are not Christian. They do not promote Christianity and/or bring Glory to God. Sure God can use them, but He can also use a rattle snake. Just because God can use something or has used something does not mean we should. This is very clear throughout Scripture.


 2007/7/23 15:02Profile


Believe it or not, people who are craving "relevant" Christians... don't want to track the narrow road. They have no interest in holiness, no interest in Christ.

Well said

 2007/7/23 15:03

Joined: 2006/8/25
Posts: 1658
Indiana USA



waste 80 hours

Excellent point regarding stewardship of our (His) time.


 2007/7/23 15:05Profile


I was talking to my nephew this week in a phone conversation, who is an alcoholic. The conversation was about his son, who is in college and just received a scholarship last year because he made a 31 on his ACT test. He was at the head of his class by far. He was telling me how his son could wax him the quiz tv shows. I ask him how he was on the Bible. His reply was, "he is sharp there too". As the conversation continued he ask the son a question and I said, "oh is he from home from college". His reply, yea. I asked, 'what is he doing" Reading a Harry Potter Book. I ask does he know Harry Potter books are a form of witchcraft. The subject was changed by him without an answer. I have talked to my nephew many times about his soul and his son's soul. By his own admissions he is not right with God, but it seems as though it is not an important thing to him and he seems quiet relaxed in discussing the scriptures. Each time he calls I attempt to witness to him but do not see any results or conviction of his lostness. What is really hard to understand is he is not offended by anything I say and often I am blunt as I give him God's Word on issues and with the plan of salvation. Please pray with me both he and his son will come to know the Lord, if they don't, and it appears that they don't. Most of my unsaved friends and relatives will cross the street to avoid me. He really puzzles me how he calls me and does not avoid me. I said not long ago let me pick you up Sunday morning and go to church with me. He said if I go church I will go with my wife. I said that's great but you need to go somewhere. But he don't ever go. Anyone got any answers on this matter?

 2007/7/23 15:25

Joined: 2006/3/22
Posts: 963
Wheaton, IL


Besides Harry Potter 7 (which I just started reading over the weekend) I'm currently reading: JI Packer's 'Knowing God,'
PT Forsyth's 'The Soul of Prayer'
DM M'Intyre's 'The Secret Life of Prayer,'
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor's 'Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret'
James Rosscup's 'Abiding in Christ'
and just started 'Pelendo: God's Prophet to the Congo' on the request of my missionary mentor.

I have a library of nearly 300 Christian books which I often loan out to friends and church members. Calvin's Commentaries, Church Fathers, Wesley, Witfield, Tozer, Ravenhill, Brother Andrew etc.

The only other fictional book I've read in the past year has been Dostoevsky's 'The Idiot' which I highly recommend considering it's an allegory for the desperate need for Jesus in Russia before the rise of communism.

I hope I've put my credentials back in order.

Ian Smith

 2007/7/23 17:11Profile

Joined: 2004/3/24
Posts: 1374

 Take a Stand Young Man! ...

[b]Bro Dom ...[/b]

i haven't much comment on Harry Potter, as you (by Holy Spirit) seem to be doing just fine! ... The dangers you see in Harry Potter and all it represents, in America is percieved as much more benign because paganism, magic, Wicca, (etc) is still serious in Britain, whereas here for the most part it's all just seen as "amusement" ... No justification, just a deadly fact ...

But what i do want to do is acknowledge your growth in Jesus, and exhort your continuance in it's pursuit via prayer and faith in Him that He is indeed a rewarder of ALL who diligently seek Him ... Brother, as one who has prayed for you often in your plights of past posts, it is obvious that you're progressing past your "self" ...

i looked in your profile and see that you're a young man in our Lord, and was really blessed by your statement there ...

"I have many interests but no plan or purpose for my life other than doing what God wants as He is my destiny"

Bro Dom this is a sure powerful statement coming from a 24 year old, especially in the wickedness of our times and in the place of your assignment ... Keep seeking God's destiny for your life, for preoccupation with such a quest can only bring you what my pastor calls "heaven on earth when one is finally connected by God to His ultimate purpose for our lives" ...

God bless you bro Dom, as he continues to reveal in you His purpose for your life!

Bro R :-D

 2007/7/23 17:11Profile

Joined: 2007/4/12
Posts: 181
Georgia, USA


Hey iansmith,

What does it matter if you read their writings if you don't believe what they wrote?
Good choices for sure, but you know none of them would approve of you reading Harry Potter for any reason.
It just isn't right to read them. I don't know why you are continuing to. We've tried to tell you, and that's all we can do.


 2007/7/23 17:21Profile

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