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Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


HeartSong wrote:

Oh, the blessedness of being able to see God's love and anger poured forth in equal measure . . .

What man many times fail to understand is that love would be meaningless without the wrath of God.

Loved this quote. Thanks for posting..


Sandra Miller

 2007/10/27 11:50Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


October 26-28
Laporte, MN
Kitchy Pines Church
Mike & Delight Sporre #218.224.3688
7pm - Friday, Saturday
2:30pm - Sunday

I pray many will be able to hear him tonight in:

[b]Laporte, MN[/b]

Do share testimonies of what God has done in your life through the preaching.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/10/27 12:32Profile

 Re: Keith Daniel USA Fall Tour 2007


[b]October 29-31
Shipshewana, IN[/b]
Rosewood Fellowship Church hosted by Faith Community Church
Enos Hostetler #260.399.4821 or #574.238.4017
[i]6:30pm nightly[/i]

This is a new area for brother Keith to go into. Please pray for these next three nights of meetings in Shipshewana, IN.

 2007/10/29 19:54

Joined: 2007/1/21
Posts: 797



Roniya wrote:

[b]October 29-31
Shipshewana, IN[/b]
Rosewood Fellowship Church hosted by Faith Community Church
Enos Hostetler #260.399.4821 or #574.238.4017
[i]6:30pm nightly[/i]

This is a new area for brother Keith to go into. Please pray for these next three nights of meetings in Shipshewana, IN.

I was able to be at two of these meetings. The Lord really helped Bro. Keith.

For those of you who weren't there here's a link to a site that has the sermons.



 2007/11/1 17:38Profile

Joined: 2007/10/27
Posts: 2


I was blessed to be able to attend all of his meetings. I agree that the Lord helped him with speaking in a new location. Each night there was always something to take home from his sermon's. I praise God that we have the ability to hear such Godly men, like brother Keith, and are able to learn from what God has given them to say.


 2007/11/1 22:06Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


November 2-4
Duncannon, PA
Duncannon God's Missionary Church
Jeremy Fuller #717.576.2684
7:30pm - Friday, Saturday
11am, 7pm - Sunday


I hope some are able to make it to these meetings.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/11/3 8:50Profile


Thank you, Jordan and Nate, for sharing about the meetings in Shipshewana. Praise God for helping His servant Keith at those meetings.

The meetings in Duncannon, PA are also a new location for meetings. Pray for God to pour out His Spirit mightily tonight and tomorrow.

Also, this afternoon at 2pm, Jenny Daniel will be addressing a group of ladies in the Springfield, MO area. Please pray for this time, for Mrs. Daniel as she speaks, and for God to do a deep work in the hearts of the ladies present. Also, do pray for a good recording of her message so that it can be shared with others.

Thank you for praying, saints.


 2007/11/3 11:46

Joined: 2007/7/16
Posts: 51


November 19-21
Moscow, PA (near Scranton)
North Pocono Bible Baptist Church
Tim Hargett #570.842.9214 or #570.848.2425
7pm nightly
Otto Koning will also be speaking on Sunday (18th) at 10am and 2pm, and 10am on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ;
Please pray ernestly for these meetings. We desperatly need a movement of God at our church. (This is my church) Pray that Brother Daniel and Brother Koning will have liberty and annointing, and also(especially) that the Holy Spirit would not be hindered.
-"Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat....but I have prayed for you"....


 2007/11/3 14:34Profile



Swordbearer wrote:
November 19-21
Moscow, PA (near Scranton)
North Pocono Bible Baptist Church
Tim Hargett #570.842.9214 or #570.848.2425
7pm nightly
Otto Koning will also be speaking on Sunday (18th) at 10am and 2pm, and 10am on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ;
Please pray ernestly for these meetings. We desperatly need a movement of God at our church. (This is my church) Pray that Brother Daniel and Brother Koning will have liberty and annointing, and also(especially) that the Holy Spirit would not be hindered.
-"Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat....but I have prayed for you"....

Thank you for sharing this, brother. We will be in prayer for these meetings. Keep us updated on what God does!

 2007/11/6 13:12

 Re: Keith Daniel USA Fall Tour 2007

[b]November 5-7 (Keith & Jenny)
Rhinelander, WI[/b]
Assembly of Believers (meetings at James Williams Middle School)
Brandon Martin #715.362.8327 or #715.369.5266
[i]7pm - nightly (Keith)
4pm - Wednesday (Jenny), supper at 5:30pm

Pray for these meetings that started last night!

 2007/11/6 13:14

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