Thank you for praying. The meetings are going well. I've heard good things about the recent meetings in Elkins, AR. Perhaps Josh Parsley will give us a report of those how it went. :)
_________________Josh Parsley
[b]October 12-14Kalispell, MT[/b]Christ's Covenant Fellowship [i](meets at Mountain Brook Library)[/i]Ray Mallery #406.261.8116Bonni Murry #406.892.1993[i]6:30pm nightly10am Sunday[/i]
[b]October 15-17Hillsboro, OR[/b]Assembly of BelieversJohn Smythe #503.642.3958 or #503.680.7611[i]7pm nightly[/i]
[b]October 19-21Milbank, SD[/b]Milbank Christian FellowshipDavid Miller #605.432.1100[i]7pm nightly9:30am - Sunday[/i]
[b]November 19-21Moscow, PA (near Scranton)[/b]North Pocono Bible Baptist ChurchTim Hargett #570.842.9214 or #570.848.2425[i]7pm nightly[/i][b]Otto Koning[/b] will also be speaking on Sunday (18th) at 10am and 2pm, and 10am on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
[b]October 22Massillon, OH[/b]Calvary Christian FellowshipJohn & Lynette Glick #330.837.0420[i]7pm[/i]
Have any messages from this tour been made available on SI yet?Thanks!
Koheleth wrote:Have any messages from this tour been made available on SI yet?Thanks!
[b]October 26-28Laporte, MN[/b]Kitchy Pines ChurchMike & Delight Sporre #218.224.3688[i]7pm - Friday, Saturday2:30pm - Sunday[/i]
Oh, the blessedness of being able to see God's love and anger poured forth in equal measure . . .
_________________Mike Balog