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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I will be praying for these meetings sister:

September 27-30 (Keith & Roy)
Mt. Vernon, MO
Maranatha Baptist Church Family Camp
Don Courville #417.864.3049
Ueland Family (Registration) #417.924.8184
[email protected]
7pm – Thursday, Friday, Saturday (Keith)
10am - Friday, Saturday (Roy)
9am - Sunday (Keith and Roy)

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/9/27 11:26Profile

Joined: 2005/1/14
Posts: 2164


September 27-30 (Keith & Roy)
Mt. Vernon, MO
Maranatha Baptist Church Family Camp
Don Courville #417.864.3049
Ueland Family (Registration) #417.924.8184
[email protected]
7pm – Thursday, Friday, Saturday (Keith)
10am - Friday, Saturday (Roy)
9am - Sunday (Keith and Roy)

I was at most of this. I left late Saturday night after the service.

I can truly say thank you to everyone who prayed. It went very well (at least from what I could tell). It was such a great blessing to be there. I think it was better than just going to meetings a few days in a row. The format was more of a retreat- so essentially everyone was living together for a few days. It's great to be able to fellowship with the saints. I remember thinking "ah! everyone is so nice and caring- this is how people are suppose to act, epecially the Godly!" I think I was just as blessed with the fellowship as with the preaching (and that was hard to compare with).

It was good to see the different styles of preaching Keith can do. Thursday night it seemed that 85%-90% of the sermon was him quoting scripture. I hope I'm not exaggerating, but that is what it seemed like to me. Hopefully in the future the sermon will be on here so you can test my memory. Friday night he told several powerful stories. Saturday night seemed to be a little bit of a mix of the two nights before (at least with the mixture of scriptures and stories/ illustrations.) I feel refreshed and ready for service!

Please pray that my church is turned upside down next week when Keith comes. I'd love to see our church blazing as one large flame. :-)

Josh Parsley

 2007/9/30 16:04Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994


Can't anyone send the audio to Greg ? :-) it feels like a little child on Christmas.... I really would like to hear brother Keith's messages. There is always something for me in his messages.



 2007/9/30 16:32Profile


Thank you to everyone for praying for these meetings!
[i]Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things.
And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen. [/i]

The whole convention went very well. There were some very needy people who came and brother Keith's messages, and Roy's messages were so on target and exactly what was needed. One person told me that there was a total change in their life during camp. So praise be to God for all of the lives that He worked in! Only eternity will reveal the depth of work that God did in hearts over this past weekend.

All of the messages were very good. Roy Daniel had three excellent messages on true spirituality. The first one focused on the Corinthian church and it's liberality, the second message focused on the Galatian church and more on the aspect of legalism and rules. Sunday morning's message was on faith and all that we have in Jesus Christ as believers.

Brother Keith's messages were all really good. The first one focusing on compromising Christianity being the greatest tragedy in the world today, I wasn't in the meeting on the second one so I'm listening to it today, the third one was on warning the sinner of hell and of the responsibilities that lie with Christians to witness to those around them, the fourth message was a solemn warning to young people raised in Godly homes not to turn on the God of their parents, and of the consequences of doing so. So there's a brief summary of the messages. :) I might could get out my notes later and fill in a little bit more, but it would be best if everyone would just listen to the messages themselves.

Speaking of which, there is some editing that must be done before sending the messages into Greg, so please be patient!

Once again, thank you to those who prayed for these meetings and brother Keith. Please continue to pray for every meeting where he will be preaching. Also be in prayer for Roy Daniel as he ministers to the youth in a community here in Missouri.

Please, please, if you go to any of brother Keith's meetings, do share a testimony afterwards. It's always such a blessing to hear how God is working in lives.


 2007/10/1 13:33

 Re: Keith Daniel USA Fall Tour 2007


[b]October 1-3
Milwaukee, WI[/b]
S. Milwaukee Church of the Nazarene
Tom Rodriguez #414.762.6169
[i]7pm nightly[/i]

Please pray for these meetings which start this evening.

 2007/10/1 19:09


[b]October 5-7
Elkins, AR (Fayetteville area)[/b]

Covenant Word Ministries
Josh Parsley
[i]Friday and Saturday- 7pm
Sunday Morning- 10am
Sunday Night- 6pm[/i]

Please pray for these meetings. And if you know anyone in the Fayetteville, AR area encourage them to attend the meetings.

Continue to pray for brother Keith. The meetings in S. Milwaukee went well, praise God!

Pray also for Roy Daniel who has been preaching in the Washburn, MO area over the last couple of days to the young people in the area. God is opening up amazing opportunities for him there, he's spoken in the public school several times on the topic of Africa. He will be preaching this evening and tomorrow morning. Pray for these meetings, pray for God to do a mighty work in the lives of these young people. Pray also for my family as we minister in music there tonight.

Thank you!


 2007/10/5 15:14

Joined: 2006/7/17
Posts: 140


I'm praying for this, Joy . . . how is it going so far?

Jennifer Richardson

 2007/10/6 0:07Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Please pray for these meetings. And if you know anyone in the Fayetteville, AR area encourage them to attend the meetin

Amen. Praying.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/10/6 2:21Profile

Joined: 2003/10/30
Posts: 1554


PreachParsly wrote:
If anyone has any questions about this let me know. You can call the number above or just contact me on SI. We are excited that Brother Keith will be coming. If you plan on coming to these meetings, please let me know.

Brother, that is wonderful, I know that this would be a blessing and special time for your church.
Please make a video recording possible! :)

 2007/10/6 2:30Profile



JennRich wrote:
I'm praying for this, Joy . . . how is it going so far?

Thank you for praying. The meetings are going well. I've heard good things about the recent meetings in Elkins, AR. Perhaps Josh Parsley will give us a report of those how it went. :)

[b]October 8-10
Indianapolis, IN[/b]
Indianapolis Training Center
Roger Gergeni #317.923.7301
[i]7pm nightly[/i]

Brother Keith is speaking at the Indianapolis Training Center (part of the IBLP ministry) right now. Tomorrow evening and Wednesday evening he will be addressing hundreds of young people at the counseling seminar that is taking place at the training center this week. Pray for the many young people who will hear brother Keith preach.

Roy Daniel's meetings in the Washburn, MO area went well. There wasn't a large turnout Friday night and Saturday morning, but the messages were recorded, and I hope will be spread much around the world, especially the one he gave on music.

Keep praying. We're so blessed in America to have this godly man come and preach across our land. Oh for God to pour out His Spirit and be glorified greatly through this humble servant!

 2007/10/8 20:31

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