September 27-30 (Keith & Roy)Mt. Vernon, MOMaranatha Baptist Church Family CampDon Courville #417.864.3049Ueland Family (Registration) #417.924.8184 [email protected] 7pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday (Keith)10am - Friday, Saturday (Roy)9am - Sunday (Keith and Roy)
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
I am. I will go to at least one of them. I'm waiting to see if I will be able to go Thursday-Saturday. Hopefully I will know by next week.
_________________Josh Parsley
[b]October 5-7Scottville, MILudington Christian Fellowship[/b]Ken HelmuthElmer Schwartz #231.233.1776 or #231.845.73077pm Friday10am, 6pm Saturday10am Sunday
yea!!!i'll make the one in oregon.. only an hour drive for me. :-P
This spot, October 5-7, is now open for an invitation from any church that wants to host meetings for brother Keith Daniel to preach at. If anyone is interested please contact my dad, Don Courville at #417-864-3049 or [email protected] right away.
We have another place where brother Keith will be speaking this fall, praise God![b]October 5-7Elkins, AR (Fayetteville area)[/b]Covenant Word MinistriesJosh Parsley479-264-8175[i]Friday and Saturday- 7pmSunday Morning- 10amSunday Night- 6pm[/i]http://covenantwordministries.com
Roniya wrote:We have another place where brother Keith will be speaking this fall, praise God![b]October 5-7Elkins, AR (Fayetteville area)[/b]Covenant Word MinistriesJosh Parsley479-264-8175[i]Friday and Saturday- 7pmSunday Morning- 10amSunday Night- 6pm[/i]http://covenantwordministries.com
October 5-7Elkins, AR (Fayetteville area)Covenant Word MinistriesJosh Parsley479-264-8175Friday and Saturday- 7pmSunday Morning- 10amSunday Night- 6pmhttp://covenantwordministries.com