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Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
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Good messages. Thanks for pointing them out, Jeremy.
I listened to both of these and thought them quite important and truth to listen to. What a sad fact that the major immoral trends that are happening in our nations are proof from scripture that God is abandoning us to our "reprobate" minds. _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
| 2007/6/5 17:54 | Profile | hulsey Moderator

Joined: 2006/7/5 Posts: 653 Missouri
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What a sad fact that the major immoral trends that are happening in our nations are proof from scripture that God is abandoning us to our "reprobate" minds.
True. I also appreciate how Macarthur biblicaly defined the nature of "abandonment." What a terrifying thought to be able to say, "God speaks to me no more." I couldn't live with that. _________________ Jeremy Hulsey
| 2007/6/5 17:58 | Profile |
| Re: It's here. | | Quote Crrssck: Quote:
What it amounts to is it's coming, it's coming, it's coming, 'it's over' well the fact of the matter is that it is not yet come. Does that necessitate that we ought to 'tone it down a bit'? Absolutely not! In fact we ought to rally and rail at sin like never before, it is not all ineffectual, think there is enough of a ... solidarity effort ... here and many other places where the saints recognize the times they are living in and that souls will indeed hear what needs to be heard, to be cut to the very heart and core of their being. But if there is anything I am convinced of it is the need for God to rend the heavens and come down, break up this atmosphere with His presence, Oh He must! I full well understand MacArthur's heart presumptuously without hearing his specific message here. That is to say that I would likely agree that the Lord seemingly has cast us off because of where we are, but the true matter at hand is ... Has He indeed? Then what in the world is he or SI doing? Maybe I am jumping the gun here a bit not hearing what he has to say but I do hold John MacArthur with the utmost respect, he turned me around greatly when I was knee deep in error but beyond that he is a man of conviction and fortitude.
Only using your quote as the opposing viewpoint, but also because I agree with parts of it ... and I prefer to always agree where we can agree. I like it that way.
I don't listen to other people's forecasts, or prophecies, or "words from the lord" or read books on eschatology or any of this stuff ... but what I know The Lord has called me to do for 30 years is Know His Word in it's entirety/contextually and also "know the times" by having my eyes everywhere around the globe at the same time when it comes to eschatology.
The only way that we can say "where we are" in this world/time/timeline is to know every Prophecy in HIS Word and to also know exactly what is going on around the entire globe at this very moment.
If in fact, we are in "those days" - then no amount of praying it away will do anything - and we'd be fighting GOD Himself if we think we can get HIM to change a whole Bible worth of Prophecy about His timeline and His timing. Once His countdown clock starts ticking ... there's a specific amount of time and events that will take place, regardless of us wanting it not to come.
If you could see Both --- Every Scripture pertaining to "those days" and the world events as a whole - you'd see a Chess board already set up and playing out just as HE said.
It IS here. Not "coming".
We have to be careful to not be like those prophets also who said "Peace, Peace" when there will be no peace. Not a few times HE mentions when they cry "Peace, Peace" and in the case of "those days" - their want for 'more time' of Peace becomes a snare onto them, because "By Peace he will destroy many", meaning the antichrist, when he and also his system comes to save the day. Many "Christians" will not recognize who "he" is because their eyes are only on "more time".
Now, here's where we are in agreement, whole-heartedly ...
Does that necessitate that we ought to 'tone it down a bit'? Absolutely not! In fact we ought to rally and rail at sin like never before, it is not all ineffectual, think there is enough of a ... solidarity effort ... here and many other places where the saints recognize the times they are living in and that souls will indeed hear what needs to be heard, to be cut to the very heart and core of their being.
HE said, "Occupy till I COME."
The Overcomers are very busy people :-D .
SermonIndex will stay as a light on a hill until the powers that be over-haul the Internet and make this stuff even more illegal than it is now. I said, "as it is now", because there are already laws in the books and on the table that are already against us & our expressing Biblical beliefs. (And by the way - you shouldn't be watching TV anyways - HA !)
Whether you believe it isn't here or not, makes no difference between us in that we do agree - we are "to work while it is yet day/light, for the darkness/night is coming when no man can work".
We agree this will/may some day cost us our lives, unless HE has us in mind to be in that number who are Resurrected when HE comes. Rev. 20:4-6.
The overcomers are known for their lack of "fear". "All the fearful and unbelieving will have their part in the .... " And I do believe it was you Mike that said, that when Jesus returns "will HE find faith ?"
We now must be like the very First Church. Most were killed and it was illegal to "speak The Name", yet they kept on keeping on.
Doesn't matter who you feel "Babylon" is in this conversation at all ... "it all" is still going to come down as HE said. And this nation plays a very large part in Biblical Prophecy. How could it not ? - seeing that we've run the world basically for how many years now ? We're the super-power now for how long ? What is the International language ? Where does most of our days technology come from ? Who exports the most pornography ? Who makes the most Movies & ones that portray Christ as many horrible things and Christians are the really jerky ones )according to Ted Turner and Hollywood/Television as a whole) and so on and so on.
How could such a major player in world events, past and present NOT be in the Bible ? Especially in how we are supposedly Israel's alli {however ya spell that}. In that we were also there for it's inception as a Nation, etc. etc..
No matter "where" we are on the time-table, we need to not fear and be what Christ called us to be. Victorious unto death. Loving neither this present world, nor the THINGS in it, nor our own lives. By His Word, exposing darkness and preaching The Light.
Bless you and you all. (not teaching here - just "sharing" - HA)
Love. Annie
And no offense: but Dobson talks outta both sides of his mouth. Yeah, I listen to a lot.
| 2007/6/5 18:34 | | Compton Member

Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 2732
| Re: Fait Accompli? Faith Accompli! | | Quote:
Perhaps listening to the rest of the message will help.
Thanks much Husley.
The ending of this two-parter is so spot-on (in my limited understanding of scripture and my experience with the Lord) that I am inspired to download it for mp3 archive. His brief but vital discussion of Psalm 81 is exactly the reason I am personally filled with great anticipation for the SI conference. In my small local sphere there are flames of revival among Christians, and newness of faith for obedient living. Theology that was once cycnical head knowledge now brings tears of conviction and joy of possession. It is not widespread but it is holding. As such I am abit sensitive about proclaiming the demise of the Church a fait accompli.
Now the American Church landscape is by and large a darkened valley of dry bones. From coast to coast stretches hills of empty skulls too numerous to count; but there is the breath of God to add to the tally.
As Macarthur discussed Psalm 81,
O that my people would listen to me...Right there folks is your mandate to pray.... Pray for the living Word of God to be proclaimed across this nation...
That's not going to happen if there is a famine of the hearing of the Word of God.
Pray that the Word, will have free course, that it would run with all it's power across this land...and that people would hear, and believe, and be saved, and be obedient." We may discuss shades of meaning in the word 'abandonment', but the bottom line is that MacAuthur does not at all feel we are beyond prayer. In fact he allows for the possibility that the American Church might be the "greatest recovery story in history". Indeed, prophesy to these dead bones...
If our eschatology prevents us from praying for revival then may I offer the friendly suggestion that our caboose is on the wrong end of the train. For this reason I appreciate Macarthur's tender honesty regarding Psalm 81. I don't know what God's plan is, I just see here what His heart is. O' that my people would listen to me. That is the heart of God.
Amen. Not wanting at all to insist or condradict, only to register what I believe is still possible.
_________________ Mike Compton
| 2007/6/5 20:03 | Profile | hulsey Moderator

Joined: 2006/7/5 Posts: 653 Missouri
| Re: | | Quote:
If our eschatology prevents us from praying for revival then may I offer the friendly suggestion that our caboose is on the wrong end of the train. For this reason I appreciate Macarthur's tender honesty regarding Psalm 81. I don't know what God's plan is, I just see here what His heart is. O' that my people would listen to me. That is the heart of God.
Amen. Not wanting at all to insist or condradict, only to register what I believe is still possible.
A thousand Amens to that last post Compton. I think if we really listen to the heart of what MaCarthur is saying we will realize that now is not only not a time for despair, but this is the hour of our greatest oppurtunity to BOLDLY preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
2Co 2:14 NASB But thanks be to God, [b]who always leads us in triumph in Christ[/b], and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.
_________________ Jeremy Hulsey
| 2007/6/5 20:44 | Profile |
| Re: A Nation Abandoned By God | | Quote:
hulsey wrote: "I am convinced that America has been abandoned by God." ~John MaCarthur~
[url=]A Nation Abandoned By God[/url] was preached by John MaCarthur last month during the National Day of Prayer in Colorado. This is the first part of a stunning message that Focus on the Family broadcast today. If you follow the links you can download the broadcast for free.
This was the top message that Focus on the Family aired in 2007. They are re-airing it today and tomorrow,
If you didn't hear it last year, I recommend taking the time to listen to it this time. |
| 2008/1/14 15:56 | |