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Joined: 2006/6/7
Posts: 17

 Andrew Wommack

Hi folks,
Do any of you guys know of Andrew Wommmack?
If so what do you think?

Simon Brereton

 2007/4/30 7:05Profile

Joined: 2004/8/3
Posts: 633

 Re: Andrew Wommack

Hi Simon. I know of Andrew Wommack. I have dozens of his messages on video. What do I think? Well, he is someone who would be classified as a health & wealth or prosperity gospel kind of guy. But...let me say that I've never seen anyone who believes what he's saying as much as Andrew Wommack and he definitely has made me think long and hard about who I am in Christ.

I often meditate on that scripture which says, "if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you could say to this mountain 'move', and it would be cast into the sea. Nothing would be impossible to you." I tell you, that line, "nothing would be impossible to you", really gets me. I feel so defeated most of the time, but there have been a few times that I just got mad at the devil and unloaded on him and, man! Did I ever see some mountains move!

I don't think we've even scratched the surface of believing. I think alot about this planet called Earth that we live on and how God created it for us. Have you ever thought that there is never any more wealth available to anyone than there was at the beginning of time? It just changes hands down through the ages. God provided us with every good thing we could possibly need for life and godliness and he is never at a loss for resources. He knows where every hidden treasure lies. Just think, Peter got a coin out of a fish's mouth! 2+2 does not equal 4 with God. And Jesus never asked the question, "do we have enough money for that!?" He walked through this earth, as Art Katz would say, "like water off a duck's back." I love to think about that. I want to be like Him. Love, Dian.

 2007/4/30 16:21Profile

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK

 Re: Andrew Wommack

I didn't know the name so I looked up his website. I am not impressed. I read his article on 'Faith for Healing is based on knowledge' and disagree with him on most of it. It includes sections entitled... God has already placed His healing power within us, and it is now under our authority. It isn’t up to God to determine who receives healing; it’s up to us!

It's never God's will for us to be sick; He wants every person healed every time.

These verses reveal that physical healing is a part of the atonement of Christ.
I think people who propogate this kind of stuff are dangerous and I steer clear of them.

Ron Bailey

 2007/4/30 17:44Profile

Joined: 2006/5/31
Posts: 427


Yeah, I agree with philologos. I used to go to the church he attends and have actually listened to some of his radio programs and thought they were good. He does have some good messages. I got word of him being a health and wealth guy when I was looking into possibly going to the bible college he heads up, and that turned me off right away. He does have some questionable theology and thoughts on Scripture.

 2007/4/30 17:53Profile

Joined: 2005/5/25
Posts: 258

 Re: Andrew Wommack


If so what do you think?

I try not to think about that. ;-)

Man, I'm sure the guy loves God, but a lot of people are falling for this health, wealth, and prosperity gospel. This is definitely dangerous stuff.

 2007/4/30 18:07Profile

Joined: 2006/9/21
Posts: 116



Spitfire wrote:
I often meditate on that scripture which says, "if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you could say to this mountain 'move', and it would be cast into the sea. Nothing would be impossible to you."

Just remind me, how many mountains was it that Jesus cast into the sea? :-?


 2007/5/1 4:54Profile

Joined: 2004/8/3
Posts: 633

 Re: What?!

Just remind me, how many mountains was it that Jesus cast into the sea?

I can't believe you asked this question! Are you kidding? His whole ministry was moving mountains, man! Would you not consider death a mountain? This guy conquered death, hell, and the grave! You can't be serious! What do you mean by such a question? I really want to know what you mean by that. Thanks, Dian.

 2007/5/1 6:04Profile

Joined: 2004/8/3
Posts: 633

 Re: This is the very thing

Just remind me, how many mountains was it that Jesus cast into the sea?

This right here! This is the very thing which makes me despair of life, folks! This guys attitude.

There is such a mixture of dung, (watching my tongue for the sake of Enid), in the church that I can hardly take it.

I'm beginning to wonder if there is anyone we can trust. I've begun to ask the Lord if there is anyone who knows him that lives near me, cause I want to meet them.

Everywhere I go I find a little bit of truth and a whole lot of dung. It makes me despair! It makes me groan like an animal.

I'm quite certain I don't know God, but I'd like to. I know when I hear something that is [i]not[/i] from God and it's making me ill. Thanks, Dian.

 2007/5/1 6:14Profile

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK


Matt. 17:1 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into [u]an high mountain[/u] apart,

Matt. 17:9 And as they came down from [u]the mountain[/u], Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.

Matt. 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto [u]this mountain[/u], Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. ...was not a metaphorical mountain.
This was not a metaphorical mountain. The most likely candidate is [url=]Tabor.[/url]

Ron Bailey

 2007/5/1 6:21Profile


Maybe there are two things in this thread. One is that extreme prosperity teaching is wrong, often presumptuous, and leads to disillusionment if healing etc doesn't happen in spite of "having faith" (which isn't usually faith in God at all, just faith in faith).

The other is that lacking faith "to move mountains" is wrong too. Diane was challenged because of the latter (as I often am too). The Lord can speak even through someone who preaches falsely, or through a dumb beast (example, Balaam and his donkey in that order!)

The point maybe is what is the Lord saying to us as individuals, at this moment in time?

Dian, you certainly don't lack faith, as I have seen in your contributions to the forum. But the greatest of God's servants can experience times of uncertainty, self-doubt and discouragement.

Look at Jeremiah and Elijah when they were "down" and be reassured - they were no greater than you and I, just as vulnerable and dependent on the grace of God. But they were truer prophets than those who preached a constantly upbeat, "in the victory - health wealth and prosperity for all" brigade.

In His love


 2007/5/1 6:36

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