Poster | Thread |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | "The Word of God is a looking glass, to show us our spots; and the blood of Christ is a fountain to wash them away." -Thomas Watson
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2007/12/7 13:36 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | 'I have had a deep conviction for many years that practical holiness and entire self-consecration to God are not sufficiently attended to by modern Christians in this country. Politics, or controversy, or party spirit, or worldliness, have eaten out the heart of lively piety in too many of us. The subject of personal godliness has fallen sadly into the background. The standard of living has become painfully low in many quarters. Sound doctrine is useless if it is not accompanied by a holy life. It is worse than useless: it does positive is my firm impression that we need a thorough revival about scriptural holiness'. -J.C. Ryle
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2007/12/9 14:58 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | "Let us not rust out. Let us not glide through this world and then slip quietly out of it without having blown the trumpet loud and long for our Blessed Redeemer. At the very least, let us see to it that when the Devil gets news of our departure from the battlefield, he throws a thanksgiving party in hell." -C.T. Studd
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2007/12/10 19:58 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | "Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance." -Samuel Johnson
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2007/12/12 20:10 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | "He that is down needs fear no fall He that is low, no pride." -John Bunyan
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2007/12/14 16:26 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | "Eternity to the godly is a day that has no sunset;
eternity to the wicked is a night that has no sunrise."
"If a wicked man seems to have peace at death,
it is not from the knowledge of his happiness,
but from the ignorance of his danger."
-Thomas Watson
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2007/12/15 15:04 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | "A life spent in the service of God and in communion with him, is the most pleasant life that any one can live in the world." - Matthew Henry
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2007/12/15 15:11 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | "I believe that the widespread unbelief, indifference, formalism and wickedness, which are to be seen throughout Christendom, are only what we are taught to expect in Gods Word. Troublous times, departures from the faith, evil men waxing worse and worse, love waxing cold, are things distinctly predicted. So far from making me doubt the truth of Christianity, they help to confirm my faith. Melancholy and sorrowful as the sight is, if I did not see it I should think the Bible was not true." -J.C. Ryle
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2007/12/16 0:31 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | "A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word DARKNESS on the walls of his cell." -C.S. Lewis
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2007/12/17 11:09 | Profile |
sermonindex Moderator
Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | "When the Son of Man shall come in His glory and assign every man his own reward, that reward will undoubtedly be proportioned (1) to our inward holiness, our likeness to God; (2) to our works; and (3) to our sufferings." - John Wesley
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
2007/12/21 15:11 | Profile |