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Joined: 2006/11/13
Posts: 121

 Re: Shocking Video

i am from a town nothing like this, but i want to say that i noticed many of the houses were large houses. truly this is the affects of "not building upon the rock." "if the lord doth not establish a house, it abideth in vain." sin won over this area.

I am also reminded of hurrican katrina. These images are much like the destruction and utter waste that i saw in many coastal towns there. Truly the consequences of sin have swept through that area like the rising waters of a hurricane.

very sobering and heartbreaking. Thank you.

Matt Chenier

 2006/11/22 4:25Profile

Joined: 2005/7/20
Posts: 671
Los Angeles, California


i am from a town nothing like this

Yeah, most of us aren't, but you are right it is very sobering that almost 1 million people live in these areas in Detroit alone, yet alone the rest of the areas of the country that are similar. I have also heard as previously mentioned that Philly is similar to Detroit with mile after mile of destruction and desolation.

Tomorrow many of us will be warm in our homes enjoying a feast of turkey and the works. It would do us well to remember how so many others in our own country live. Out of site out of mind, huh?

Patrick Ersig

 2006/11/22 10:26Profile

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