Poster | Thread | moreofHim Member

Joined: 2003/10/15 Posts: 1632
| Re: home churches | | Oilpainter,
_________________ Chanin
| 2004/4/1 17:07 | Profile | rookie Member

Joined: 2003/6/3 Posts: 4821 Savannah TN
| Re: | | I have read through this thread. I would like to share a little bit about what's going on in my life in terms of "church."
I am in a lonely place. I sense that I have offended some here with the things that I write. There have been times when I have logged on to this site with dread of what I might encounter with the thoughts that I have shared. Many times I have not been clear. Many times I have not shared in the love of Christ. For that I am sorry.
I am in a place of searching for direction in what I must do next. I just read Charles Finney's sermon, "Can Two Walk Together Except They Be Agreed." I've listened to the compilations on this site. I've listened to Art Katz (SP).
I am serving as an elder, children's ministry leader, and deacon. I am attending Bible school. I work full time at UCLA. I have a family.
The thoughts that I share on this site are also shared in the church. I am not walking in the same direction in my church nor the Bible school because we are no longer agreeing. I believe it is Art Katz who questions the fruit of one's life. Will my works burn? I am so busy doing church programs, works, and classes. And for what?
I know that Jesus teaches in the Beatitudes that those who follow Him will learn to love as He loves. I know that, once I felt, I didn't need people. Now I know that besides God there is nothing else worth my time. I know that as God works in me, people around me will be the purpose for which I live for Him.
I have learned this. That I must not look back but onward and upward with Jesus as my pursuit. I can not learn to love as He loves unless I am with people. As the Holy Spirit strives with my flesh, I too will strive with others. But God promises, "Blessed are the peacemakers, [b]for they shall be called sons of God."[/b] Matthew 5:9
Chanin, I am thankful for your thoughts. One thing is clear, God is working mightily in you and your family. My family life is not what it must now become. I have neglected my family. I suspect that there has been much time spent on dead works of the traditional church. However, I know I can not learn to love as Jesus loves me, if I only love those who love me.
Lost in the midst of a storm and yet at rest, In Christ Jeff _________________ Jeff Marshalek
| 2004/4/7 12:37 | Profile | moreofHim Member

Joined: 2003/10/15 Posts: 1632
| Re: | | _________________ Chanin
| 2004/4/7 13:07 | Profile | rookie Member

Joined: 2003/6/3 Posts: 4821 Savannah TN
| Re: | | Thankyou Chanin,
Maybe that is where God wants me. It will be hard for me to be a Mary or Martha though. There is wisdom in your thoughts.
In Christ Jeff _________________ Jeff Marshalek
| 2004/4/7 13:25 | Profile | moreofHim Member

Joined: 2003/10/15 Posts: 1632
| Re: | | ~The Lord's Word is heard while we sit at His feet.~
"Martha had a sister named Mary, who sat at His feet and kept on listening to His Word (Luke 10:39)."
There are two elements here: she sat at His feet, and she heard His Word. We must sit at His feet and hear for ourselves. We can hear His Word through other vessels - the pastor, the teacher, the prophet, a devotional, a television program, a book. In spite of an abundance of vessels we are very dull in our hearing. We are well-versed in "the things of the Lord"; nevertheless we are quite shallow. Why? We have missed the Lord for ourselves.
We have not sat down at His feet personally, we are consulting and conferring with flesh and blood, receiving "second, third, or fourth-generational teaching". If this is our situation then we have no root in ourselves and we are apt to wither during the heat of the day.
You must sit at His feet and hear Him for yourself. Entering into the Lord's thought, becoming acquainted with His Ways as well as His Word, takes the sort of love-devotion Mary demonstrates. The Greek here is continuous action: she "kept on listening". Martha listened too, but when she arose to prepare dinner, Mary remained. As we progress we will see that Mary has discovered spirit and truth, and from henceforth she is always at the feet of the Lord in one way or the other.
That is where it begins: the disciple sitting at the feet of the Teacher, lingering there well beyond what is usual and customary, hanging on His every word. So Bethany satisfies the Lord because that is where He is able to directly deposit Himself into listening hearts.
~C.Brogden _________________ Chanin
| 2004/4/7 13:45 | Profile | rookie Member

Joined: 2003/6/3 Posts: 4821 Savannah TN
| Re: | | Thankyou Chanin,
I do hear, that is my problem. The Holy Spirit wars with my flesh. My problem lies in the flesh. He is crucifying me. His work is not done. If I sit as Mary did, the things I write now will be like milk compared to the meat. I know He is good, I have tasted what is pure. My flesh trembles. I know His promises are only good. In my carnality, in my worthless mind, I seek to stay busy.
In Christ Jeff _________________ Jeff Marshalek
| 2004/4/7 14:13 | Profile | chadsepulveda Member

Joined: 2003/3/6 Posts: 13 college station , tx
| Re: | | If I may enter graciously into this conversation, I have a question to pose to you who have already contributed to the topic and anyone else who has Godly wisdom and counsel on the topic.
Ok, so I am 21 years of age and married and a part of a home group in Texas. This home group is underneath the authority of an awesome church in Oklahoma which is six hours away. Their main pastor comes and hangs out the weekend with us around once a month as a pastor/elder/overseer. He is the main authority we look to. When he is not around, there are three leaders or facilitators(as we typically call them) which help in guiding the home group meeting's flow. These three leaders are all 25 or younger and most of the believers that come to the home group are in college or just recently out of college. So the group is almost all 25 and under.
The inception of the group was to , just as the forum has been talking about, encourage the flock to go deeper in Jesus in ways that many are unable to in their local sunday fellowships. For most people within our group, there is still a Sunday church that they go to and attend, but for any biblical definition of NT fellowship, this home group is church.
Jesus has really been coming with us and blessing the efforts and we have seen wonderful things happen within the house that we are most grateful for. So my question to you all is this... As we go on in development of this home group underneath an authority that is a ways a way(geographically-which means a limit on personal interaction), it is looking and forming itself organically more and more like a church. And what I mean by that is not necessarily the typical Sunday organized machine, but rather an independent and self existing body that could exist on its own. So it seems that people could quit their other sunday things and just devote themselves entirely to the home group. The people within still maintain connections, friendships with other fellowships as well, I might add.
It all seems to be progressing that way, though it has not yet. What do you guys think of the legitimacy of it all considering our age(s) and the experience that most of the group has. Thus, it was natural for the homegroup to start.
A lot of the group has been thoroughly exposed to Ravenhill, Tozer, Keith Green, Wilkerson, etc. And I believe it is the life that is expressed and seen through men as these that has promted the need for something that is other than what has been seen in traditional sunday meetings.
What do you all think?? We are at a creative, open-ended, thinking, praying, crying out to God stage hoping to do this thing right - in a manner worthy of the Gospel. I am in need of wisdom and counsel. And as another so wodnerfully put it earlier in the forum, "what would the Lord Jesus have us to do??" That is where we find ourselves. And there is safety in the multitude of counsel. I am asking for yours here, and for the counsel of the Most High myself.
Any help is appreciated. I am truly thankful for the people of God here and their hearts.
That He would receive the reward of His suffering. chad _________________ Chad Sepulveda
| 2004/4/7 15:19 | Profile | sermonindex Moderator

Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | Re: | | Quote:
What do you all think?? We are at a creative, open-ended, thinking, praying, crying out to God stage hoping to do this thing right - in a manner worthy of the Gospel. I am in need of wisdom and counsel. And as another so wodnerfully put it earlier in the forum, "what would the Lord Jesus have us to do??" That is where we find ourselves. And there is safety in the multitude of counsel. I am asking for yours here, and for the counsel of the Most High myself.
Brother Chad, I am quite a young believer like yourself, im 24 yrs old so I don't boast of wisdom of years but I would still like to share my counsel and knoweldge. One thing that concerns me overall is people like ourselves who desire more of God and our first reaction is to leave our fellowships, churches, etc and either stay by ourselves or start a small group of like minded believers. This can be good and bad, I assume God can call many apart to Himself for a time of refreshing and strengthening in His presence, but if we exhibit the true Spirit of Christ will want to be amongst the unsaved, unregenerate, backsliden, carnal christians, to extend Christs freedom and live in the Spirit to. As hard as it is for me to be in my home church sometimes, I know I am there to share the power and love of Christ with those people.
I even am feeling led to go to a homegroup for an more intimate fellowship but I still want to maintain connection with my home church to be used of God to make an impact there. I am not saying this all as a rule for everyone else, there are always exceptions but I feel this is my calling and conviction on the matter.
I see such potential in all the Chrisitans who are slumbering as the world is going literally to hell. We need to rouse them to their high-calling in Christ Jesus. I feel my ministry through SermonIndex is to awaken Christians to be [b]fully[/b] given to Christ in these days of Apostasty. 'Revive thy people so that they may rejoice in thee.' _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
| 2004/4/7 15:40 | Profile | eagleswings Member

Joined: 2003/12/30 Posts: 297 Connecticut, USA
| Re: True Fellowship | | Quote: "Any help is appreciated."
Perhaps Art Katz' book, "True Fellowship: To Him be the Glory in the Church" could be helpful.
It is "An examination of biblical fellowship in the context of a community setting. Art seeks to understand the heart of God in His desire to establish His glory in the Church. A great handbook for those considering Church as communityespecially in the light of Last Days extremities."
_________________ Roger P.
| 2004/4/8 11:29 | Profile | rookie Member

Joined: 2003/6/3 Posts: 4821 Savannah TN
| Re: | | Please share with me some of the experiences that you all have encountered in the home church movement. What is home church in your families? I know this may sound like I am looking for a method. How is God glorified at home?
In Christ Jeff _________________ Jeff Marshalek
| 2004/4/12 12:02 | Profile |