Poster | Thread |
| Re: The Mark of the believer | | Stever posts as a follow-up to Mike:
I love the way the Bible reveals things to us. With our western minds we tend to expect God's Word to be presented in the way that we express our own ideas- in chronological order, with an Introduction, followed by the body of what we are discussing, and then the conclusion. In the Bible, God starts off with an introduction that is similar to a skeleton. The book that we are reading then follows with filling in the skeleton with the muscles, sinews, organs, and the skin. And, it is not revealed in chronological order, but rateher a bit here, and a bit there, until the entire thing He is discussing is revealed to us. Genesis Chapter one is an example of that. The entire Chapter of Genesis 1 is a description of the creation. Genesis Chapter 2 starts off with "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them." So, we realize that the description of the creation is finished in the first verse of Chapter 2. The ideal spot for Genesis 2:1 would actually be at the end of Chapter 1.
God's Word tells us in Revelation 20 that the Mark of the Beast that was received by those going to hell was either on their foreheads or on their hands. It also tells us that Jews and Gentiles that became Christian believers that went through the Tribulation, and were beheaded, and were on their way to rule and reign with Christ for 1,000 years did not receive this mark, nor worship the beast:
"4. And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years."
In conclusion then, since those believers that went through the Tribulation, and enter the 1,000 year reign with him DID NOT RECEIVE HIS MARK, then anyone receiving it are on their way to hell and will be at the Great White Throne. This also tells me that those that accept the mark of the beast are unable to repent, since there is no description of this anywhere in Revelation, that refers to this specific Prophecy.
God bless,
Stever :-) |
| 2006/5/14 18:29 | | garoldr Member
Joined: 2006/3/20 Posts: 4
| Re: National ID Mark of the Beast? | | Fear that which is 666. Computer technology is advancing so rapidly that RFID chips will soon take the place of currency. Read the current edition of "Consumer Reports magazine" article on Privacy...RFID chips. Look up verachip or digital angel on the net. One must conclude that we are close to becoming society that will have the RFID chip on or in all merchandise. Digital Angel was touted as an implantable chip with your medical info etc. It would be good to chip ex-cons and prisoner, tracking them by gps. The company has backed off that use because of the negative publicity. It lingers in the shadows though so be ready. You see the handwriting on the wall. Credit cards will all soon have rfid chips you wave near a reader to complete a transaction. Cash will no longer be needed. Oh, and implanting the chip will be necessary for proof it is your chip,...and to track your movements and purchases. There is a likelyhood you will be forced to take the chip (MARK) or you don't buy. Scary? Not if you trust in the Lord. You know it is close when the governments tell their citizens that they need this for their own security from terrorists. You see people are willing to surrender freedoms for security. DO NOT take the sales pitch and condem your soul to hell. There will never be peace until the King of Kings, JESUS CHRIST returns.
Num 6 24-26 Gary |
| 2006/5/16 5:18 | Profile | IRONMAN Member
Joined: 2004/6/15 Posts: 1924 IN HEAVENLY PLACES WITH JESUS
| Re: most will disagree | | greetings saints i have been following this discussion with interest and feel led to bring a couple of points up.
[b]5 And he had power to give life F20 unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive F21 a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [/b]
Now the word says that all will be caused to take this mark irrespective of class, nationality etc. It seems to me that this is both a spiritual [i][b]and[/b][/i] physical mark. Spiritual in that those with it are tied to the beast and worship it, physical in that somehow it is used to buy and sell. could this mean those RFID chips, probably so, but it is clear to me that this mark has a dual purpose. not nation will be exempt from this influence whether named specifically in the word or not. China seems more likely to me to fall into this trap since it is a largely heathen nation (athiests, taoists etc) with a small number of Christians. how on earth an athiest government can tell believers how they are to worship is beyond me save to say the Lord allows it to be so.
bro Dohzman wrote:
The mark of the beast I don't believe will encompass the entire earth. Russia and China for example will not come under this control, neither will America (Thats my personal opinion), knowing that America isn't specifically named in the prophetic scripture, unless you use texts like the Isles that lived carelessly, etc...
The fact that America is not mentioned specifically in scripture says that at the time these things happen America will not be a nation of any consequence or much influence in those days. The Lord has shown some saints of the coming economic collapse. the Lord has shown me (and i'm sure some others too, though i've not come into contact with any as yet) that this will happen some time next year. The situation surrounding this will point to anything but economic collapse. the dow jones will probably be at a record high, the experts won't see it coming as the Lord will have blinded them to this and those who have the task of proclaiming this message will be thought of as lunatics. We know the Lord has appointed the foolish things to confound the wise, the weak to confound the strong and the worthless things to confound those thought to be of importance, this is so that it is plain that His hand is at work and so no man can glory in His presence.
what can come of this? Those who purport to be Christians and are not will surely fall away. those who gave money to prosperity ministries will lose everything and those ministers who preached such filth will be at the mercy of their congregants. This will be a judgement on them. it would not surprise me at all to see such ministers having their homes pillaged by angry congregants and even killed. The military will fall apart because there is no money to support it and the system of government will fail after anarchy ensues. This then is the end of the 3 things we pride ourselves in most, our wealth, military might and system of government at which point there will be only 2 alternatives, get with God or with the enemy. Those who get with God are going to have a hard time for sure but God's grace is sufficient for us to endure and hold onto Him until it is all done.
in short saints, there is nothing to fear for if the Lord be for us, who then can be against us? like paul i am convinced that there is no height, depth, angel, demon, persecution not even life not death itself can separate us from the Lord Jesus Christ and His love for us. AMEN.
i'm a pan tribber, it'll all pan out. whether we leave before it all (which i have my doubts about) in the middle of it or after it (the word says we'll be caught up and meet Him in the clouds: perhaps He's on His way back?) is ultimately of no consequence for whatever situation we find ourselves in (i know for sure i'll be here a while) God's grace is sufficient for us.
all glory and honour be to the most High God, to Christ by whom we are reconciled to Him and His Holy Spirit through whom we can know the will of God and do what He would have us do to His glory. AMEN. _________________ Farai Bamu
| 2006/5/21 14:11 | Profile |
| Re: The U.S. Embassy in Iraq? | | The following goes hand and hand with the subject matter. The U.S. is building an embassy in Iraq that consists of 21 buildings on 104 acres of land! It is a veritbale city, totally self contained with its own defense force
BAGHDAD, Iraq - The fortress-like compound rising beside the Tigris River here will be the largest of its kind in the world, the size of VATICAN CITY, with the population of a small town, its own defense force, self-contained power and water, and a precarious perch at the heart of Iraqs turbulent future.
The new U.S. Embassy also seems as cloaked in secrecy as the ministate in Rome.
We cant talk about it. Security reasons, Roberta Rossi, a spokeswoman at the current embassy, said when asked for information about the project.
A British tabloid even told readers the location was being kept secret news that would surprise Baghdadis who for months have watched the forest of construction cranes at work across the winding Tigris, at the very center of their city and within easy mortar range of anti-U.S. forces in the capital, though fewer explode there these days.
The embassy complex 21 buildings on 104 acres, according to a U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee report is taking shape on riverside parkland in the fortified Green Zone, just east of al-Samoud, a former palace of Saddam Husseins, and across the road from the building where the ex-dictator is now on trial.
The Republican Palace, where U.S. Embassy functions are temporarily housed in cubicles among the chandelier-hung rooms, is less than a mile away in the 4-square-mile zone, an enclave of American and Iraqi government offices and lodgings ringed by miles of concrete barriers.
5,500 employees at the embassy
The 5,500 Americans and Iraqis working at the embassy, almost half listed as security, are far more numerous than at any other U.S. mission worldwide. They rarely venture out into the Red Zone, that is, violence-torn Iraq.
This huge American contingent at the center of power has drawn criticism.
The presence of a massive U.S. embassy by far the largest in the world co-located in the Green Zone with the Iraqi government is seen by Iraqis as an indication of who actually exercises power in their country, the International Crisis Group, a European-based research group, said in one of its periodic reports on Iraq.
State Department spokesman Justin Higgins defended the size of the embassy, old and new, saying its indicative of the work facing the United States here.
Its somewhat self-evident that theres going to be a fairly sizable commitment to Iraq by the U.S. government in all forms for several years, he said in Washington.
Higgins noted that large numbers of non-diplomats work at the mission hundreds of military personnel and dozens of FBI agents, for example, along with representatives of the Agriculture, Commerce and other U.S. federal departments.
They sleep in hundreds of trailers or containerized quarters scattered around the Green Zone. But next year embassy staff will move into six apartment buildings in the new complex, which has been under construction since mid-2005 with a target completion date of June 2007.
Iraqs interim government transferred the land to U.S. ownership in October 2004, under an agreement whose terms were not disclosed. Embassy Baghdad will dwarf new U.S. embassies elsewhere, projects that typically cover 10 acres. The embassys 104 acres is six times larger than the United Nations compound in New York, and two-thirds the acreage of Washingtons National Mall.
Estimated cost of over $1 billion Original cost estimates ranged over $1 billion, but Congress appropriated only $592 million in the emergency Iraq budget adopted last year. Most has gone to a Kuwait builder, First Kuwaiti Trading & Contracting, with the rest awarded to six contractors working on the projects classified portion the actual embassy offices.
Higgins declined to identify those builders, citing security reasons, but said five were American companies.
The designs arent publicly available, but the Senate report makes clear it will be a self-sufficient and hardened domain, to function in the midst of Baghdad power outages, water shortages and continuing turmoil.
It will have its own water wells, electricity plant and wastewater-treatment facility, systems to allow 100 percent independence from city utilities, says the report, the most authoritative open source on the embassy plans.
Besides two major diplomatic office buildings, homes for the ambassador and his deputy, and the apartment buildings for staff, the compound will offer a swimming pool, gym, commissary, food court and American Club, all housed in a recreation building.
Security, overseen by U.S. Marines, will be extraordinary: setbacks and perimeter no-go areas that will be especially deep, structures reinforced to 2.5-times the standard, and five high-security entrances, plus an emergency entrance-exit, the Senate report says.
Higgins said the work, under way on all parts of the project, is more than one-third complete. © 2006 The Associated Press. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This sends chills up and down my spine. How about yours? The time of the end is near.
God bless,
Stever :-)
| 2006/5/22 22:10 | | Xtian Member
Joined: 2006/6/4 Posts: 31 Colorado
| Re: Is coming national ID 'mark of the beast'? | | The original post assumes that there is still a future end times, mark and anti-christ ahead of us.
What if it already happened in the past?
Matthew 16:28 "Truly I say to you, there are [u]some of those who are standing here who will not taste death[/u] until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."
Granted this is only one verse but its from Jesus Himself. So unless there are some original disciples still hanging around, I have to contend that all this end times stuff was fulfilled in AD 70 when God punished Israel for its sin and rejection of Christ.
TC&GB (take care & God bless),
Xtian _________________ Steve
| 2006/6/5 0:55 | Profile | IRONMAN Member
Joined: 2004/6/15 Posts: 1924 IN HEAVENLY PLACES WITH JESUS
| Re: | | bro Xitan Christ didn't say anything about the mark of the beast, the 7 trumpets, seals or bowls which were reserved for the end to the disciples. John however received the revelation much later wherein the warnings of the mark of the beast are. if the judgements which are spoken of in the revelation have occurred, then we would be in heaven now coz the 1000 yr reign will have passed. these things have yet to occur. concerning the scripture you quoted, that is indeed something to chew on and seek the Lord's counsel that we may understand the meaning of it. _________________ Farai Bamu
| 2006/6/5 21:58 | Profile | Xtian Member
Joined: 2006/6/4 Posts: 31 Colorado
| Re: | | Ironman, my comments in bold... :-) Quote:
by IRONMAN on 2006/6/5 19:58:51 bro Xitan Christ didn't say anything about the mark of the beast, the 7 trumpets, seals or bowls which were reserved for the end to the disciples.
[b]So the passages in Matt 23 and 24 (and Luke 21) have nothing to do with the end times depicted in Revelation?[/b]
John however received the revelation much later wherein the warnings of the mark of the beast are. if the judgements which are spoken of in the revelation have occurred, then we would be in heaven now coz the 1000 yr reign will have passed.
[b]Your missing something.
If all the judgements in Revelation already occured in our past (the first century) then only those who were beheaded [i]back then[/i] were to reign with Christ for 1,000 year (IOW not everyone will reign with Christ). Here is the scripture...Quote:
Revelation 20:4 ... And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.
Most people are taught to read revelation with the understanding that it has to happen in a time still in our future. That biased outlook requires that the book was addressed to us today, when simply, it does not (it was addressed to seven actual first century churches.
The good thing is that it doesnt matter because when we die, we will still go to heaven :-) [/b]
these things have yet to occur.
[b]"these things"... are you refering to the things that Jesus said were the sign of His coming, and the sign of the end of the age as seen in Matt 24? The false christs, the wars & rumors of wars, famines, fearful events & signs from heaven, earthquakes, etc? If so, there are many scriptures that show a first century fulfillment of these - the problem is that we are looking in the wrong place & time. If your interested, I can share my findings about these things.[/b]
concerning the scripture you quoted, that is indeed something to chew on and seek the Lord's counsel that we may understand the meaning of it.
Yes, it is a huge undertaking which rocked my belief about end times, but if you use the whole of scripture, in context, it reveals itself quite clearly. Like I said, a future rapture, end times, and this "left behind" theology has only be in the states since around the 1830s.
_________________ Steve
| 2006/6/5 23:09 | Profile | IRONMAN Member
Joined: 2004/6/15 Posts: 1924 IN HEAVENLY PLACES WITH JESUS
| Re: | | bro Xtian the passages you brought up indeed speak of the end times, however Christ speaks to the disciples first of things which shall immediately happen, namely the destruction of the temple, the disciples being martyred etc.
from matthew chapt 24
[b] Quote:
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. 10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another
in vs 6 we see Christ says that all these things will happen but the end is not yet because there will be pestilences, earthquakes etc. it is said that this is the beginning of sorrows, not the end. here it doesn't necessarily say that the disciples would see the end, but would witness the beginning of sorrows. however then there is the issue of matthew 16 vs 28...
If all the judgements in Revelation already occured in our past (the first century) then only those who were beheaded back then were to reign with Christ for 1,000 year (IOW not everyone will reign with Christ). Here is the scripture...
i'm indeed aware of that scripture and that only the beheaded would rule with Christ in the thousand years, however that is a period of perfect peace wherein the enemy will not be able to tempt anyone and as far as i can tell (which i concede may not be far) has not yet happened. even if it was that those beheaded for Christ in the 1st century only would rule, we would have seen or heard of these ones by now at least right?
Most people are taught to read revelation with the understanding that it has to happen in a time still in our future. That biased outlook requires that the book was addressed to us today, when simply, it does not (it was addressed to seven actual first century churches.
well i think that most people read the book of revelation as being in the future because there is nothing really to support the idea that the things which are described therein have occurred (sea turning into blood, the moon turning blood red etc) and these are the things i was referring to.
the matthew henry commentary says this about matthew 16:28 which may be a starting point as we seek to understand what the Lord is trying to get across.
[b]Behold the Judge standeth before the door. It is spoken as a favour to those that should survive the present cloudy time, that they should see better days. Note, It is desirable to share with the church in her joys, Dan. 12:12. Observe, Christ saith, Some shall live to see those glorious days, not all; some shall enter into the promised land, but others shall fall in the wilderness. He does not tell them who shall live to see this kingdom, lest if they had known, they should have put off the thoughts of dying, but some of them shall; Behold, the Lord is at hand. The Judge standeth before the door; be patient, therefore, brethren.[/b]
perhaps Christ was speaking of the disciples remaining alive in Him in spirit after death and speaking of some rather than all because Judas was yet in their midst? if this is so then we know Judas would be the only one to taste death for betraying Christ, death being the final death in the lake of fire. and why would (assuming this refers to all the disciples) they die when Christ returned?Paul also speaks of "We who are alive in Christ when He returns" when he speaks of the changing of all believers from corruptibility to incorruptibility. Perhaps this has to do with being alive in Christ only being possible by being dead to the world?
whoa... a LOT to chew on...
_________________ Farai Bamu
| 2006/6/6 4:45 | Profile | Xtian Member
Joined: 2006/6/4 Posts: 31 Colorado
| Re: | | Just wanted to say I am going to reply back but work has kept me busy (we are trying to finish rehabbing a house this week). I hope to have one this weekend. Warning tho because it could be a long post.
What is most important tho is that Jesus offers salvation, strength and peace to those that repent and follow Him.
:-) _________________ Steve
| 2006/6/7 10:22 | Profile | IRONMAN Member
Joined: 2004/6/15 Posts: 1924 IN HEAVENLY PLACES WITH JESUS
| Re: | | bro Xtian
Xtian wrote: Just wanted to say I am going to reply back but work has kept me busy (we are trying to finish rehabbing a house this week). I hope to have one this weekend. Warning tho because it could be a long post.
What is most important tho is that Jesus offers salvation, strength and peace to those that repent and follow Him.
a long post?!?! NNNOOOO!!!! :-P i'll be looking forward to it bro so we can learn whatever the Lord would have us learn.
in regards to the last part of your post i say yay and amen. _________________ Farai Bamu
| 2006/6/7 15:37 | Profile |