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Video Sermons : Art Katz : 
Art Katz

Art Katz (1929 – 2007)

Watch video sermons by the speaker Art Katz in youtube format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ.

Art was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Art Katz:
And They Crucified Him - Some Thoughts on the Cross by Art Katz
Apostolic Foundations by Art Katz
The Spirit of Truth by Art Katz

DVD 02 - Jewish Unbelief by Art Katz

DVD 02 - Jewish Unbelief by Art Katz

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Views: 5065

DVD 03 - Israel, The Suffering Servant by Art Katz

DVD 03 - Israel, The Suffering Servant by Art Katz

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Views: 3815

DVD 05 - Gethsemane by Art Katz

DVD 05 - Gethsemane by Art Katz

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Views: 4432

DVD 06 - Knowing From Whence He Came by Art Katz

DVD 06 - Knowing From Whence He Came by Art Katz

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Views: 3188

DVD 07 - Growing Unto Sonship by Art Katz

DVD 07 - Growing Unto Sonship by Art Katz

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Views: 4007

DVD 08 - Why Could We Not Cast It Out? by Art Katz

DVD 08 - Why Could We Not Cast It Out? by Art Katz

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Views: 3679

DVD 09 Crucified With Christ by Art Katz

DVD 09 Crucified With Christ by Art Katz

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Views: 3496

DVD 11 - The Set Time To Favor Zion by Art Katz

DVD 11 - The Set Time To Favor Zion by Art Katz

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Views: 3512

DVD 13 - The Final Challenge To The Church by Art Katz

DVD 13 - The Final Challenge To The Church by Art Katz

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Views: 3204

DVD 14 The Core Of Prophetic And Apostolic Reality by Art Katz

DVD 14 The Core Of Prophetic And Apostolic Reality by Art Katz

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Views: 2502

DVD 15 The Mystery Of Israel - Part 1 by Art Katz

DVD 15 The Mystery Of Israel - Part 1 by Art Katz

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Views: 2074

DVD 16 The Time Of Jacobs Trouble by Art Katz

DVD 16 The Time Of Jacobs Trouble by Art Katz

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Views: 2811

DVD 17 The Mystery Of Israel And The Church by Art Katz

DVD 17 The Mystery Of Israel And The Church by Art Katz

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Views: 2179

DVD 18: A Call To Apostolicity by Art Katz

DVD 18: A Call To Apostolicity by Art Katz

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Views: 2422

DVD 19 - The Agony And Ecstasy Of Paul by Art Katz

DVD 19 - The Agony And Ecstasy Of Paul by Art Katz

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Views: 2672

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