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Video Sermons : ~Other Speakers M-R : Alan Redpath : 
Alan Redpath

Alan Redpath (1907 - 1989)

Watch video sermons by the speaker Alan Redpath in youtube format. Redpath was a well-known preacher from England who pastored the famous Moody church in chicago for 7 years. He ministered at Keswick conventions and also deeper life meetings on the subject of revival, prayer, full-surrender. He spent the later years of his life ministering Capernwray bible school movement founded by Major Ian Thomas.

Dr. Redpath authored six books; the first one, Victorious Christian Living, was published in 1955. Others were Victorious Prayer (1956), Victorious Christian Service (1958), The Royal Route to Heaven (1960), Blessings Out of Buffettings (1965), The Making of a Man of God (1962), and Law and Liberty and Captivity to Conquest (1978).

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Alan Redpath:
Making of a Man of God, The: Lessons from the Life of David by Alan Redpath
Victorious Christian Service: Studies in the Book of Nehemiah by Alan Redpath
The Life of Victory by Alan Redpath

Audio Sermon: Are you Jacob or Israel? by Alan Redpath

Audio Sermon: Are you Jacob or Israel? by Alan Redpath

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Views: 1825

Radical Discipleship - Session 1 by Alan Redpath

Radical Discipleship - Session 1 by Alan Redpath

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Views: 7400

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