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Video Sermons : ~Other Speakers S-Z : Kevin Turner : 
Kevin Turner

Kevin Turner ( - )

Watch video sermons by the speaker Kevin Turner in youtube format. Kevin Turner is the founder and president of Strategic World Impact, an organization committed to working in the “hot spots” of the world. For 23 years, Kevin has been working in the world’s most restricted and dangerous areas, witnessing suffering firsthand and encountering life-threatening situations. On more than one occasion, Kevin has been forced to run for his life as shelling and other attacks have taken place.

Kevin worked in Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia for four years during their civil war. Southeast Asia is another targeted area for him, as he’s made several trips smuggling Bibles into restricted nations there. He has photographed prison camps for pastors in the jungles, and has established short wave radio projects so tribal people can hear the Gospel. For 11 years, Kevin’s work focused on sharing the Gospel with unreached people groups in Sudan, and also helping the persecuted in Sudan’s neighboring nation, Eritrea.

The Revolution by Strategic World Impact - International Missions

The Revolution by Strategic World Impact - International Missions

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