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Video Sermons : ~Other Speakers G-L : Martyn Lloyd Jones : 

Martyn-Lloyd Jones (1899 - 1981)

Watch video sermons by the speaker Martyn-Lloyd Jones in youtube format. Lloyd-Jones was well known for his style of expository preaching, and the Sunday morning and evening meetings at which he officiated drew crowds of several thousand, as did the Friday evening Bible studies, which were, in effect, sermons in the same style. He would take many months, even years, to expound a chapter of the Bible verse by verse. His sermons would often be around fifty minutes to an hour in length, attracting many students from universities and colleges in London. His sermons were also transcribed and printed (virtually verbatim) in the weekly Westminster Record, which was read avidly by those who enjoyed his preaching. The MLJ Trust now archives all his audio messages preached over the years, a staggering 1600 sermons.

Lloyd-Jones retired from his ministry at Westminster Chapel in 1968, following a major operation. For the rest of his life, he concentrated on editing his sermons to be published, counselling other ministers, answering letters and attending conferences. Perhaps his most famous publication is a 14 volume series of commentaries on the Epistle to the Romans, the first volume of which was published in 1970.

The Missing Presence of God by Martyn Lloyd Jones

The Missing Presence of God by Martyn Lloyd Jones

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