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Video Sermons : Art Katz :  And They Crucified Him by Art Katz

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And They Crucified Him by Art Katz

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Views: 16969

 Praise God! 
Praise God for the Brothers and Sisters of the King in Sri Lanka. Let us build the Kingdom of Jesus Christ indeed! Please let us know if there is any other way we can help!

 Well done  
Praise God , I am from Sri Lanka , lot of Christians checking out your sermons Pls kindly use simple words for us to understand and also pls mention the bible quotations for us to study . Keep doing this ... Let's build the kingdom.

 Thank you for posting this very relevant message to the church! 
Thank you brothers in Christ for posting this very relevant and message for the body of Christ. Too long the church has taken on the ways of the world and forsaken His path of holiness. May God have mercy of us and give us ears to hear, and hearts to follow His steps in obedience to take up our cross daily. May God give us grace to forsake all that hints of sin and embrace His will. Thank you Lord, that there are men and women of God, who are not afraid to speak the truth,but the whole council of God. Thank you again for posting this message, and I found the music inspiring as I was unfamiliar with any connection of it to a movie.

 Great Message Ruined by Background Music 
Must you have that wretched background music, which seems to be from some godless secular movie, as background for what would have been a powerful sermon? Art Katz is preaching the cross, but it seems that those who've prepared this video ( have emasculated it by putting in secular music to make the message 'attractive'. Whenever man puts his hands on the things of God, he profanes them. American churches are wallowing in things which are earthly, common, unclean, profane; even carnal, sensual, devilish. The only remedy is that which is heavenly, but heaven can be reached only through the cross; a sharing in the sufferings of Christ.

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