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| | 2 Corinthians - Paradoxes of the Spiritual Life by Stephen Kaung
Topic: | | Description: A spiritual Christian is one in which there are many paradoxes. The sentence of death - We do not live by man's wisdom but we live by God's grace. God sees no good in the flesh, and He has sentenced us to death in the Lord Jesus. We have all been crucified with Christ. The problem is that we still think that we can live the Christian lives in our own strength. God has to bring us through many experiences where we discover that what God has said about us is true. That truth is that in me, that is in my flesh, there dwells no good thing. When we accept the sentence of death, then the resurrection of Christ is released and we begin to walk in the newness of life. Another paradox is one of victory and defeat. In our concept, the spiritual man is one that is always in control of his circumstances. However, the truth is that a spiritual man is still a man with feelings, and it seems like at times he will not overcome, but the Lord's lilfe is working in these situations and the result is resurrection. A third paradox is that we have this treasure in earthen vessels. The treasure is our Lord Jesus. He lives in these fragile vessels. God's purpose is that the radiancy of the treasure might be manifested. The earthen vessel must be broken in order for the treasure to be manifested. God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. Paul boasted in his weakness, because in his weakness, he experienced the power of Christ. God has no intention to make us strong, but He will make the power of Christ to be made known in our weakness.
| 6707 downloads | Sermon Comments (2)
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| | A Look At Authority 1: Spiritual & False by Stephen Kaung
Topic: Authority | | Description: This sermon looks at the nature of authority and also deals with the fact of false authority. It starts with Romans 13 and moves through many Scriptures dealing with authority, submission, and obedience. Kaung shows that only God deserves complete obedience and that he must be obeyed at all costs. The main message of the sermon can be summed up in this quote from the message: "God is the only authority in the Universe. There is no authority whatsoever except God himself -- and what God has given. … There is so much misunderstanding about authority; we mistake something that’s commonly accepted as authorities (sic) without really knowing what authority really is. … God is the one and only authority. Any professed authority that is not from God -- that is not God himself -- is not real authority, because God is the only authority in the whole universe. … The more you give, the more authority you have. The Lord Jesus said, ‘I gave myself a ransom for many.’ Because he gave himself as a ransom for many, the many come under his authority. If you want to be the first among your brothers and sisters, then you have to be a bond-slave, not only to Christ, but to your brothers and sisters.”
| 6212 downloads | Sermon Comments (1)
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