| | A Vision of My Mission (Field)—Part 1 by Aaron Hurst
Topic: Purpose Of Life | | Description: What is the reason for my existence? Why was I born? We need to live our lives with vision and purpose, or we will go backwards spiritually. As a married person, child, or single, God has a clear purpose for my existence.
| 2640 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | A Vision of My Mission (Field)—Part 2 by Aaron Hurst
Topic: Purpose Of Life | | Description: Our lives should be lived with God's vision and purpose. In the everyday work of life, does Christ flow out of us? It all starts at home, but the ripple effect of Christ's purpose for our lives should reach the world around us. There was a discussion on practical ways that one can reach out personally or as a family.
| 1953 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | Able to Admonish One Another by Aaron Hurst
Topic: Admonishing | | Description: To be able to admonish one another is a mark of a spiritual body of Christ. This message is full of teaching on giving and receiving reproof and admonition, to the end that we may be wise!
| 2202 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | Be Patient Therefore, Brethren by Aaron Hurst
Topic: Patience | | Description: In this message, Brother Aaron Hurst shares how God often uses trials to exercise us in patient endurance. Aaron talks about how the prophets patiently endured persecution. He also discusses the patience of Job, and tells how Job retained his integrity in spite of intense sufferings. Trials can purify us if we trust in the Lord through the trials.
| 2262 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | By Faith by Aaron Hurst
Topic: Faith | | Description: Just as the Galatians began by faith, then foolishly leaned back toward the works of the flesh, we too can be tempted to "methods" as we practice the Word of God. The danger is to become principle oriented and lose sight of the God of the principles. This message exhorts us to live BY FAITH.
| 1948 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Come Up Higher by Aaron Hurst
Topic: Spiritual Growth | | Description: This message is directed to sinners and to Christians. How are we building our lives? We have the option of using gold or wood—enduring substance or temporal. Will we come up higher in our surrender as a living sacrifice, or will we settle for our own will and the old man? God is calling us closer to Himself.
| 2136 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | Ephraim Is a Cake Not Turned by Aaron Hurst
Topic: Lukewarmness | | Description: Are you a half-baked Christian? Are you trying to live like the world and be a Christian at the same time? This message is a clarion call to forsake the lukewarm mixture of worldliness and Christianity that many people are trying to live, and to consecrate yourself entirely to Christ.
| 2460 downloads | Sermon Comments (2)
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| | Faith Made Complete by Aaron Hurst
Topic: Faith Scripture(s): James 2 | | Description: An expository teaching on James 2, covering the subjects of partiality and of faith and works. Partiality is showing preference to someone we feel comfortable around. Faith works. Very practical definitions are given to each of these subjects.
| 1908 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | From Whence Come Wars and Fightings Among You? by Aaron Hurst
Topic: War | | Description: The essence of sin is self, the big "I". Fightings and wars come from knowing God has said "No," and yet taking that which He has forbidden, because I think that I am wiser, and I want what is forbidden. People at war with themselves tend to be at war with others. Unconditional surrender is the only way to complete victory.
| 1942 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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| | God's Great Love by Aaron Hurst
Topic: Love Of God | | Description: Jesus is a friend of sinners. He seeks those who go astray and are lost. His heart of love constrains Him to diligently pursue the sinner. He laid down His life for us. When we come to Him in repentance, He accepts and forgives us.
| 2001 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
| | God's Heart in Church Discipline by Aaron Hurst
Topic: Church Discipline | | Description: The purpose of church discipline is redemptive. If sin in a church member is ignored, it will have a devastating effect on the church. Excommunication must not be done carelessly, but it is necessary at times to preserve the rest of the body. This message also discusses other forms of church discipline that should be used before excommunication.
| 2262 downloads | Sermon Comments (0)
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