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Audio Sermons : Art Katz : 

Art Katz

Art Katz (1929 – 2007)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Art Katz in mp3 format. He was radically converted by reading the New Testament. God used him to have a powerful prophetic insight into the end-times and the coming suffering of the jewish people before the great accepting of Jesus as Messiah. His eschatological insight is a very needful truth to be realized in the body of Christ.

Art was a prophetic voice insofar as he called his listeners to purposes in God that would affect both time and eternity, purposes that had to do with the glory of God in the Church. Frequently, his messages called the Church to an awareness of the Last Days [End-times] in such a way that made that time seem imminent and at the door.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Art Katz:
And They Crucified Him - Some Thoughts on the Cross by Art Katz
Apostolic Foundations by Art Katz
The Spirit of Truth by Art Katz

 "In the Beginning God created..." by Art Katz

Topic: Beginning
Scripture(s): Genesis 1:1  
Description: Beginnings are always significant in the economy of God and no more so than in His creative acts. They reveal the very essence of Himself and His purpose in creating.
Sermon Comments (4)
 "That they may be One." by Art Katz

Topic: Unity
Scripture(s): John 17  
Description: When we come to the same quality and character of relationship as is shown forth in the Godhead, then we will have obtained the unity of the Body. That is why a monotheistic view of God does dishonor to Him, as it does not show forth God as He is.
Sermon Comments (5)
 "To the Jew First..." by Art Katz

Topic: Gospel To The Jews
Scripture(s): Romans 1:16  
Description: The church is emaciated and corrupted in exact proportion as it has failed to take to heart God’s foremost mandate for herself, namely, that “the gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe, to the Jew first…” There is a divine wisdom here that the Lord wants to bring to our attention.
Sermon Comments (5)
 (Becoming a Prophetic Church) 1. The Necessity of the Cross by Art Katz

Topic: The Cross
Scripture(s): Psalm 49  
Description: The messages by Art Katz under the general heading ”Becoming a Prophetic Church” is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz’ thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. A bringing in of the factor which makes Christianity real.
Sermon Comments (3)
 (Becoming a Prophetic Church) 2. Jewish Unbelief by Art Katz

Topic: Jewish Unbelief
Description: The messages by Art Katz under the general heading ”Becoming a Prophetic Church” is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz’ thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. The radical Christian testimony needed to provoke the Jew to jealousy and to repentance.
Sermon Comments (1)
 (Becoming a Prophetic Church) 3. Israel the Suffering Servant - Part 1 by Art Katz

Topic: Suffering Servant
Description: The messages by Art Katz under the general heading ”Becoming a Prophetic Church” is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz’ thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. A baffling looking into the nature of the true ministry of the Servant and the servanthood required of any true disciple.
Sermon Comments (0)
 (Becoming a Prophetic Church) 3. Israel the Suffering Servant - Part 2 by Art Katz

Topic: Suffering Servant
Description: The messages by Art Katz under the general heading ”Becoming a Prophetic Church” is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz’ thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. A baffling looking into the nature of the true ministry of the Servant and the servanthood required of any true disciple.
Sermon Comments (0)
 (Becoming a Prophetic Church) 4. Resurrection of Dry Bones by Art Katz

Topic: Dry Bones
Description: The messages by Art Katz under the general heading ”Becoming a Prophetic Church” is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz’ thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. The testimony recovered and introduced to the Church as well as to the Jew.
Sermon Comments (2)
 (Becoming a Prophetic Church) 5. Psalm 102 by Art Katz

Topic: Prophetic Church
Description: The messages by Art Katz under the general heading ”Becoming a Prophetic Church” is a compact an almost overwhelming introduction to Mr. Katz’ thinking and to the word spoken as a prophetic event. Suffering needed to break loose from established ways of seeing for the sae of a testimony recovered.
Sermon Comments (1)
 (K-CHAR-01) The Knowledge of the Holy by Art Katz

Topic: Knowledge of the Holy
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (1)
 (K-CHAR-02) Seek Not The Approval of Men by Art Katz

Topic: Approval of Men
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (3)
 (K-CHAR-03) Strange Fire by Art Katz

Topic: Strange Fire
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (2)
 (Pdf Book) Apostolic Foundations by Art Katz

Topic: Ebooks
Description: Art seeks to capture the flavor and meaning of this most holy foundation. Few have adequately understood that unless the Church is built on this foundation, then it simply is not the Church in any authentic way. Includes “Apostolic Conversion”. You can purchase a hard-copy of this book here:
Sermon Comments (0)
 (Pdf Book) Ben Israel - Odyssey of a Modern Jew by Art Katz

Topic: Ebooks
Description: Written as a literal journal, Art recounts his conversion experience as an unbelieving atheist and former Marxist seeking the meaning to life, and finally apprehended in Jerusalem by the God of Israel. You can purchase a hard-copy of this book here:
Sermon Comments (0)
 (Pdf Book) The Spirit of Truth by Art Katz

Topic: Ebooks
Description: We seek to know biblical truths, but God seeks to make us true. A deep, incisive probing into the nature of truth in an age of religious pretension, exaggeration and deception. This book calls the church back to its essential identity as the “ground and pillar of truth.” You can purchase a hard-copy of this book here:
Sermon Comments (0)
 (The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy) Against False Prophets by Art Katz

Topic: False Prophets
Scripture(s): Jeremiah 23:14-40  
Description: We read in the book of Jeremiah severe warnings and an outcry against prophets who have gone astray and lead God's people along with them in their web of deceit. The greatest malady in the Church today is the lack of the fear of God. May we examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith and the faith that is truly rooted in God's Word!
Sermon Comments (8)
 (The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy) Ascending the Holy Hill by Art Katz

Topic: Personal Holiness
Scripture(s): Psalm 24  
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (2)
 (The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy) Selling all Your Possessions by Art Katz

Topic: Selling All
Scripture(s): Matthew 19:16-26  
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (0)
 9-11 Tragedy by Art Katz

Topic: Tragedy
Description: Art tries to answer some of the issues and questions raised by the Sept. 11th, 2001 national tragedy.
Sermon Comments (3)
 A Bride Adorned for the Bridegroom by Art Katz

Topic: Bride
Description: Being the Bride of Christ has everything to do with one’s identification with the One who is “acquainted with sorrows,” and it is through being joined with Him in the fellowship of His sufferings that we are fitted for our bridal role.
Sermon Comments (2)

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