 Principles For The Gathering of Believers ( - )
Listen to a freely downloadable audio book Principles For The Gathering of Believers in mp3 format. We need revival in our countries like what we see in the underground house Churches in China. Learn the following from this volume: Prepare for coming persecution in non-persecuted countries. Learn Principles of how to gather as the Church from the Book of Acts and current underground Churches.
Access resources that will help your gathering or house Church meeting. Experience personal revival and the Spirit’s empowerment. In response to reading the Principles book consider to start a fellowship group under the Headship of Jesus Christ in your local area. Learn more at Gospel Fellowships.
| | 01 Acknowledgements by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Romans 16, 2 Corinthians 11:28, Ephesians 5:27 | | Description: Every New Testament Epistle is full of acknowledgments1 of believers who were in different cities and those who were laboring hard in the Lord. The names of those who have had a part in this volume are too numerous to mention. To all those who labored in editing, revising, suggesting and offering your counsel we are indebted. Above every human help we recognize the Lord’s hand in this volume from the start to finish. The messages in this book were birthed out of a genuine burden2 of the Lord and we pray this burden has been conveyed with as little interference from the human vessels3 as possible.
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| | | 02 Foreword by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Matthew 16:18, Revelation 19:1, Revelation 18:4 | | Description: There is only one house that will stand in the coming storm, and only one people who will not be swept away in a flood of last-day deception. There is only one temple that God will fill with His indescribable glory, and only one lighthouse that will forever shine as a pure testimony of God’s saving grace. There is only one kingdom that can never be shaken, and only one ark that will be spared in the sudden outpouring of God’s righteous judgment. There is only one Bride for the Bridegroom; there is only one, called to the marriage supper of the Lamb.
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| | | 03 Preface by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Hebrews 1:2, Matthew 24:9, 2 Timothy 3:12 | | Description: This volume has been developed out of a burden to see vital gatherings of God’s people established in these last days.13 The time of pressure and persecution that is coming worldwide will be such that it will demand the unity of the true body of Christ. For in the Gospel of Matthew it is declared by our Lord: “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of Me.”14 This truth of persecution is Biblical and repeated often in the Scriptures.
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| | | 04 Introduction Letter by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Ephesians 1:1, James 4:4, 1 John 2:15 | | Description: Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. To all who are reading this book, called to be saints and beloved of God, grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. With such powerful modern movements of the Spirit such as the house Church Movement in China,20 the underground Church in North Korea, and the underground Church in Iran, we need to reevaluate the fruitfulness of the body of Christ in our countries.
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| | | 05 Principle 1 - Solely Looking to the Person of Jesus Christ by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Acts 2:44, Colossians 1:18, Colossians 1:28 | | Description: We need the kind of humility that was expressed in the early Church as recorded in the Book of Acts. This kind of humility is today manifested in many underground and persecuted Churches across the world because they have dealt the death blow to pride and independence.39 These persecuted believers have become solely dependent on Jesus Christ as the Head to lead them and guide their meeting as Churches.40 A brother stated this truth, in another way: “Christ should be the gathering center of His people. We should be drawn by His presence, not by a man. When believers see this and act upon it, the local Assembly need not be shaken by the departure of any man. An Assembly where Christians gather to Christ has strength, stability and solidarity.”
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| | | 06 Principle 2 - Where 2 or 3 are Gathered Together by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Matthew 18:20, Acts 2:46, 1 Corinthians 5:4 | | Description: The genesis of a Church in Scripture is seen in this simple statement of our Lord: “For where two or three gather in My Name, there am I with them.” A gathering of believers where the Lord Jesus is present is the Church, even if there are only two or three believers there. When believers gather in smaller groups it allows the Lord’s people to meet more frequently during the week, even daily, as the early Church did.57 This provides the confidence and expectation to meet with other wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ, to meet with the Lord Jesus who is in the midst, to receive direction from the Lord and to benefit from mutual encouragement58 and prayers.
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| | | 07 Principle 3 - Gods People Scattered in Sects by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 1:10, Ephesians 4:14, John 17: 21 | | Description: We see the beginning of a movement where God is waking up many of His sheep to hear His voice in the midst of the noise and rustle of the denominational confusion. God never intended His Church to be divided,72 confused and led back and forward with every wind of doctrine. “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.
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| | | 08 Principle 4 - God Directed Churches Needed by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Psalm 127:1-2, 3 John 9, Philippians 2:21 | | Description: We can take heed to the admonition given by the Psalmist: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.”85 If we attempt to start a Church gathering without the calling of the Lord, the entire endeavor can be in vain. If the Church model is not built solely upon the Word of God then we can end up building our own church86 and not the Lord’s. To have a desire to escape a religious atmosphere in order to have a less formal meeting where people are free to ‘just be themselves’—without reverence for God or submission to authority—is not the Church.
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| | | 09 Principle 5 - The Book of Acts Our Example by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): 1 John 3:13, 1 John 2:15-17, Acts 6:7 | | Description: Almost every denomination and Christian movement has begun with a desire to get back to the model and example found in the Book of Acts.94 Those that are Biblically building the Church and being led of the Lord are invariably drawn back to this Apostolic example which God has preserved for us. We have heard many reasons why different Christian movements practice a specific doctrine and why they promote a certain teaching. Yet, when we carefully study the Book of Acts we find that many practices in modern evangelical churches are not found in this record of the apostolic Church.
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| | | 10 Principle 6 - Not Depending On or Needing Buildings by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Acts 5:12, Acts 19:9-10, Acts 2:46 | | Description: One of the things you do not find in the Book of Acts is the reliance on church buildings. Yet in almost every Christian circle and denomination, there is an emphasis upon building the church, not that “the body of Christ may be built up”112 but rather the building of an actual structure that we refer to commonly as the church. There is a great benefit at times in having a building where the Lord’s people can meet in and use for the ministry of the Gospel. Yet, when we look at the Book of Acts, we find no visible record that the Church built buildings. Though they met in some physical locations such as Solomon’s Colonnade113 and the hall of Tyrannus for even two years!114 Yet, this was not the common practice of how saints met across the rest of God’s Churches. Even when looking carefully in Church history it is hard to find evidence of a building being used until 300 AD when pagan temples were being converted into churches under the reign of Constantine.
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| | | 11 Principle 7 - The People of God Are the Church by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Exodus 36, 2 Corinthians 3:6, Acts 7:48-51 | | Description: Considering Church history and the moving of God’s Spirit in many groups that stood for the truth, a house Church or small gathering of believers is not so radical. Rather, gathering in this way is a preferred Biblical approach, especially when the Church is under persecution. If it was important to have specific church buildings to represent God and spread the Gospel, would God not have commanded them in Scripture? Although we find detailed instructions for the tabernacle in the Old Testament122 we find quite a different emphasis in the New Testament.123 We see this truth prophetically spoken by Stephen just before he was martyred: “However, the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says: ‘Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool. What kind of house will you build for Me? Says the Lord. Or where will My resting place be? Has not My hand made all these things?’ You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit!”
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| | | 12 Principle 8 - Taking A Stand for the Testimony of the Church by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, Matthew 24:12, John 10:14 | | Description: “In the various crises that have occurred in the history of the church, men have come to the front who have manifested a holy recklessness that astonished their fellows. When Luther nailed his theses to the door of the cathedral at Wittenburg,135 cautious men were astonished at his audacity. When John Wesley ignored all church restrictions136 and religious propriety and preached in the fields and byways, men declared his reputation was ruined. So it has been in all ages. When the religious condition of the times called for men who were willing to sacrifice all for Christ, the demand created the supply, and there have always been found a few who have been willing to be regarded reckless for the Lord. An utter recklessness concerning men’s opinions and other consequences is the only attitude137 that can meet the exigencies of the present times.”
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| | | 13 Principle 9 - The Early Apostles Didn't Seek After Money by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): 2 Corinthians 2:17, 1 Timothy 6:10, Matthew 6:24 | | Description: Christianity is not about money, it’s about people. Sadly modern Christendom has been overwhelmed with the salesman who sells Christ as ware and treats the holy things as a way to profit financially.150 It does not take much discernment for the worldly person to see the counterfeit preacher on TV who makes money look like their god.151 Yet, sadly, believers who are asleep spiritually, and have not been seeking the Lord, are given over to this delusion which is coming upon them in masses.152 False teachers abound and the saints are sleeping. There needs to be a clarion cry across all nations that God is not for sale and is against those who love money and equate righteousness with financial gain and profit.
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| | | 14 Principle 10 - Preaching the Good News by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Galatians 6:14, Romans 6:6-7, Galatians 1:6-7 | | Description: All Christian service is based on the finished work of Christ.176 The early Apostles did not go around preaching a Gospel of works177 or a message of believers needing to do so much178 to enter heaven but rather all godly living179 was out of appreciation of the mercy of God. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”
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| | | 15 Principle 11 - Leading Is Serving In Humility by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Acts 6:2, Acts 6:4, Acts 20:28 | | Description: Though there is leadership in the Book of Acts, the examples we find are of those who serve the body of Christ. A gathering of believers is still an Assembly even if there is no defined servant leader. As the fellowship grows in the Lord, the Spirit will gift certain men as shepherds.199 The 12 Apostles were servants to widows giving them bread daily for a season,200 until they realized they needed to fully devote themselves to studying the Scriptures and giving themselves to prayer.201 They delegated the function of physically serving the widows but expanded their service to the congregation to give them spiritual food.
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| | | 16 Principle 12 - Jesus Christ The Head of the Church by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Colossians 1:16-18, Ephesians 1:22-23, Romans 11:36 | | Description: The Headship of Jesus Christ was not just a doctrine or an idea to the early Apostles but rather a present reality to them. The Lord was the active Head of the Church. They realized it was His Church and everything was done in His Name for Him and through Him.224 This apostolic dependency on the person of Jesus Christ allowed the Lord to be in control of each Assembly. “God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be Head over everything for the Church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way.”
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| | | 17 Principle 13 - A Growing Vibrant Movement by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Acts 12:24, Acts 2:47, Acts 8:4 | | Description: The early Church was a growing movement of multiplying house Churches.240 God was adding to the number daily such as would be saved241 and there were many being saved through the preaching of the Gospel. Radical evangelism was not an option in the early Church but the only logical response to the great offer of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not just a few but all the disciples242 were gripped with the burden to reach the whole known world with this message of eternal life.
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| | | 18 Principle 14 - Making Disciples Not Just Converts by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Matthew 28:16-20, Romans 10:9-10, Luke 9:23 | | Description: Many evangelicals in our day simply believe that to have someone confess Christ with their lips is fulfilling the great commission.257 There are great campaigns to simply have people say a quick prayer and make confession. Though salvation begins with this confession that Jesus Christ is Lord258 yet it is not enough for someone to only be converted, for each convert should be a disciple who follows the Lord daily. “Then He said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me.’”
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| | | 19 Principle 15 - Not Pleasing Men But God Alone by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Romans 14:7-8, Acts 2:43, Acts 9:31 | | Description: We must always in our walks with Jesus Christ keep our eyes on the Lord and seek to please Him alone. The fact is that we belong to Jesus Christ. He has redeemed us with His precious blood and therefore we are not our own.272 This is a liberating truth if we can realize that all we do is in the clear view of God and therefore seek His approval alone. The early Church walked in the fear of the Lord273 and did not seek the accolades and esteem of men. “Then the Church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace and was strengthened. Living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers.”
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| | | 20 Principle 16 - The Church Was Birthed In Prayer by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Acts 4:24-30, Acts 1:24-25, Acts 3:6 | | Description: Prayer is not just one of the functions added to an Assembly meeting, it needs to be the life and atmosphere of a New Covenant gathering under the Headship of Christ. The Church was birthed in prayer. It was sustained in prayer. When they were persecuted they called a prayer meeting.285 Prayer was the beginning of the great commission. The disciples prayed for a successor after Judas died.286 Peter prayed for the lame man at the temple gate.287 Stephen prayed for his persecutors when he was being martyred.288 Prayer was the main activity of the Church. Ananias was praying when God directed him to anoint one of the early key leaders of the Church.289 Peter the Apostle was praying when God directed him to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles.
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