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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers A-F : Vincent G. Artese : 

 Crucified With Christ by Vincent G. Artese

Topic: Changed
Scripture(s): Galatians 2:20  
Description: Paul’s crucifixion is an inward and spiritual crucifixion. When one is born again they receive the Holy Spirit and the life of Christ. All the faithful are crucified with Christ through all of the ages. Once a believer is regenerated the old man should be hardly recognized, and must not reign! Those crucified with Christ have been united in the likeness of His death. Only then will one be united in the likeness of His death and the likeness of His resurrection. He who has died has been freed from sin and the old life is dead. To be crucified with Christ means to be changed.
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 One Thing I Do by Vincent G. Artese

Topic: Obedience
Description: nil
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 The Narrow Way by Vincent G. Artese

Topic: Narrow Way
Description: nil
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 The Sin That Keeps Us Out Of The Promise Land by Vincent G. Artese

Topic: Sin
Description: nil
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 What Will You Do In The End? by Vincent G. Artese

Topic: Apostasy
Scripture(s): Jeremiah 5:21-31  
Description: The prophet’s message today as in Jeremiah’s time is: break up your fallow ground! Do not sow among thorns! Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, and take away the foreskins of your hearts because your doings are evil. The Church is heading in the wrong direction. The wills of those within it are revolting against God. Do not be deceived by outward professions! Those who bear the good fruit of holy living are the true Church of Jesus Christ. Many religious leaders have risen up and prophesied falsely, but the people love to have it so. These false shepherds cannot be trusted. Repent! Be deceived no longer! What will you do in the end?
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