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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers A-F : Ron Bailey : 


Ron Bailey ( - )

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Ron Bailey in mp3 format. Ron Bailey is the full-time curator of Bible Base. The first Christians were people who loved and respected the Jewish scriptures as their highest legacy, but were later willing to add a further 27 books to that legacy. We usually call the older scriptures ‘the Old Testament’ while we call this 27 book addition to the Jewish scriptures ‘the New Testament’. It is not the most accurate description but it shows how early Christians saw the contrast between the ‘Old’ and the ‘New’.

It has been my main life-work to read, and study and think about these ancient writings, and then to attempt to share my discoveries with others. I am never more content than when I have a quiet moment and an open Bible on my lap. For much of my life too I have been engaged in preaching and teaching the living truths of this book. This has given me a wide circle of friends in the UK and throughout the world. This website is really dedicated to them. They have encouraged and challenged and sometimes disagreed but I delight in this fellowship of Christ-honouring Bible lovers.

 Abraham, my Friend: 01 Introduction by Ron Bailey

Topic: Abraham
Scripture(s): Isaiah 41:8, John 15:15, Luke 11:5  
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 Abraham, my Friend: 02 in the beginning God... by Ron Bailey

Topic: Abraham
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 Abraham, my Friend: 03 Known unto God by Ron Bailey

Topic: Abraham
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 Abraham, my Friend: 04 When he was called... by Ron Bailey

Topic: Abraham
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 Abraham, my Friend: 05 Looking forward to The City by Ron Bailey

Topic: Abraham
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 Abraham, my Friend: 06 Your prayer is heard by Ron Bailey

Topic: Abraham
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 Abraham, my Friend: 07 back on the flight path by Ron Bailey

Topic: Abraham
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 Abraham, my Friend: 08 beachheads and blessings by Ron Bailey

Topic: Abraham
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 Adoption (Rora 2003) by Ron Bailey

Topic: Adoption
Description: Having begun in the Spirit. Part 4 of 4; Adoption, a change of relationship. Delivered at a conference in Devon UK. “Session 4” examines the neglected Bible truth of ‘adoption’ and its connection with the truth of being ‘sealed with the Spirit’ It unpacks Romans 8 to discover the possibility of an entirely new way of life as we to trust God to enable us to ‘walk in the Spirit.’ This is personal revival, available now.
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 An Introduction to the Day of Atonement by Ron Bailey

Topic: Atonement
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 David and Goliath by Ron Bailey

Topic: Covenant
Description: The Methodists used to have an annual Covenant Renewal Service at the end of the old and beginning of the New Year. We explore the meaning of ‘covenant’ by reference to the story of David and Goliath and Jonathan. No man can serve two masters; Christ breaks the powers that held us so that we may free to enter into covenant with Him.
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 Hezekiah by Ron Bailey

Topic: Hezekiah
Description: Does the Bible teach prosperity? Yes, but not as many claim. Hezekiah obeys the word of God and prospers. (2 Chronicles 28) Our response to the word of God alters all inevitabilities.
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 If Any Man Stand.. by Ron Bailey

Topic: Confidence
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 10:12-13  
Description: 1 Corinthians 10:12,13 Confidence balanced by humility and conscious dependence upon God. OT admonitions to faithfulness. The warning of Naashon and his failure.
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 Isaiah (part 1) - Introduction by Ron Bailey

Topic: Isaiah
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 Isaiah (part 2) - That they may serve Me by Ron Bailey

Topic: Isaiah
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 Isaiah (part 3) - Asset or Liability? by Ron Bailey

Topic: Isaiah
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 Isaiah (part 4) - Behold, My Servant by Ron Bailey

Topic: Isaiah
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 Isaiah (part 5) - Sin-Offering by Ron Bailey

Topic: Isaiah
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 Isaiah (part 6) - The character of the servant by Ron Bailey

Topic: Isaiah
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 Jesus Christ the Heir by Ron Bailey

Topic: Heirship
Description: The Father has given all that He has to the Son. This truth is illustrated in the life of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 24. All blessing comes from right relationship to the Heir. God’s blessings are not detachable. Everything is ‘in Christ.’ The life is in the Son, he that hath the Son hath life. Is my faith in the Source or the means?
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