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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers M-R : Douglas Moo : 


Douglas Moo ( - )

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Douglas Moo in mp3 format. Douglas Moo is a New Testament scholar who, after teaching for more than twenty years at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois, has served as Blanchard Professor of New Testament at the Wheaton College Graduate School since 2000. He received his Ph.D. at the University of St. Andrews, in St. Andrews, Scotland.

He has published several theological works and commentaries on the Bible; notable among them are An Introduction to the New Testament (with D.A. Carson and Leon Morris) and A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (part of the New International Commentary on the New Testament series). His current research interests are Romans, Pauline theology (and exegesis) and environmental theology.

 (Colossians) Part Four - Col 2:6-23 by Douglas Moo

Topic: Exposition
Scripture(s): Colossians 2:6-23  
Description: Doug tackles the difficulties surrounding the text concerning baptism and seeks to understand it in its context in the chapter. Baptism is a "last act of conversion" where it is more or less a "sealing" upon our conversion. "Your Christian life needs to be directed by the transforming work of the Spirit within," he underscores, "creating the mind of Christ in you, leading you to live a life that pleases Him and honors Him."
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 (Colossians) Part One - Col 1:3-14 by Douglas Moo

Topic: Exposition
Scripture(s): Colossians 1:3-14  
Description: Douglas Moo gives a broad overview of the book of Colossians of how they were trying to fit Christ into the worldview they'd already adopted. He homes on some key thoughts in the book, such as bearing fruit and growing and God's rescue and redemption, like that in Exodus.
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 (Colossians) Part Three - Col 1:21-23; 2:6-15 by Douglas Moo

Topic: Exposition
Scripture(s): Colossians 1:21-23, Colossians 2:6-15  
Description: The message of Colossians is that you don't need to go running after spiritual truth in other places in the "religious marketplace" outside of Christ. What is a life lived in Christ look like? It's rooted in Him, built up in Him, strengthened in Him, and full in Him.
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 (Colossians) Part Two - Col 1:15-20 by Douglas Moo

Topic: Exposition
Scripture(s): Colossians 1:15-20  
Description: This section of Colossians celebrates the supremacy of Christ in creation and the new creation. All you could possibly know about God is found in Christ. He is not some "blurry, impressionistic view" of God but the exact image of the Father.
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