 Roy Hession (1908 - 1992)
Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Rolfe Barnard in mp3 format. Roy Hession was a famous post-war evangelist. He wrote many famous Christian classics including "The Calvary Road." Which is currently have currently sold over 1 million copies world-wide. Although a British evangelist, Dr. Hession has spent considerable time ministering in the States under the sponsorship of Worldwide Evangelization Crusade (Ft. Washington, Pa.). This missionary organization was founded in 1914 by C.T Studd, and was directed for many years by his son-in-law, Norman Grubb.
In 1947 Hession met leaders of the East African Church which was then experiencing a sweeping revival, and recognized his deep personal need. It was like starting the Christian life over as he came humbly to the Cross. The principles which the Lord taught him were first published in 1950 as The Calvary Road and are now available in over 70 languages! Hession's other titles include We Would See Jesus and Be Filled Now.
SermonIndex Recommends these books by Roy Hession:
We Would See Jesus: Discovering God's Provision for You in Christ by Roy Hession
Forgotten Factors of Sexual Sin: An Aid to Deeper Resistance by Roy Hession
The Calvary Road: The Way of Personal Revival by Roy Hession
| | Vine Branches by Roy Hession
Topic: True Vine Scripture(s): John 15:1-11, Psalm 80:8, Isaiah 5:2 | | Description: The Lord is the True Vine, and we are to be the branches, the Vine displays the fruit it produces through it's branches and so should we bear the fruit of the Lord Jesus. If we do not bear the fruit of the Spirit though we will compensate for it by manifesting the works of the flesh in an attempt to cover over our seperation from the True Vine. The basic fruit of the Spirit is love it is at the heart of all the other fruits, the basis for the works of the flesh is self. A great truth is revealed in this message that we do not bear fruit by asking for it but by confessing and dealing with our sin then the Lord will help us to bear fruit.
| 4188 downloads | Sermon Comments (2)
| | | | | When I See The Blood by Roy Hession
Topic: Blood Of Christ Scripture(s): Exodus 12:3-14 | | Description: Here in Exodus we read of a lamb which is never too small for any house but if it is too great the Lord commands it be shared with the stranger, it is also of note that it is lamb singular not plural. Pastor Hession shows that it was not enough for the blood of the lamb to be spilled it had to be applied and sprinkled just as we need to be covered in the blood of the Lamb who is the Lord Jesus, slain from the foundations of the world. And when God sees the blood He will 'passover' which here in the hebrew conveys a sense of God standing over us in a protective way. We also see that we cannot pin our own works to the doorposts of our hearts but on the blood of the Lamb.
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| | | When I see the Blood 3 by Roy Hession
Topic: Blood Of Christ Scripture(s): Exodus 12:3-14 | | Description: When God looks upon us He wants to see one thing, the Blood of the Lord Jesus freshly sprinkled with prayer, repentence and faith. How often though when He looks upon us He sees sin frechly commited and how it must grieve Him. Charles Finey said that 'God looks upon sin as persisting until it is repented of,' and when He sses this sin He is unable to defend us like He would desire to because of our unrepentent state. But, Hallelujah, when He sees the blood He will stand over us and protect us a face of anything that comes against whether it be sin Hell or the devil himself. The answer to our sin is not more good works but the blood of the Lord Jesus.
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