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Audio Sermons : Roy Hession : 

Roy Hession

Roy Hession (1908 - 1992)

Listen to freely downloadable audio sermons by the speaker Rolfe Barnard in mp3 format. Roy Hession was a famous post-war evangelist. He wrote many famous Christian classics including "The Calvary Road." Which is currently have currently sold over 1 million copies world-wide. Although a British evangelist, Dr. Hession has spent considerable time ministering in the States under the sponsorship of Worldwide Evangelization Crusade (Ft. Washington, Pa.). This missionary organization was founded in 1914 by C.T Studd, and was directed for many years by his son-in-law, Norman Grubb.

In 1947 Hession met leaders of the East African Church which was then experiencing a sweeping revival, and recognized his deep personal need. It was like starting the Christian life over as he came humbly to the Cross. The principles which the Lord taught him were first published in 1950 as The Calvary Road and are now available in over 70 languages! Hession's other titles include We Would See Jesus and Be Filled Now.

SermonIndex Recommends these books by Roy Hession:
We Would See Jesus: Discovering God's Provision for You in Christ by Roy Hession
Forgotten Factors of Sexual Sin: An Aid to Deeper Resistance by Roy Hession
The Calvary Road: The Way of Personal Revival by Roy Hession

 Outcome of the Income by Roy Hession

Topic: Jesus Christ
Scripture(s): John 4:5-26  
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 Revival in the Book of Ezra - Part 1 by Roy Hession

Topic: Revival
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 Revival in the Book of Ezra - Part 2 by Roy Hession

Topic: Revival
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 Revival in the Book of Ezra - Part 3 by Roy Hession

Topic: Revival
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 Revival in the Book of Ezra - Part 4 by Roy Hession

Topic: Revival
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 Revival in the Book of Ezra - Part 5 by Roy Hession

Topic: Revival
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 Spiritual Famine by Roy Hession

Topic: Spiritual Famine
Scripture(s): 2 Samuel 21, 1 Peter 2:24  
Description: "Our experience in Christ is supposed to be a land that flows with milk and honey," says Roy Hession. Hession illustrates God's ways in revival by looking at the famine that took place in David's reign and seeing the resolution, ultimately bringing our sins to Calvary and realizing that Christ has been made a curse for us by hanging upon the tree.
Sermon Comments (1)
 Still A Great Way Off (Gospel) by Roy Hession

Topic: Gospel
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 Take Heed How You Hear by Roy Hession

Topic: Warning
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 The 'No More' of Grace by Roy Hession

Topic: Grace
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 The Ark of the Covenant: Around Jericho Part III by Roy Hession

Topic: Ark Of The Covenant
Scripture(s): Joshua 6  
Description: In this sermon Roy Hession teaches us about the power of acting on faith in God. When Joshua was given instruction from God by a heavenly host to take down the walls of Jericho with a mighty shout & spare none except for Rahab & her household, it was the Israelite’s faith in God’s plan that made it a success, not the ark by itself.
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 The Ark of the Covenant: Crossing Jordan Part II by Roy Hession

Topic: Ark Of The Covenant
Description: In this sermon, Roy Hession teaches us through the story of Joshua what God’s purpose is. God simply wants to bring us out of the world, so that we might live in the Spirit.
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 The Ark of the Covenant: In Dagon’s Temple Part IV by Roy Hession

Topic: Ark Of The Covenant
Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 4  
Description: Roy Hession speaks about Israel’s defeat by the Philistines & how the Ark of the Covenant was taken & placed in the heathen temple of Dagon. The Israelites thought that by recovering the Ark that “it” would save them. They were trusting in the Ark of the Lord instead of the Lord of the Ark.
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 The Ark of the Covenant: In God’s Sanctuary Part I by Roy Hession

Topic: Ark Of The Covenant
Description: Listen to Roy Hession as he talks about the Ark of the Covenant. What did the ark & tabernacle that God commanded Moses to build mean to Israel? Why did he ask Moses to build it?
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 The Blood of Christ by Roy Hession

Topic: Blood Of Christ
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 The Burnt Offering by Roy Hession

Topic: Burnt Offering
Scripture(s): Genesis 22:7-8, Hebrews 11:17-19, Leviticus 1:3-4  
Description: Here in Genesis we read of the Lord testing Abrahams faith, which is confirmed in Hebrews 11. Isaac was to be the burnt offering which would produce a sweet smelling savour to the Lord, we see him here in the place of the lamb that bows his head instead of stiffening his neck. Pastor Hession shows there are 3 key sayings in these verses, 1: Where is the Lamb? when we are stubborn and self willed where are the lamb like qualities in us that marked the life of our Lord? 2: God will provide Himself a Lamb, this He did in the form of his Son, the Lord Jesus, Who was the only One Who could offer up a sweet smelling savour to God. 3: He shall be accepted for Him, here is the wonder of His substitution for us that God credits to us the sweet savour that ascended up from Calvary.
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 The Disciple who loved Jesus and the One Jesus Loved by Roy Hession

Topic: Disciple
Scripture(s): John 21, Matthew 26:31  
Description: Roy Hession points out the difference between being a disciple who loves Jesus (i.e., Peter) versus one loved by Jesus (i.e., John). When our relationship to the Lord is like Peter, the self appointed leader, not a sheep among sheep, God will allow us to fall and fail. The last 10 minutes starts a new sermon "Forgiven Much or Forgiven Little" in which Hession contrasts two classes of Christians out of Luke chapter 7.
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 The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved by Roy Hession

Topic: Disciple
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 The Exodus - From Egypt to Canaan - Sermon 1 of 5 by Roy Hession

Topic: Exodus
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 The Exodus - From Egypt to Canaan - Sermon 2 of 5 by Roy Hession

Topic: Exodus
Description: nil
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